Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


Lord Nagafen Raider
Any other WDs have thoughts on HT Garg vs Jade?

Answered my own question RE: HT Garg vs Jade. Jade feels way too button mash-y and less effective/survivable than HT Garg. Not buying into the Jade hype.


<Silver Donator>
The guy has Hellgate: London on his resume too, no?
Yes and Mythos which was never finished I think, and then he worked for a while on actually turning it around for Marvel Heroes(until they turned it back to where it's heading now as he left).

Anyway could mean jackshit really and he's just trolling or whatever on his twitter.

Mudcrush Durtfeet

Hungry Ogre
So for giggles, I did a full clear of the campaign on T13. Being old school gamer, full clear meant reveal all the maps, do all the dungeons, kill everything, click all the chests/bodies/whatever, and pick up all the loot. This included Whimsyshire or Whimsydale, I forget which (using the staff).

What I got:
153.680M XP.
3.118M Gold.
2238 Reusable parts. 1075 Arcane dust. 893 Veiled crystals. 815 Death's Breaths. 118 Forgotten Souls.
20 Marquise amethysts. 3 Imperial amethysts.
32 Marquise diamonds. 3 Imperial diamonds.
37 Marquise emeralds. 1 Imperial emerald.
37 Marquise rubies. 2 Imperial rubies.
26 Marquise topaz. 1 Imperial Topaz.

I killed 17 treasure goblins.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I feel the compulsive need to explore every corner of Diablo maps, even though that has ALWAYS been bad practice.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I did not even finish the stash space for S7 (although I could have if I put a few days into it) and will skip S8. People will come back for a single season of new but won't stay longer than that because what's the point of a reset when there's nothing further to add?


I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
My dream still for a followup to Diablo 3 is somewhat already done in Heroes of the Stom - mixing of all their properties, but add a campaign and the rift mechanics, etc.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Why would they add a ton of IP confusion into Diablo4? That doesn't make any sense to me. I'd just look back on what made D2 so good and iterate on what PoE did for the genre. PoE is a good game but far from perfect and could really benefit from some Blizzard polish.


Trakanon Raider
My dream still for a followup to Diablo 3 is somewhat already done in Heroes of the Stom - mixing of all their properties, but add a campaign and the rift mechanics, etc.
Basically Marvel Heroes with Blizzard quality polish ?

PoE is awesome, but sadly what makes it awesome are the design elements Blizzard will never put it into a game, like the trading, limited respec or the map system.


I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
More or less, yeah. Demons using rifts impact more than just the usual haunts, broken through to other realities, heroes rising up to repel them. Expansion pitting the Zerg against the forces of hell causing us to ally with a resurgent Diablo to preserve the natural order of things, etc. Protagonists/Antagonists from each of Blizzards properties in the mix.
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Bronze Knight of the Realm
Basically Marvel Heroes with Blizzard quality polish ?

PoE is awesome, but sadly what makes it awesome are the design elements Blizzard will never put it into a game, like the trading, limited respec or the map system.

The trading in PoE sucks ass. If it wasn't for poe.trade the game would be unplayable. I could see them basically reusing the D3 AH and ripping out the RMT aspect of it. But how I'd imagine Blizzard would tackle it would be:

No shared passive tree, each class gets their own tree (I'd actually probably see them iterate out of a massive passive tree)
No gemming skills (which the depth of this is way overblown by PoE it is basically "pick your skill and 5 socket support it")
Removal of masters

But the currency, mapping and overall itemization seems within Blizzard's wheelhouse.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I think "tons" is a dramatic overstatement. Prior to selling integration and you had to use forum threads to list the pool of sellers was pretty small and you could say "tons" didn't sell their items. But most everyone who plays the game in anything beyond hardcore super ultra casual (in other words anyone who steps foot in a map) is probably buying at least their low-chaos entry level res gear off poe.trade.


Trakanon Raider
What? The game is easily playable without ever trading a single thing, ever... In fact, there are tons of people who play solo self-found only.
Until the recent expansion, you would be right, but Shaper is pretty tough nut to crack solo self-found.

T Tenks Masters are one iteration away from being good, right now they are way too hacked in to be fun. They way the whole game interacts with the currencies is something I don't see Blizzard ever doing. You can easily roll maps that are impossible to do for your character, brick your gear into uselessness if RNG is not on your side, it is simply on a whole another level unlike the D3 rerolls. Hell, you can spec CI without having gear basically bricking your character unless you have respec points. I know these issues are easy to avoid, but Blizzard has a lot of success with designing around the biggest idiot.


<Silver Donator>
Shaper isn't really necessary content though, just like Uber Atziri. And there are a bunch of builds who can kill him, albeit slowly, with relatively low item investment. Especially with essences letting you self craft better gear, it really wouldn't be impossible, although on HC it'd be really tough if you were to go at it self found for sure(and there's also a good chance you're dying before you even attempt him to random bullshit somewhere).

I mean sure a lot of the kills you'll see of Shaper use Vinktar and 12k ES to make it trivial, but doesn't mean it can't be done with way lower stuff. Especially summon based builds(either actual summons or totems) can kill him relatively easily and safely with low item investment(especially if you go with some poison in there since he's not immune to it, but you'd have issues with Hydra if your build was entirely reliant on poison). I think I saw some poison bladefall mines/trap shit too get a kill early on that looked fairly easy.


Trakanon Raider
When he sits at the end of the map progression with a quest tied to him that chills in your quest log forever, I think the game expects you to kill him. Uber Atziri is hidden behind the normal Atziri grind and until you find one of the fragments, there's not even a clue she exists.


Lord Nagafen Raider
So back to Diablo...

Season 8 gift sets are:
Barbarian – Immortal King’s Call
Crusader – Seeker of the Light
Demon Hunter – Natalya’s Vengeance
Monk – Uliana’s Stratagem
Witch Doctor – Spirit of Arachyr
Wizard – Vyr’s Amazing Arcana

Give your thoughts on which class set will get you the furthest the fastest/easiest.