Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Were you doing key runs? I can't see how a rend/hota build would be faster when it's lacking 60% run speed.

Just looked at your profile. Did you max your run speed? Tornados spawn based on distance traveled during the three seconds.
I'd rather cut my dick off than do MP0 XP runs. I was doing MP5 key/xp/loot runs. I believe when I actually tested I was comparing how quickly I could do an Act1 MP5 key run. Most of my time was spent twirling around like a jackass for a few minutes.


<Bronze Donator>
Key runs might the one area where rend/hota is faster because the emphasis is on finding 5 elites and a keywarden asap. Double nado is at a disadvantage here, especially in A1, because the mob density blows. It's really hard to maintain wrath while just running around looking for elites(don't bother killing trash). And I've even had sprint fall off because of long empty areas.

I'm hoping you didn't try double nado on MP0. With your gear, that's a bit too low for that build.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'd rather cut my dick off than do MP0 XP runs. I was doing MP5 key/xp/loot runs. I believe when I actually tested I was comparing how quickly I could do an Act1 MP5 key run. Most of my time was spent twirling around like a jackass for a few minutes.
Ww really starts to shine when you hit the 7.5 tick breakpoint and 24% ms. No barb build really comes close. The biggest downside is that it is really group unfriendly. When you get used to run like the wind every other build feels painfully slow.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
While farming for the Machine recipe I actually had a real upgrade drop. The Immortal helm dropped for me which had a little higher strength and more importantly an 84 Vitality attached to it. That save me 20 mil or so...


Silver Knight of the Realm
Another awesome thing in 1.0.7, NV stacks travel with you after completing an act.
If it only works after completing an act it seems like it won't help much since that means you have to start from the first quest of the next act (which no one will want to do). If it works after leaving the game and re-entering at your selected point, then it will be a good change.


If it only works after completing an act it seems like it won't help much since that means you have to start from the first quest of the next act (which no one will want to do). If it works after leaving the game and re-entering at your selected point, then it will be a good change.
True, I guess I was mainly thinking act3->4.


If anyone's trying to buy back in, I have a full DH that absolutely owns runs. Don't have much time for hardcore gaming right now. This includes gear tailored to speed clearing and the set for cluster bomb stomping anyone else's DPS on ubers (beat out paragon 100 wizards on damage).

Gear comes with spec, explaination and coaching so you don't have to sift through forums or read comments from idiots
. I consider this being worth at least the 15% I'd lose from the Blizz AH.

PM me!


Shit Lord Supreme
fucking 60 bucks for a game none of my friends played a month after it came out, fuck that jazz.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So this is a must read for people wanting to play a ww barb:


I re-did my weapons for 5 million total (each was 2.5 million) and added about 140,000 effective dps. If I can squeeze another 18% ias into my gear without dropping any other stats that would add another 120k dps.



Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
I posted a bit earlier about how my account was hacked and suspended. After sending Blizzard support a photo of my ID, they gave me access to my account again.
I expected to find my characters stripped of gear, and was prepared to request a restore. However, after logging in I find that my gear is actually improved and I have 3 million gold I did not have when I quit playing. All my gear has +gold find, so I assume whoever accessed my account was using it for botting. This is much better than I expected to come back to.
Jesus! You should try and find out how they got your account details so the rest of us can give it a tr... I mean avoid it :p


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Nice to see them buffing classes to equalize, rather than nerfing classes. I have no idea what "Wave of Light" is, but DAMN at the DPS output of that monk ability now. Have to think there are many a shelved monk that are happy with those changes.


Trakanon Raider
Blizzard seems like goto choice now for poor wizards, nothing easier than grabbing 3 defensive abilities and just running around until everything dies. Orb+Temporal Flux might also be decent, simply because you can load up on defense.


Molten Core Raider
any good sites to find some good info on how to build up a monk? i havent played mine in forever never really got into him, looking for something that would kinda work as an outline, like how much dex/crit/ias etc should i look to balance.

Or if anyone monk gurus here wanna share some info.


I found out that if you have shitty gear like me (MP0 is challenging) then it doesn't really matter, I ended up finishing inferno with frost spec just because I could kite everything and not die (too much). Now if I want to have another goal, then it probably means Hellfire ring ? Which means I have to spend like 5-10M which I don't have to get to the gear level necessary to keep farming. Blizzard hates fun
Actually wizards have VERY low requirements for MP4-5 KeyFarm, or MP6-7 UberFarm, as long as you are tanky enough CM/WW provides enough dps to kill everything (sooner or later) and you're a stunbot anyway.
Get a Chantadoo's with LOH, and some crit/resists/ias and you're done, no need for insane stats, even 60kdps is enough.

However they are not that flexible, unless you have a trillion gold in gear, it's down to :
Farm XP : Archon or Chain Lightning (in prefer the second due to the flexibility) with ultra low MP.
Farm Key/Uber : Critical Mass at MP4+

Sadly our 2 best spell combos : ArcaneDynamo+FrostRay & TapSource+ArcaneOrb dont work