Dr. Mario's Retard Rehabilitation Program

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A Mod Real Quick
Bro, let's get two things straight.

1. The doctor cannot release you, you got a solid 7 Day RRP - you were not sent to the doctor. I know it's a hard concept for some on the board to understand, but the doctor rehab program is for other things.

2. You suggested Mist needed a good raping. We don't tolerate it. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it. You were reported for it, people got upset, and you got a 7 day RRP for it.

Don't be a baby about this stuff.

I would take Soygen's warning seriously.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Go ahead and keep thinking you can tell me whats acceptable for me to say or not say Mist. From now on, I hope I offend you with every word. The fact that you are offended by what people say is your own problem. You are nothing but a 21st century puritan.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I mean honestly Mist, you are a SJW. You just hate other SJWs and don't march in 100% lockstep with their beliefs, but don't kid yourself into thinking you aren't one. You're just a miserable, anti-social one.


Musty Nester
Wormie, the trouble is that we think you actually MEAN it.

I mean we were throwing "I Hope you get raped lol" at tanoomba for weeks.

When meanies mean mean things, then it's mean. na'mean?

Take a victory lap, but don't blow up the reports button. As tempting as it is!


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
I mean honestly Mist, you are a SJW. You just hate other SJWs and don't march in 100% lockstep with their beliefs, but don't kid yourself into thinking you aren't one. You're just a miserable, anti-social one.
She's an SJW whose schtick is that she hates everyone and every thing, so it's part of her game to act like SJW's are stupid. But Gamergaters are also stupid. And can't we all just be civil? Except when she's totally not civil insulting everyone. She's probably hates herself for having SJW feelings and tries to rationalize it by hanging out with people like us, when then drives her completely insane.


Musty Nester
There's just a double standard here. You can do it to Tanoomba. Or mostly anyone else, honestly. It's just c'mon man... you don't have to be nice. But try not to be that nasty. You can say it without resorting to "I hope that he cuts your tits off before he shits on your chest"

Boys don't cry, wormie! Stay strong! Your bruthas keep the watch!

And it's not even because she's carved out her little censorship safe-space. It's more that most people do appreciate in some way what mist brings to discussions (even if it's just a foil or a punching bag), and we'd rather not harass her away. When she flips her shit it will be because she flipped her shit.

If you want to be REALLY mean you (and you can be, lookit cad up there) gotta do better than Rape. That's low hanging fruit.

Nobody wants to drive you away either. I like the little hate machine. But they will if you blow up their phones.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I swear like a sailor and I'm pretty fucking racist. But I don't think that's an acceptable public discourse.

You're missing my point entirely, as usual.

If 'free speech advocates' keep pushing the envelope on what level of inciting or hateful or otherwise degrading speech is acceptable, while at the same time, SJWs keep pushing the envelope on what is an acceptable level of censorship, which side do you really think is going to win? Which side is better at manipulating the media narrative to their advantage? I'm asking you to think, tactically, about the consequences of this kind of engagement.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
What makes you happy, Mist?

A DVD box set of The Brink?
A frat house fire?
I have no idea. I've spent so long trying to crawl out of a pit of suffering I've literally forgotten what pursuing happiness is about.

Schadenfreude is a good replacement for joy in a pinch though.

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
Bro, let's get two things straight.

1. The doctor cannot release you, you got a solid 7 Day RRP - you were not sent to the doctor. I know it's a hard concept for some on the board to understand, but the doctor rehab program is for other things.

2. You suggested Mist needed a good raping. We don't tolerate it. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it. You were reported for it, people got upset, and you got a 7 day RRP for it.

Don't be a baby about this stuff.

I would take Soygen's warning seriously.
You can call it what you want. But I dont see how being annoyed at the constant change of rules is me being a baby. Only reason I got reported is the stupid white knighting of Mist. You think its acceptable for mods to infract people when some tiny dick fat shit gets pussy hurt about something, I do not. When has it ever been not ok to say mean shit on this forums? Never unless a female is involved, then everyone loses their shit. Get fucked and get raped.

Wormie, the trouble is that we think you actually MEAN it.

I mean we were throwing "I Hope you get raped lol" at tanoomba for weeks.

When meanies mean mean things, then it's mean. na'mean?

Take a victory lap, but don't blow up the reports button. As tempting as it is!
Thats kind of dumb. How can you get any real meaning out of one anonymous poster's comment towards another? Noodle is just mad that his name is a reference to his dick.


Trump's Staff
Consequences were harsher for me because I'm an asshole! Waaaaaaaaaah

This isn't fair! Waaaaaaaah


Musty Nester
I think the Free Speech activists will win in most places that matter. The places where meaningful speech happens.

Corporate America -already- has policy and laws against this sort of thing. Hatecrime Badthink is -already- a real thing.

Tactically I think if the battle is not fought every time then it's lost. All it takes is once. I do not forsee a tidal wave of SWJ justice looming upon us. All I see is a set of policy enacted to appease the puritans which are largely ignored by everyone except Mrs. Grundy -- who happens to think they work.

If you haven't listened to it recently (or ever)... Carlin's 9 words. This fight happens every decade as a new generation comes of age.

To be completely honest what I see is the easily maniplated media becoming less and less relevant. And that's not a prognostication. That's been happening for quite some time now. Of course they're getting more shrill as well. They're fighting for their survival... and largely losing viewership.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Mist I still want to know your end game here. Why explode and get sent to the RRP? If you hate the people of the forum so much all you have to do is just stop coming here. Hundreds have already, without a huff. You just simply stop. I never could get any of the people that request to get deleted or suicide by amod.


Musty Nester
Notice with these racial murders they talk about how they're going to investigate bringing them up on Federal Hatecrime charges? And notice how they haven't yet. Any of 'em.

That's a good thing. That law came into being because of feels instead of reals. And the reals have set in.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Corporate America -already- has policy and laws against this sort of thing.
I agree that the corporate-ification of American society is likely a larger threat to free speech than SJW backlash. But god forbid the two start teaming up meaningfully, and we're already seeing that happen. You'll have to do a lot better than planting your flag on Roosh V's hill of shit if you want to stand a chance against that combo.


Trump's Staff
If there were encroachments into freedom of expression massive civil disobedience would occur.

At least I hope so.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
If there were encroachments into freedom of expression massive civil disobedience would occur.

At least I hope so.
That's precisely my point. My point is that if that "massive civil disobedience" comes in the form of banners that say "LET'S HATERAPE [ALL THE PEOPLE WE DON'T LIKE]" you're going to fucking lose.

You're going to actually need to come up with worthwhile speech to put up on those banners.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I'm so glad Mist wigged out and got shaw'd so we can all continue to discuss this shit without the use of proper quote tags. God dammit, Mist.
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