Jackie Treehorn

<Gold Donor>
I started playing this again recently. I was at one point 3700 MMR. I am now 2500. Don't really care per se, other than the fact my teams seem to be getting dumber, which makes playing less fun and more aggravating. I think the problem is I only play support, so no matter how good I am I don't make a _huge_ impact. But I reached 3700 by playing support too. Peruvians are out of control it seems like.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Play with other rerolled people then... Solo queue is a totally different beast... Didnt you start playing only a few months ago? 3700 is pretty high for a player with that little experience.

Jackie Treehorn

<Gold Donor>
Play with other rerolled people then... Solo queue is a totally different beast... Didnt you start playing only a few months ago? 3700 is pretty high for a player with that little experience.
I've been playing about a year now. I started out from my first 10 games at like 2500 MMR. Hovered around 3200 a while, then went up to 3700. I was at 3700 just a few months after starting. Never playing anything but support. I had multiple 9 and 10 game winning streaks as support. Never do that anymore, heh.


What's the point of this spectator gem I got for completing a team of 5 cards for TI4? And why is it allowing us to stamp duplicates into our compendium, do we get anything for it?


Trakanon Raider
Differently colored spectator gem.

You can socket it and the little number goes up when you watch the team's games, that's it.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I started playing this again recently. I was at one point 3700 MMR. I am now 2500. Don't really care per se, other than the fact my teams seem to be getting dumber, which makes playing less fun and more aggravating. I think the problem is I only play support, so no matter how good I am I don't make a _huge_ impact. But I reached 3700 by playing support too. Peruvians are out of control it seems like.
The trick to playing support is to pick high impact heroes in teamfights that benefit from items & that can farm decently. If you're really good at micro play Visage, if not then get someone like WD and rush an aghs. Wards in that MMR range also don't matter as much I think, if you ward river and the enemy ganks mid but the mid isn't paying attention then what good did your ward do? You still need to buy them but you can usually get away with having 1 on the map. Other heroes like CM or SD can be pretty useless even if you play them well since they rely heavily on your teammates. It's situational as well, if someone on your team picks Meepo (no random) then immediately pick Dazzle... and don't even get poison. Just max his heal & grave.

If the other team picks a lot of melee carries like PA/LC/Ursa/Lycan then just pick Omni and get levels/items as fast as you can. You press one button and they don't do damage in a teamfight. Other heroes like Sand King usually can overcome bad teammates, just stack the big camps in your jungle and farm them with at least lvl 2 sandstorm. A 10m blink dagger can win u the game.


<Silver Donator>
I think CM is alright if you actually farm your ass off. Go jungle and kill shit with aura+bite, forget about babysitting(if you can), get an early midas and just rush a bkb. Her ult, while random as shit, is completely gamebreaking if she can't be interupted/killed easily and she's overall a pretty good hero if she has levels/health.

Back when he was added I had quite a lot of success with Abaddon. Not a big impact hero in the sense that he doesn't have a gamewrecking ult or anything, but in pubs burst damage/coordinated targetting is often limited while your carry being out of position is very common. Abaddon fits perfectly in there, since he makes virtually everyone unkillable unless opponent focus fire and can make the enemy's initiation/your carry being a retard a non factor. He also does have carry potential kinda but not good farming so rarely get there unless you specifically get in a farm role from the start. I've had plenty of games where we were losing badly early but once teamfights started, the enemy team simply couldn't kill anyone and the fights would drag on until we eventually won and caught up on xp and gold.

Don't pick him if there's AM or Doom though(well back then ult still dispelled Doom so was not a factor). Then again if there's either and you're playing support, chances are you're not gonna have much fun, especially if they don't have better targets.

My other supports tend to fit high impact rule, I played a lot of Lion/Lina(big ult, very strong control), Ogre Magi(randomly kills people and Bloodlust is amazing) and Rubick(steal the one good spell, win teamfight).


Trakanon Raider
I'd say shadow demon is actually really fucking good, especially if you have somebody who benefits from disruption and with potm being in every other game, you can get a shit ton of easy kills and make enemy initiation useless. You can also farm jungle semi-effectively with shadow poison and stacking.

Bane is also really good, his nuke, nightmare and enfeeble are fucking annoying, with ulti essentially negating the other carry once you can farm up a bkb.

Lina is nice and all, but she needs setup really badly, I'd say Lesh is better than her in typical pub since you can semi carry. Lion is also nice, but if you get stuck with shitty lane where you die once or twice before 6, you will have a really hard time catching up, but if you get 6, tranquils and eventually blink dagger, you can single handedly decide the game.

WD is probably the best support for pubs I feel right now, good initiation, healing that is much stronger than it seems because it's not burst, the curse is nice, but not something you should max early and the ulti has pretty solid rampage potential, especially with Aghs and he combos well with almost anything - black hole, chrono, ravage ...

Jackie Treehorn

<Gold Donor>
Here's my breakdown for all time heroes played. Like I said, I always play support. Don't even have a carry in the top 10.

CM = 61 percent win, highest # of plays.
Rubick = 58%
Necro = 54%
KOTL = 52%
Venge (support most of the time) = 41%
Lich = 57%
Undying = 61% (I had a 10 game winning streak as undying when I first started playing him. Teams that don't know to hit tombstone = gold.)
Veno (support) = 33%

So, I'm pretty consistently good as CM. Played once as CM yesterday against a really dumb team and still lost. I SOLO killed a couple of carries at towers, mid game, like 35 minutes in. I remember their own team making fun of them in all chat for it. It was a PA and a QoP, blinked in both of them, froze, and ult'd them to death, two occasions. Unfortunately we were still losing team fights left and right.

I think I'll try out playing sand king support some more. I have played bane a bit (love the ult at low levels) and done really well. I haven't played shadow demon in forever. WD and dazzle on occasion.


<Silver Donator>
Zaphid I think SD CAN be good, but most of the time isn't. Mirana arrow combo requires coordination, and it also requires you to be near Mirana(if they go mid or offlane then you're not gonna follow them there, other than maybe roaming for a random gank but if she's offlane, fuck that noise). Disruption is really good lategame to save your carry but again it requires coordination. Other than that his fight contribution is low, purge is nice to prevent people from running and shadow poison is nice to scout and turtle, but in a teamfight they both do very little. Soul Catcher is an insane spell but getting it on the right person in the middle of a teamfight is close to impossible and disruption has so many uses you can only pick it for one thing and overall, you won't do all that much if your team isn't very good. I just don't like him much, I like his concept and I like his skills and he's a strong hero, but in pubs he's the kind of hero I don't want to be playing. A worse example is Wisp. Fucking insane hero, but I'm never picking wisp in a pub ever(plus since I don't play him I'd be a shitty wisp too so that doesn't help). At higher ranks of pubs picking competitively good heroes can work better as people expect and are expected to know what the fuck is going on, but I'd say 4000 and under, you definitely don't want to be relying on shit.

On the Lina thing, I think she does ok without a real setup. Yes it takes some cancelling and yes sometimes you'll miss but often while you don't actually land the stun, you force the guy to move in a weird direction and stop doing whatever he's doing to do that instead, which acts like some sort of stun(or confusion debuff). There's plenty of times where you can lead someone into a situation where they simply cannot dodge it to. She provides quite a lot though, even if you miss the stun, especially with the value point in her passive. But more importantly in teamfights, you rarely miss the stun, and Laguna Blade is a big deal(if you're remotely farmed), that's why I like her. Also once in a while you'll get early game kills and you kinda snowball into a massive beast with like blink agh malestrom in 30mins and shit's way fun.

Anyway plenty of supports you can do well and have an impact on the game. Have to play in that mindset though, you do want to buy the wards and the courier(and upgrade it, fuck god people who don't upgrade couriers are such dicks) but you want to be farming, you want to get levels and you want to get gold. If your carry is one of these assholes who don't buy TPs, fucking TP to the lane that's pushing and farm that shit, even if he's waddling his fat lazy ass over there. Stack the jungle and farm that shit even if it means going back to base to get mana after(obviously need to read the game a bit, bad idea to do that when enemy is grouping up to push). Pubs tend to be slower paced than pro games, there's a lot more room and time for supports to farm up, and it's a lot less likely peple will be able to carry a lvl 8 support 30mins in.


Most people under-estimate the damage shadow poison can put out. The damage ramps up exponentially as you add stacks up to 5, doubling each time. If you can manage to get 3 stacks on someone, you can disrupt them, add another stack while they are banished and then a fifth when they try to run. At level 2 of the spell that's 560 damage, which will give you a kill for most heroes at that stage in the game, even if you don't have any backup. The key is to play timid enough that they think they are in control of the lane while you are building poison stacks. I've found that most people won't even try to avoid them if they think they are winning, even in the 4ks.

Get a few kills in the lane, and you can really start to put out damage. Run up to a guy, poison, disrupt, poison and soul catcher while he's banished, ult and poison once or twice when he comes out, pop the stacks and he's toast. Add a force/blink and a dagon/veil and you are a veritable assassin. Shadow demon as a 5 position ward-bitch really doesn't do a whole lot that other heroes don't do much better outside of cheesy setup combos, so I would avoid playing him like that.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Ya, people always underestimate the poison stacks. Supports can easily get gibbed if they are not careful.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The card packs give 10 cards now and you can stamp cards multiple times to get more gooderer spectator gems.

You can also buy/sell the cards on the marketplace now. Average price is like 5 cents or so, or you can buy a pack for like 20 cents.


Trakanon Raider
The way cards are dropping this year, they really upped the volumn, if you play any dota at all you'll easily get to 90% complete. I think I'm getting a card pack every couple games perhaps now.