
Blackwing Lair Raider
Puppey got a little too fancy with those picks. Once they missed the first few ganks the game was basically over.


Trakanon Raider
Navi as of late seems like they still ride on their skill and knowledge to simply outplay the lesser teams, but once they face top of the line teams, they simply fall apart, starting with the drafts. I guess they finally need to start practicing.


<Silver Donator>
Well I think every team needs to start practicing seriously if they want to improve their games and beat the chinese reliably. Na'Vi definitely has what it takes to be the best team in the world but they need to practice more yeah. And arguably they should replace XBOCT but I guess it'd be hard to rebuild the team synergy and shit. I feel he's the weak link in the Na'Vi lineup though, he's their hard carry player yet he's inconsistent as hell and plays way too risky. This is basically what you'd want from your offlane or mid but not from your carry. It works out sometimes though but I feel he shows limits quite often skillwise. Doesn't help that it seems he doesn't adapt very well to new picks so he needs multiple games with a hero to be remotely good at it, and since he doesn't practice enough that means multiple pro games.

Na'Vi is still leagues above a lot of the teams though but they show they're not untouchable very often now when it comes to other top tier teams. If they trained seriously I think it'd be different.


Golden Knight of the Realm
where are these matches yall are talking about?

i like navi but i hate their fans. it was great watching sven wipe out their entire team with an auto attack.


<Silver Donator>
where are these matches yall are talking about?

i like navi but i hate their fans. it was great watching sven wipe out their entire team with an auto attack.
Was the Asus tournament semi finals, possible linked it in the competitive thread. On that note I don't think it's worth making competitive threads about dota2 tournaments unless it's the International, there's tournaments all the time and most of the matches aren't interesting anyway, might as well keep it all here. For TI3 sure, shit's gonna be beyond epic most likely but for "smaller" tournaments like The Defense or Starladder, meh, just adds 1-2pages threads in other places, makes it annoying to check.


Golden Knight of the Realm
lol i was like wtf is pyros talking about this bitch makes no sense talking about some non existent thread, and then i just saw the competitive game subforum. never noticed it before. Ok ill take a look at them!


Blackwing Lair Raider
Game's just not fun unless you're playing with a stack. For years I've shunned Blizzard for restricting cross-region play. Now I would suck gaben's dick to get BR's off American servers.


None of the heroes listed were popular except for techies (fuck adding techies) and medusa. I'll agree on medusa.
I don't know what criterion you're using to rate popularity, but outside of the competitive realm in '05-'07 (when I actively played All-Stars) I saw Troll and SK FAR more than I ever saw enigma, lich, magnus, centaur, viper, or lone druid.

Regardless, is there any talk of starting a trading board here for items or in the foh channel?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I think he has pretty good voice and he beats Sheever and epi handily.
His voice is really the only thing he has going for him right now. He has gotten better over the last 6 months or whatever he's been doing this, but Jesus, homeboy has a lot to learn to say the least. I think one of his huge problems is that he just never shuts the fuck up about whatever random inane thing is going on like it's somehow fucking important, whereas with other casters use that time to talk about various strategies or whatever.

Anyway, Sheever isn't bad. Her accent kind of gets in the way sometimes, but she's got a decent handle on things I'd say.


<Silver Donator>
Sheever's main weakness is when she's doing play by play during ganks/teamfights, it's messy, doesn't mean much and she isn't talking about the important stuff(or missing it). Also her voice is pretty annoying but it's not that bad imo, some people dislike it a lot. On the plus side, she puts a lot of effort into casting every game possible and often is the only caster on it seems.

Ayesee's voice is good but yeah he never stops talking and say the most pointless shit ever. At least he gets usually get Draskyll to commentate which balances it out but Draskyll has been losing his touch lately I feel, makes a lot of innacurate statements especially about team's playstyles or hero picks or whatever, like he's not following the scene very closely.

Epi is fairly terrible but he's gotten better a bit.

All in all they're not super good casters but they do fine if they have good co casters. Which is NOT Reesion, god, if I wanted to listen to a 14years old not talking about anything useful I'd play cod. Not a big fan of EternalEnvy either, do love Merlini, Puppey, Synderen(back when he was casting, now he doesn't really anymore). Paintitgold and Wagamama were pretty good too.

Unrelated note but if you've not been following Reddit, the website for frostivus has been updated everyday by Valve with new stuff. It started by having more greevils in the pictures, and then the presents disapeared and now the website page is basically completely destroyed with a hidden message that says "We haz ur prezzenz" and "u waz rob". Pretty fun stuff.