

Avatar of War Slayer
WEB rip is out. The first episode was pretty boring, I found myself fast forwarding through scenes. But who has high expectations anyway?


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
that was pretty good. got to see some censored tits, introduced to a few new characters, new crime emerging, and the "reveal" at the end. solid. debra gunna die.


Molten Core Raider
It was a good opener, but man did they have to waste 15min on the goddamn recap


Molten Core Raider
Oh, and I guess this was Harrison's big screen time before he goes missing until the last episode.


Vyemm Raider
Anyone else think the end was a dream sequence at first? Heh. Well that can certainly be fun...

I'm assuming she helped Harry come up with the code. And I STILL think Matthews is in on it too, dammit.


Molten Core Raider
Anyone else think the end was a dream sequence at first? Heh. Well that can certainly be fun...

I'm assuming she helped Harry come up with the code. And I STILL think Matthews is in on it too, dammit.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Anyone else think the end was a dream sequence at first? Heh. Well that can certainly be fun...

I'm assuming she helped Harry come up with the code. And I STILL think Matthews is in on it too, dammit.
Solid theory. It would also make a lot of sense, since I imagine Harry would have tried to seek advice/assistance once he began to suspect that Dexter would have psychopathic tendencies. Dexter/The Code could be an experiment in a manner of speaking.


Molten Core Raider
If that's the case then they went full retard.

This was a good ep if it was season 3 or 4.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
3,743 should be season 3-4 at least...throwing her like that for the last season....


Musty Nester
Pretty sure Matthews was in on it, they hinted around it kinda hard last season. At the least he knew and didn't stop it, if he wasn't directly involved. Adding a character for it, well I mean whatever. Somebody probably helped Harry and now we have a face.

Final Season: Dexter meets his God.

The big general gripe I have with the show is the keep harping on "Dexter has no emotions, Dexter has no empathy" but he obviously has both. There is a difference between sociopath and psychopath, an important difference. But they kinda use them as synonyms and it just muddles the character and the story. Playing with that is fine for maybe a season or two, but it's been the entire run.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
They stuck to the "no emotions, no empathy" thing for the first couple seasons and it was great seeing him fake them, but they clearly forgot about it as the show progressed. At this point he seems less like a psychopath/sociopath and more like someone suffering from ass burgers.

Oh well, I'm pretty sure no one is expecting amazing writing at this point. Much like the final season of Lost, we're all just watching because we've invested so much time and want to see how it ends.


A nice asshole.
Dexter has always shown emotion, mostly anger when some one messes with him or his family but it has always been there, the difference now is he is losing himself, becoming more human etc.

Great first episode minus the nitpicks of Deb telling him to go while still on the phone with 911 and no one texts anymore all of a sudden. With out his super nanny he is clearly a danger to his kid. Since the show started with Dexter being a complete fuck up I can see this season ending with him staring at the camera with zero emotion and stabbing random killer on his table(maybe even age him a few decades). This is of course after everything he currently loves is stripped from him via a tragedy, seeing Dexter have no choice but to return to his cold calculated ways would also be a fitting end.

Dexter being captured already or found out for the finale/redemption story is almost too obvious, this show always surprises me so I can't wait to see what happens.


Vyemm Raider
The big general gripe I have with the show is the keep harping on "Dexter has no emotions, Dexter has no empathy" but he obviously has both. There is a difference between sociopath and psychopath, an important difference. But they kinda use them as synonyms and it just muddles the character and the story. Playing with that is fine for maybe a season or two, but it's been the entire run.
She doesn't know this though, to her Dexter is just a tool. And in some ways Harry probably saw him that way too, since he got into the whole mess to begin with because of his disgust for criminals that get away with it.

As far as how he's changed.. well, what can change the nature of a man?

Go play Planescape: Torment

Maybe the season will be about her finding out that Dexter isn't some heartless killing machine. Maybe she starts out using him but winds up helping "cure" him? Which will then get tossed out when something happens to Deb or Harrison or Miranda SweetAss. Or maybe she simply represents the true evil behind it all - the person who manipulated Harry/Dexter for her own ends isntead of helping him NOT be a psycho killer. Lots of ways they can go, hope it doesn't suck.


Musty Nester
You know what would be great? And I really mean it, I'm not being sarcastic at all. If they put a Fight Club twist on this thing and the big reveal is that Dexter never actually existed. It's been all Deborah the entire time, the entire series is nothing but a glimpse into her completely fucked up insanity. She's like this retarded kid that comes into work and all the cops are nice to her and humor her just because her Dad was a local hero.

I would enjoy the shit out of that. They just Chewbacca defense their own series right at the tag end. The final scene is Deborah wearing a bicycle helmet and running full speed into a wall. The end credits start with the line, "Fuck we don't know either. It's been fun, guys!"


Blackwing Lair Raider
The big general gripe I have with the show is the keep harping on "Dexter has no emotions, Dexter has no empathy" but he obviously has both.
I wish they would go back to that and stick to it. Dexter being emotionless is my favorite part of the show and it's all but gone.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Even the Joker started to develop feelings at one point. Then he realized he didn't like that and tried to off Harley ;p


DID THE NANNY GET NAKED? I watched a web rip and it said something like "subscribe to Showtime to see what you're missing" while censoring her. It also had curse words bleeped. Why is no one talking about this? I DEMAND SATISFACTION


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
DID THE NANNY GET NAKED? I watched a web rip and it said something like "subscribe to Showtime to see what you're missing" while censoring her. It also had curse words bleeped. Why is no one talking about this? I DEMAND SATISFACTION
She was nekkid yes while she was riding Quinn. Only her ass showed, but her tits were covered by her hair, iirc.