Diablo III - Ultimate Evil Edition


Lord Nagafen Raider
Rerolled a witch doctor and got her up to level 26 last night in one play through. Initially I wasn't a fan of the AoE targeting in the console version. It's not like you have a mouse to hover over the area where you want to drop the AoE spell. You just have to make sure you're facing the mobs you want to cast a spell on. I find the console version better than the PC version. I really like you can actually trade items with other players (friends) via mail system. I don't know why they didn't have this in the PC version to begin with. By the way anyone has any caster items they are not using I could use them.
Although I haven't rolled a caster yet, I've made a DH and aiming is a bit difficult to get used to. Although the dodging/rolling mechanic is cool, I find myself hardly using it because of how it's mapped onto the right analog stick. I'd much rather have an aiming function there and it'd be much more intuitive to have that there in the first place if you played any fps's on console.

So I had my controller randomly start vibrating and it turns out that that is a signal for a nemesis about to spawn.
The music is different too. I think it starts with some trumpets or some shit in the beginning.


<Silver Donator>
Ah. Have my PS4 hooked up to a PC monitor while i'm doing some at home training so dont have sound on. Also got my ring of the royal grandeur on my DH =P.

Also if anyone needs a couple marquis rubys to help getting started let me know.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Can Ps3 play with Ps4? Xbox One with Xbox 360? Or is it split 4 ways per console?
Found the answer, and it is no. All 4 are separate, however it seems you can port a 360 D3 player, to a Ps4 player, or ps3 to X1, but that switch is permanent.


Ok first off thanks everyone for sharing the loot it was very nice.

Ok so like my Crusader had stats buffed from a lvl 18 Red Gem I put on his main weapon. His DPS at lvl 20 went from like 300 to 1900 or something with the damage bonus. Well today I logged in and the damage is back to 300 but Green along with armor and health. Also his Armor is like fucking insane something 20,000 or something where before no way it was that high.

Nothing I do can get it to go back. My wizard and wife's monk are sitting pretty at 2500 @ lvl 20ish with no issues and the stat page Damage / Armor / Health numbers is all normal white colored. The inventory/stat page for my Crusader with Damage / Armor / Health is all colored green. My damage should be much higher but the gem is not working like it is on the others. No clue whats going on but it sure is a bug.

Anyone have this happen? Thanks in advance!


Molten Core Raider
Meh; worked 55 hours already in the first 4 days this week and after tomorrow's full day I'm ready to kick back and play either this or Disgae 4 remake for Vita. I'm playing Smite pretty religiously for my source of gaming entertainment but I miss some level of lootitang gathering. Disgaea series is one of my top all time 3 series/games and I loved it on the PS3 so I know I'd enjoy vita. On the other hand I think I'd enjoy ps controller vs computer....I had quit my D3 on PC because I figured it would take to much time from trying to learn Smite (slow but surely getting it down, promo for silver 1 tonight) but I need something to supplement.

Thoughts....I love the idea that you can trade items. Is the game include level 70 or just 60? Trading with friends would make gearing a lot less frustrating to some extent I could see. Oh decisions decisions. Smart play is probably just enjoy some Disgaea and keep my training on Smite going inbetween the retarded amount of hours I work and lifting/work outs but the loot treadmill does have its appeals


Lord Nagafen Raider
I feel like a total nub askin this but are plans automatically learned? I got a drop for Born's (Bjorn's?) something or other and I can't see it in my inventory nor anywhere on my blacksmith.


I feel like a total nub askin this but are plans automatically learned? I got a drop for Born's (Bjorn's?) something or other and I can't see it in my inventory nor anywhere on my blacksmith.
Should be in your inventory in the top slot of the spot your potions, gems and bs supplies are in (or it's in the BS slot)


Patterns (both BS, and JC) are found in the gems/potions/gifts/crafting materials tab. Look for the one that looks like an anvil, they are found in there.

Got my monk to 70 yesterday, and my barb is about to hit 70 (probs tomorrow)


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Hah, I'm slacking hard. Doing expert from the start and only nearing Butcher at this point.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yep yep yep, that's what I was missing. Even remember seeing that section of inventory early on and thinking "I'm prolly gonna forget about this later."


Vyemm Raider
Monk hit 70, rolled a DH for shits n giggles. Feel free to join me anytime you see me on. I'm always down to group up. (Monk is T2 groupable, T1 solo) DH is only 40ish.

Ran a Rift with my roommate last night. He got 3 set pieces and like 3 legendaries...I got like 2 gifts for other players lol.


Molten Core Raider
Killed Elderanarchy84's Nemisis. Not sure what youll get but its in the mail.

Those nemesis things are no joke


Toe Sucker
That reminds me, do you not get any bonuses on hard/expert like the original console? you only got exp bonuses and shit on master or higher


First off Begaro dude wtf. I keep getting repeatedly attacked by some ass raping nemesis of yours at seriously the worst fucking times ever. I only get yours lol. Killed it twice and just died on Torment to one during a 5 elite chain pull.

Also anyone got a twinked out 30/40 that can do Torment? Master is not enough for my gemmed out studmuffin of a Crusader.


That reminds me, do you not get any bonuses on hard/expert like the original console? you only got exp bonuses and shit on master or higher
Tons better from master to torment. Night and day difference with loot and exp. many more "actual" upgrades.

Wtf you guys must be getting nice drops. Im afraid to go to torment without a full set of legendary items
Don't worry my crusader Opus Dei will carry you to lands of Phat Lewtz.