
Trakanon Raider
Reddit delivered


Ahn'Qiraj Raider

Also new patch up

Product Update - Valve 10:21am

* Enabled Doom, Faceless Void, Death Prophet, Lone Druid and Winter Wyvern in Captain's Mode
* Arcane Rune mana reduction reduced from 50 to 40%
* Spirit Siphon duration increased from 4 to 5 seconds
* Arcane Orb Int steal increased from 0/1/2/3 to 1/2/3/4
* Astral Imprisonment cooldown rescaled from 20/17/14/11 to 22/18/14/10
* Cloak and Dagger backstab damage multiplier increased from 0.4/0.6/0.8/1.0 to 0.5/0.75/1.0/1.25
* Tricks of the Trade now only affects heroes
* Tricks of the Trade AoE increased from 450 to 475
* Tricks of the Trade cooldown rescaled from 90/80/70 to 70
* Time Dilation AoE increased from 650 to 725
* Time Dilation slow rescaled from 4/6/8/10 to 7/8/9/10%
* Time Dilation duration rescaled from 6/7/8/9 to 5.5/7/8.5/10 seconds
* Meat Hook Scepter damage reduced from 175/275/375/475 to 180/270/360/450


Trakanon Raider
I guess the Riki ulti changes are a buff ? I mean he still murders illusions and creep damage seemed mostly unintentional, so there will be less fools building battlefury on him.


<Silver Donator>
Well it's a nerf, that part at least. Rest is pretty good buff. Think the ult is still kinda shit though, would be better if it ticked every .5sec for half the damage or so. It seems to be only really good if you have magnus RPing motherfuckers into a nice stack and giving Riki empower, but that's like super gimmicky.

Also Lone Druid added to CM again, Alliance is back-er.


Trakanon Raider
Alliance get patched into the meta, and Secret get patched out. Maybe Navi should get the band back together. Pudge with Aether Lens and Aghs is a huge pain in the ass.


Trakanon Raider
Alliance get patched into the meta, and Secret get patched out. Maybe Navi should get the band back together. Pudge with Aether Lens and Aghs is a huge pain in the ass.
Honestly, people forget how Secret was not quite as good for most of their existence. Sure, they had a hot streak, but first outings of Secret 2.0 were a lot more underwhelming. I don't think rat style is quite back, but even if, Secret can play that shit all day long too. Alliance has been drafting the same heroes even before the patch, so they had practice with it and China hasn't even thought about it for the past 2 years. I'm happy for them, but right now the field seems to be extremely even and whoever got more practice and can predict the meta is winning.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Hopefully this patch does more to legitimize more strategies and the new meta becomes more of a 'draft' or captains meta, for lack of better terms. I'd like to see push, rat, deathball, etc all be viable and come down to opponent match up and mind games. I'm still not explaining what I mean well, but anyways. Rather see all strategies open and a lot of variations than just a return to rat dota.


Trakanon Raider
Then you end up with a lot more stomps though. 6.85 had a lot of cheesy wins, either with BM, Huskar/Dazzle, Meepo. The chance to completely flip your strat around on the last pick or two is really powerful in tournaments.

The new Riki ult doesn't hit illusions. Guy got dumpstered


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Yeah but I like that, well not the stomp part, but that a strategic 5th pick can totally change up or open up the game plan. Mostly I just like variability and think there was a lot of parity in 6.85 even if we still had stomps.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Then you end up with a lot more stomps though. 6.85 had a lot of cheesy wins, either with BM, Huskar/Dazzle, Meepo. The chance to completely flip your strat around on the last pick or two is really powerful in tournaments.

The new Riki ult doesn't hit illusions. Guy got dumpstered
What? That makes it shit. He was a decent counter to lancer with that ult. Also, the ability to destroy rat trees/spiders wholesale made it nice.


Even with the new patch I think I'm about burned out until they restore Solo queue (as unlikely as that is). I don't think I can handle any more premades, especially if they speak English. Maybe it's confirmation bias, but literally every match I'm in now that has a group on either side is no fun what so ever and is more likely to be filled with elitists assholes or straight retards. To the degree that even games easily won are like nails on a chalkboard.

Summary of my last 3 groups: 1. Mass reported by a 3 stack for (literally) last picking in ranked random draft. Gagged as a result. Lose Game. 2. Switched to non-ranked after realizing I was gagged. Odd man in a 4 stack. Pick a support and proceed to get shit on from minute 0 for not buying both wards at start in a 3 carry/1 semi game and only buying cour/pull ward. Can't say anything besides quick chat and they assume I'm Peruvian even though it clearly shows in my steam profile. Proceed to have every misclick pinged even though nobody says shit when saving our only carry with farm from himself on several occasions. Win game. 3. Still gagged. Playing a solo mid Zeus and losing to a windranger with rune control from her team sadly enough. Hit 7 and start roaming lanes. Get some kills and start turning it around. Our hard carry dies while I'm fighting in another lane and proceeds to flame me for not ulting sooner (even though I was mana drained, but he wouldn't know that) our off lane doesn't say shit about what happened and two others also start flaming me. Lose the game because they rage farm the jungle until they other team early pushes. Lo and behold its another 3 stack and I find myself in LPQ and enjoying myself again. Volvo pls fix.


[Edit] LPQ Update - Played a game with a group trying to bail their buddy out of LPQ. No problems until we try and end ~35 minutes in. Their buddy takes a 9 min unannounced (in game) smoke break and we miss two chances to rax off 5/5 and 3/5 fight wins because they don't want to end without their buddy. End up losing after he comes back and feeds two deaths before we lose a team fight and get base raped.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Sulrn, that is some shitty shit. Do you use a mic? Seriously though, hearing the voice of an actual person (that is not a absolute cunt) makes a difference if people send a report or not. Humans can be pretty shitty to faceless/voiceless shit heads on the other side of the internet... but if you use your voice, stay calm, be reasonable, and admit when you make a bad play nobody is ever going to report you, regardless of how the game goes or your K/D.


Sulrn, that is some shitty shit. Do you use a mic? Seriously though, hearing the voice of an actual person (that is not a absolute cunt) makes a difference if people send a report or not. Humans can be pretty shitty to faceless/voiceless shit heads on the other side of the internet... but if you use your voice, stay calm, be reasonable, and admit when you make a bad play nobody is ever going to report you, regardless of how the game goes or your K/D.
I don't use a mic anymore for no particular reason and I'm sure you're right that it would help if I start using it again on average, but in 3 of those games I literally couldn't say anything because of gag but ended up in LPQ because X-Bro's looking to prove their superiority even though they couldn't prove it by winning the game. This was the obvious flaw with the system when it was released and it's no better now if you play multiple games back to back(and thus with more pre-mades) and there's no penalty or appeals process to it. The only place you're safe is (usually) ranked or LPQ, but if you don't feel comfortable playing ranked gagged you either have to sign off or risk regular queue.

As annoying as it is being in LPQ for no reason other than spite? I really do feel that on average LPQ games are more enjoyable and think it's two fold reason why 1. Most people won't group queue LPQ. 2. Most people want to play well. (Which I can't even say about ranked - I've had people[hard carry no less] take smoke breaks unannounced with no pause request in 3.8k range or rage jungle in 4.2k both in Eastern prime time).

Maybe they should switch to CS:GO's community review system add "Get +1% drop" chance for every 5 replays (with more than one report) you review or something. % increases the higher you review consistency gets. :/


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
So I'm not super good at this game or anything (don't even play ranked), but is there any way to make the characters that aren't hyper carries viable? Playing in the normal queue allpick is just miserable because your team is never coordinated enough to end a game even close to quick enough to prevent the jugg/pl/troll/stormspirit with a token support team from just farming too long and crushing everything. I loves me some timbersaw/crystal maiden/leshrac and generally do really well early, but games inevitably go in to the 35+ minute range the enemy PA or whatever builds a bkb and that's the end of that.

Should I just pick carries outside ranked? Does it change if I move over to ranked, like, will a game actually end by 30 minutes?