
I had already agreed with your point that offlane was easier, I simply argued on the fact you said you couldn't deny xp anymore, which you can still and will still do. The timing is the same as far as I can tell, I only did a few pulls to see how it was working and the main difference is the initial pull has to happen earlier(since the creeps move faster), but the double pull didn't feel any different and was in fact easier since the easy camp is much easier to nuke down once you're done pulling the hard camp, so it's less likely you're gonna mess it up.

Never acted like it was going to be any harder, was just correcting something you said that was wrong which makes it harder than what you expected in your initial description, but still easier than it is now due to the other changes.
"If you are sent out of lane and they manage to stack pull the tiny new camp there, you will get as much xp out of it agin getting lvls faster."

This is what I said. I didnt say you couldnt deny xp anymore. I meant that you could walk over and even without getting jungle kills, you could get the xp of the jungle creeps (where as before you got absolutely nothing). Where I agree and I omited is that the LANE creeps will be denied XP like before, you are completely right.

So even with perfect pulls, you are getting more xp as an offlaner in 6.79 from that change alone.

Where as a dual lane will get A LOT less xp and gold on the 2 supportsm the offlaner of the other team has more options to gain XP in a much easier way than before.


<Silver Donator>
Couple that to the fact they cant completely pull deny you xp/gold like before and the lane will eventualy push into ur tower for free creeps.
That's what I was referring to. My first paragraph adressed that, then I confirmed your overall point of view in the rest of my post following yours. It will be easier for various other reasons, but you can still completely shut down lane creep xp/gold assuming you don't mess up and it's not furion using treants to fuck the pulls or similar.


That's what I was referring to. My first paragraph adressed that, then I confirmed your overall point of view in the rest of my post following yours. It will be easier for various other reasons, but you can still completely shut down lane creep xp/gold assuming you don't mess up and it's not furion using treants to fuck the pulls or similar.
Yep that we agree on 100%. but when i said that I meant globaly deny xp and gold, not just lane creep xp and gold... now you get the jungle xp even if you dont get the kills. Hell you can even stand in the river behind that big camp as radiant and get xp now!

I was wrong on the pushing into the tower part tho, I'll give you that, dunno what i was thinking writing that.

I agree with what you said also about this being perhaps the death of defensive trilanes for a much favored offensive trilane. Who knows really at this point, I cant wait to see what the pro meta will become with this patch, very exciting stuff ;D

edit: lets make up and be friends while zaphid cups my balls.


<Silver Donator>
Yeah gonna be a lot of shaking up, plus the hero balance, gonna be fun shit. I think there's good chances they'll be patching tomorrow, most bugs that were reported seem fixed(probably a bunch that weren't found though).


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
It's funny when you compare this threads arguments, to the LOL thread arguments, to say the GTAIV thread arguments.

Shows you what kind of people play what type of game.


Trakanon Raider
I just like the fact that the dota community is generally quite open to how these changes tend to go down. I'm not sure any other game could handle this level of tweaking at once. I don't think they can mass patch league like that since the champions are purchased with play time or money. And SC isn't really tweakable on this kind of scale without fucking up the whole thing. But it works in Dota.


Trakanon Raider
Patch just went live. EMS one I think has Navi vs Speed coming up on 6.79. Assuming mouz wins this current game.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yea, Lich now 1st ban for Navi....crazy patch.

Xboct NS pick with Aghs is like fucking maphack with his darkness active, crazy


Goddamn those new Luna glaives rape bouncing back and forth like that

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
I'm sure someone will post a video, just played as Bloodseeker and he's hilariously fast. Phase, Drums, and Ability LOL!!


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yea, Lich now 1st ban for Navi....crazy patch.

Xboct NS pick with Aghs is like fucking maphack with his darkness active, crazy


Goddamn those new Luna glaives rape bouncing back and forth like that
Straight up 1.09 D2 Guided Arrow spam.

There's already like 1k videos of the new BloodSeeker out.


Out of everything that got patched, the thing that pisses me off the most is not being able to deconstruct my Tranquil Boots as WR/Rub/Nec. Such bullshit.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
Out of everything that got patched, the thing that pisses me off the most is not being able to deconstruct my Tranquil Boots as WR/Rub/Nec. Such bullshit.
Trying to redo builds now without Tranquils as they seem pretty fucking worthless. They were already a bad pick on most heros but unless I"m that much of a retarded noob in regards to DOTA I can't see a reason to pick them.


<Silver Donator>
They provide 4armor and move faster than any other boots besides travel even when broken and significantly faster when not? Regen aside, they're still good boots, especially since they're also cheaper than every other boots. If you have heavy mana reliance then arcane are still the go to for your supports, but if you're not too reliant on mana or have other means, they're pretty fucking nice to have. The regen is also very high once they activate. They are pure supports boots though, I don't think there's any reason to pick them on a carry anymore. But when you're going to check runes or warding or rotating for a gank as a support, it's all situations when you won't be attacking shit for a while and the regen+speed kicks in. Obviously sucks dicks if you're sitting in a lane last hitting/harassing.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
I had been building them as PL to help with pushing, going Power Treads now but I have to adjust to the loss of healing or just say fuck it and go Boots of Travel. Might just go BoT from now on.