Diablo 3 - Reaper of Souls


Trakanon Raider
Guess I was very wrong in that they ARE killing the ah. I thought their cut from rmah was larger then extra sales this change would make, their accountants obviously disagreed.

Can anyone clarify on whether when the ah is being turned off (march 18) is before, during, or after the expansion's release?
I think it will be the day are planning to release the expansion parity patch, which should include loot 2.0, nothing else makes much sense. Coincidentally, it's Tuesday...


Blizzard design philosophy: Roll out a game with dog shit loot, thus enabling massive revenue based around the fact most players don't want to poopsock for 12 hours a day just to get a shot at a decent item, and will instead opt to purchase said good items on the auction house from players and/or bots who do have the will to mash buttons non-stop for that length of time with real currency. Then, when shit hits the fan, do everything in your power to create the illusion that you're improving the game, all the while planning beneath the visage a console version that costs exactly the same, requires no additional investment (aside from XBL - lol you dumb mother fuckers who bought something from Microsoft), and splooges tailor made loot at you as if you were participating in a bukkake porno. Following all this, you then release an expansion that relieves all the issues with loot by implementing the same system present in the console version, ONLY you don't allow that system to access the auction house but instead create an 'offline' mode available where the new rules will be instituted. In the end, after every orifice has been fucked raw and bled dry will the wounds be allowed to heal and the duct tape at the end of the consumer's dick removed so they can finally cum. Everyone gets what they want in the end, but Blizzard eats first, bitches.
Quoting myself for posterity. Was a little off-base about the offline mode. Ladder seems to be the answer for that, though.


Lord Nagafen Raider
So I'll go against the grain and say I'm sad they are killing the AHs, especially the GAH. I traded in D2 and it was a time-consuming slog. The AH isn't inherently evil IMO, it sucked because itemization and (initially) game difficulty made it almost mandatory.

Being able to conveniently trade items in a marketplace doesn't necessarily ruin a game. The Bazaar in EQ was way better than /auc in EC tunnel all fucking day.


I don't think the issue is with the ease of use of the auction house or even the RMAH; it's the fact that it makes gold more valuable than the items themselves. Everything is determined by gold value, and just like real life money those values are arbitrary. The system doesn't fit in with the mechanics of the game. The developers say as much in the little video blurb. Diablo is about killing monsters for the chance at items. Not farming monsters for gold, or spending real world currency, in order to purchase items. The whole gold system is dumb. It costs more to convert gems up than it does to buy them straight from the AH already converted. The skyrocketing inflation destroys the value of gold and thus the items'. In the new system an item will be valuable because it's worthwhile and effective, not because it's rare and rolled perfect stats. That will still be a factor, and there will still be a premium on an item with +3% more ATK speed or whatever, but it won't amount to 200million more gold. The whole system is wonky unless you're willing to fork over real life dollars, and then it becomes completely pointless. Basically it's a perpetual self-destructive system that alienates new players and makes it seem impossible to ever acquire really awesome items unless you get lucky or spend real world currency.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I liked the GAH and I liked getting money back on the RMAH, depending on loot 2.0 I may or may not miss it though. If I still HAVE to go out trading/3rd-party-shopping then that will suck. Based on the console version feedback I doubt that would 'fee' very needed though.


Molten Core Raider
So you can no longer trade with other players? How is the AH different (beyond the obvious convenience factor) than trading through third party websites or spamming chat? Because it takes 1000x more work to do the exact same thing, therefore most (sane) people won't bother with it?
Friends and I discussed this a lot regarding Path of Exile.The key issue is that an AH forces the dev team to balance content for players utilizing the AH. Thus, no one feels particularly powerful unless they aren't absolutely equipping themselves off the AH. Found items = gold, nothing more. The odds of a player individually finding himself an upgrade becomes very low.

Remove centralized trading and now the dev team is free to balance content to what players find on their own. People who go out of their way to trade via third-party means or social activity will still see a benefit, but the player base as a whole will run weaker gear but content can be normalized to a non-global trading playerbase.

PoE didn't execute this very well; my non-trading friends hate how cockblocked they feel in end-game content... while people who trade see none of the problems. There ought to be a happy medium here.

EDIT: Some of the best memories I have from D1/D2 are finding fantastic items for my friends. Since none of us bothered to trade via third party means (and the game didn't compel us), we routinely would stash items for other people's builds.


I just recently started playing again, mostly with a friend on HC but I hop on my monk every now and then. Is 2h monk viable? I don't havethe best of gearbut I think I could pull off 2hand farming in inferno. I had a lot of fun with it on my hc monk before I hit a lagspike and died


It dawned on me

If trying to get a good hellfire ring will be anything like getting a good legendary

It will have be many times easier to get full uber shit (that people want) with the AH than with the new system

Who knows!


Trakanon Raider
EDIT: Some of the best memories I have from D1/D2 are finding fantastic items for my friends. Since none of us bothered to trade via third party means (and the game didn't compel us), we routinely would stash items for other people's builds.
This behavior is one of the things that the AH kills. When I or friends I play with find a decent drop, I feel like I need to sell it to further equip myself. With no auction house, instead I'll just toss the item to a friend and not think twice. Such a great change.

You could make the argument that items still have value through trading on other websites, but I've never went through the bother of that with d2, nor will I with d3 I expect. Trading with friends is enough for me, and that's how I imagine most people will play in 2.0.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
I didnt expect this at all, totally out of the blue. I'm happy about it though. Auction houses were one of the things I wanted most for D3 before it came out, but the design decisions that went in alongside *because* of the AH killed it for me.

I am going to buy the expansion for sure (I was going to with AHs too). Really random levels, endless paragon levels, and fixed itemization are the big bullet points for me. That they remove the AH is a plus in my eyes (obviously it has downsides, but for me its positive sum). My last wish would be an okay or better story and only pushing it into your face on the first playthrough, give me the freedom to move about the acts like I want after I've cleared the difficulty at least.

Endless paragon levels and truly randomized levels are hard to fuck up, so the long term replay value for me hinges on loot 2.0. The guy that put in charge to fix Jay's mess is doing great so far, I am looking forward to how he is going to fix loot design (console version hasnt fixed it, just replaced the AH with more/better loot of the same boring variety).


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The item loot change will have to be something akin to the second coming for this to be effective.

The AH was actually another game in itself that a surprising many people enjoyed. I liked the real money idea because it gave a person a chance to perhaps occasionally get lucky(Sold something for 30 Dollars 3 weeks ago), but still have fun playing the game. It was a game within a game. Now we will just have the game. I will probably stop playing once I clear my barbarian and just sell the gold before the AH crashes. The content has never been that great because there has never been that much variety. Hopefully the expansion brings the endless dungeon. That is the only reason I will play after March.

Well at least "Hex , Shards of Fate" starts its open Alpha in two weeks or so.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I thought someone said this 2.0 loot patch is Tuesday, but I thought it was coming with the expansion and the AH removal would be then as well.

I just popped in here after getting an email from Blizzard about the AH. I haven't paid any attention to the game since like last year.


Trakanon Raider
I'm sure if you made money on the RMAH this might be a change you're sad about - if you see the diablo 3 expansions as time to cash in working 80 hours a week for 500 bucks. But at the core of the game you should be able to group with your buddies - go kill bosses and see at least 1 or 2 upgrades across the party in a night. You could play for a week with your friends and never see an upgrade in the current system. And 99.99999% of the shit you looted was complete shit. Half of the awesomeness of a game like diablo is that they could have made a shit load of items with unique effects that were game changing and fun AND you can actually loot them yourself.

I'm amazed this change was made. I might actually play the expansion now.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Handing the economy back to 3rd party sites and scammers seems awful. The AH wasn't the problem, itemization was the problem.


I don't know, to me the AH was a big part of the problem. When the optimal path to advancement isn't playing the game but camping the AH, something is wrong.