Do you know first hand anyone who has been proven to test positive for Covid-19?

Do you know first hand anyone who has been proven to test positive for Covid-19?

  • Yes

    Votes: 60 39.7%
  • No

    Votes: 91 60.3%

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Trakanon Raider
My grandmother's husband died from it last week in a nursing home. He was 93.

Or maybe he died because he was already 93 and the nursing home wanted coronabux. Either way thats what they put on his death cert I'm told.
Yeah - it's great for business to tell everybody that coronavirus is rampant through their facility. Huge incentives for lying about it.
No, there is no reason to lie about it. No "bonus," just increased business costs now and moving forward and horrible advertising for future residents.


Trakanon Raider
You can get pissed all you want but still have only provided bullshit hearsay.

Do I need to administer the fucking test? Nothing will be good enough for your poorly formed mind.

His 94 year old wife informed my rotary club about the how and why of his death -good enough for me.

My colleague is not allowed back to work until cleared by the company - good enough for me.
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Yeah - it's great for business to tell everybody that coronavirus is rampant through their facility. Huge incentives for lying about it.
No, there is no reason to lie about it. No "bonus," just increased business costs now and moving forward and horrible advertising for future residents.

I mean it's a straight up fact that hospitals and nursing homes are being compensated up to an additional $39k per patient with a Covid diagnosis so no reason to play coy.
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Tranny Chaser
What is it you want to know, BoozeCube BoozeCube ? I can’t very well reveal confidential ptt info, nor my coworkers.

We admit, treat and try to keep anyone with symptoms alive. We test at admittance. Some come bc they’ve tested positive at their gp/test tents. If they’re stable they go to the ward. If resp. Insuff. they go with me to the icu. Most get sedated and intubated, ventilator. Depending on subtype we can do something or not. Those with ards are the hardest to keep alive, especially with comorbid. We also see a different subtype with better lung compliance where we stand a chance to not lose them.
Coworkers got it, tested postitive, probably infected at work, but could be rl, or from asymptomatic ptt, nobody knows. Shortness of breath, fever, desat <95 in young healthy, althletic, early 30’s males. Quarentine with their family, both made it, but say it was the worst they’ve experience They’re both back at work, but weak, muscles, can’t do 18-24h shifts bc fatigued. Been a month or so for number 2 iirc. I’ve stayed clear so far, but who knows. Ab test for me is pending.

Nationwide lockdown has helped, flattened the curve, almost no covid-19 ptt in the icu or wards atm. We de-converted emergency ventilator wards back to elective surgery and regular wards, business as usual. Hope we don’t get a rebound.
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Do I need to administer the fucking test? Nothing will be good enough for your poorly formed mind.

His 94 year old wife informed my rotary club about the how and why of his death -good enough for me.

My colleague is not allowed back to work until cleared by the company - good enough for me.

Oh so you don't know first hand you heard it from his wife.. Thanks for playing. Once again another retard who needs to bow the fuck out.
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Trakanon Raider
I mean it's a straight up fact that hospitals and nursing homes are being compensated up to an additional $39k per patient with a Covid diagnosis so no reason to play coy.
Oh look, Boozecube doesn't understand the business consequences of failing your residents. Big surprise.

Nobody wants to have the label of having coronavirus deaths in their facility. Nobody. Admitting it is failure.


Trakanon Raider
Oh so you don't know first hand you heard it from his wife.. Thanks for playing. Once again another retard who needs to bow the fuck out.
He's dead so can't tell us you cold-hearted asshole.
This isn't a court of law.
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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
What is it you want to know, BoozeCube BoozeCube ? I can’t very well reveal confidential ptt info, nor my coworkers.

We admit, treat and try to keep anyone with symptoms alive. We test at admittance. Some come bc they’ve tested positive at their gp/test tents. If they’re stable they go to the ward. If resp. Insuff. they go with me to the icu. Most get sedated and intubated, ventilator. Depending on subtype we can do something or not. Those with ards are the hardest to keep alive, especially with comorbid. We also see a different subtype with better lung compliance where we stand a chance to not lose them.
Coworkers got it, tested postitive, probably infected at work, but could be rl, or from asymptomatic ptt, nobody knows. Shortness of breath, fever, desat <95 in young healthy, althletic, early 30’s males. Quarentine with their family, both made it, but say it was the worst they’ve experience They’re both back at work, but weak, muscles, can’t do 18-24h shifts bc fatigued. Been a month or so for number 2 iirc. I’ve stayed clear so far, but who knows. Ab test for me is pending.

Nationwide lockdown has helped, flattened the curve, almost no covid-19 ptt in the icu or wards atm. We de-converted emergency ventilator wards back to elective surgery and regular wards, business as usual. Hope we don’t get a rebound.

You are correct, I can't expect anyone for reveal any confidential information about anyone. It's a difficult question to ask which again is why I am asking for people with direct first hand knowledge of course. Dicknuts over here with his 95 year old bridge clubs wifes info doesn't know what first hand means. I am trying to better gauge even within the community how many have actually come across actual documented not bullshit cases, and so far that number is remaining rather low.
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Vyemm Raider
My wife's coworker tested positive, also a friend of my father, whom I also know, died while in hospital with covid (he was in his 70's)
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Tranny Chaser
Our system is a public health care one. We don’t get compensation as such for every covid-19 diagnosis. We’d rather noody had it, since it sucks treating it, and is rather shitty for those that die to die alone (with us) and not with their loved ones. Say goodbye on facetime doesn’t quite cut it. I’m fairly certain italy has a similar system.

Maybe you should make a different poll more like ‘do you think monetizing healthcare makes the healthcare system and providers want to keep status-infecticus?’
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I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue.
SO what I've gotten out of this thread so far is that HOAX FLU.
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Millie's Staff Member
my ex bootycall had no reason to lie to me when i asked how she was. though she gave no details about it. my ex fiance's sis might have been virtue signalling on facebook. neither have shown me their medical records.
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I am not going to post a certificate or anything, but my great uncle (72 - COPD, history of alcohol abuse) passed away 'due to complications involving COVID-19'. He thought he had a cold, came down with a brutal flu (shakes, high fever spikes, lethargy), stayed away from the hospital for 8 days, on the 9th day he went in, was arguing against being ventilated despite his lungs (supposedly) sounding like water balloons - he was on the other side of the state, so I did not get a chance to get to the hospital, two days later he was dead.
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Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
Co-worker had it in late March. So did his wife. A bunch of us were quarantined until his tests came back and it was noted that he couldn't have been a carrier before the lockdown began, so the rest of us were safe.
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Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Yeah - it's great for business to tell everybody that coronavirus is rampant through their facility. Huge incentives for lying about it.
No, there is no reason to lie about it. No "bonus," just increased business costs now and moving forward and horrible advertising for future residents.

Or maybe they just took shitty care of him and blamed it on the corona to shift the blame


Blackwing Lair Raider
I mean it's a straight up fact that hospitals and nursing homes are being compensated up to an additional $39k per patient with a Covid diagnosis so no reason to play coy.

I can tell you as a physician who has been the primary on the COVID floor team there has been absolutely ZERO push at my hospital on the docs to overdiagnose/misdiagnose COVID to increase reimbursement. If it’s suspected we order the test and it’s either positive the next day or negative and that’s it. This would be a very simple thing for an insurance company to audit and let me tell you they are very, very good at deciding not to pay for stuff like this.
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Marine Biologist
<Bronze Donator>
I can tell you as a physician who has been the primary on the COVID floor team there has been absolutely ZERO push at my hospital on the docs to overdiagnose/misdiagnose COVID to increase reimbursement. If it’s suspected we order the test and it’s either positive the next day or negative and that’s it. This would be a very simple thing for an insurance company to audit and let me tell you they are very, very good at deciding not to pay for stuff like this.

this anecdote may be true but there are 100s of anecdotes from doctors saying the opposite (at least until they are memory hole'd by information gatekeepers)
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Woefully Inept

Karazhan Raider
My wife's uncle tested positive for it. She also has a coworker that had all of the symptoms covid and her doctor was convinced she had it but the test came back negative. Said coworker also had an antibody test done and that came back negative as well.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
A guy I work with came back from Europe in early/mid Feb. This was before any travel restrictions, self-quarantine shit, etc. when it was just starting to spread more in Europe I guess? Anyways yes, he was tested and yes it came back positive.

Also my aunt, uncle and cousin (who all live in the same house) experienced all the symptoms except shortness of breath. Their doctor said not to come in or go to the ER unless they had trouble breathing. Not sure this is relevant to your survey.
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