Dresden Files


Vyemm Raider
Storm Front
Fool Moon -Lots of Werewolves, Murphy is a huge bitch
Grave Peril-Ghosts and Bianca gets torched and Susan gets half turned
Summer Knight
Death Masks- Denarians round 1, shroud of maybe turin
Blood Rites- Porn Set, white court & thomas intro, boring climax
Dead Beat
Proven Guilty -fear eating faries at the convention, raid on Winter, Molly becomes his apprentice
White Knight-Creepy serial killer vampires, crazy ghoul showdown at the white court cave
Small Favor- Denarians Round 2, crazy island showdown
Turn Coat -Morgan is accused of being the traitor, Naagloshi, crazy Island showdown 2.0

and Hatorade...Patience


Tranny Chaser
The only thing that I was disappointed by was

that Lasciel felt more like a monster of the week. She was all rawr rawr and went down like a sack of potatoes.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
that Lasciel felt more like a monster of the week. She was all rawr rawr and went down like a sack of potatoes.
What makes it even worse is that she was crushed under a pile of rocks in Hade's vault and left there, meaning that coin isn't being retrieved anytime soon.

Could say the same for Hannah almost, I was liking her as a character, then goes all evil and wangsty and gets crushed by a ton of bricks and dies. Harry could have handled that whole situation a whole lot better, instead of saying ''hey I did literally the exact same thing'' when she goes on about how she killed some dudes with fire in self defense, then pointing out that he isn't even affiliated with the White Council anymore, he just gives her some shit about ''welp you broke the first Law.'' The exact attitude he's always opposed. I mean she'd already taken the coin at that stage so it was game on either way, but that dialogue annoyed me almost as much as I loved the whole flashback chapter with OdinClaus and Harry's convo with Hades. I really dig his interactions with the big mythical figures in general.

Oh yeah that reminds me of something else.... Harry was going on about how Lasciel would know all his techniques etc. iirc - but Lasciel proper was never actually in Harry's head because he never took up the coin and invited her in, it was just just Lash, who destroyed herself. It was never suggested that there was any kind of communication between Lash the shadow and Lasciel the fallen angel, in fact it was fairly explicitly stated that they were disconnected, from memory (Lash saying something about Lasciel being pissed off at the stuff she'd done when she rejoined Lasciel as a whole).

Ok, no more nit-picking about tiny potential plot holes, I promise. I guess the more I think about it, the more it feels like the book could have benefited from a delayed release and a second round of editing.

What I did like is the hints at there being a greater plan, a goal, behind Nicodemus' work, something he's building up to and some ideology guiding it. It's nice to have something other than ''yeah cause he's evil,'' to go on. I really hope Butcher fleshes that out, and goes with something a bit more original than 'creation sucks so lets destroy it to begin anew' or 'God is an oppressor' or w/e. Seems pretty obvious Nic is gonna pop up with the Grail right around that 'apocalyptic trilogy' which Butcher said would cap off the series.

Also since it's been made pretty obvious that the Outsiders are gonna play a major role in the final outcome of things, interesting to consider the role the Grail could play - Harry grabbed the other 4 relics specifically as weapons for Mab, who works specifically to hold the Outsiders from breaking into reality, and Nic has relic #5. That interconnection play out a lot of ways.


<Gold Donor>
Just finished it, and really enjoyed it. Of course, I really enjoy every single book in the series, so that's nothing new. Some of the complaints/nitpicks mentioned here I don't disagree with, but overall they didn't bug me too much except for
the whole Marcone/Mab setup. It usually bugs me when the entire movie/book/whatever is revealed to be some carefully orchestrated plot by someone, because there are about a million ways that plots of that intricacy can go wrong. Simplest way being that Harry gets killed, of course, but even without that I'm sure every one of us could list off a dozen without even trying. Hell, the claymores in the vault wall are a huge wtf there. It was essentially luck that they weren't set off on their way in. I'd sure hate for my epic plan to be ruined because Ascher made her hole a little to the left. Or died to a Salamander. Or, to prevent herself dying to the Salamander, reveals that she's taken up a coin. Gah, you get my point.

Other than that though, I enjoyed it quite a bit. Butters was great, Dresden/Murphy was great, Maggie was great, etc.

Oh yeah, and I kept picturing those guys from The Office every time he yelled "Parkour!" Had me cracking up every time.


Just finished it.

I kinda thought that the parkour thing was a bit silly, but it came back so often that I couldn't help but giggle every time it did.

One thing I wish Butcher would've tied up is where Harry is going to live now. Is he just going back to Demonreach, isolated again? But then what about Maggie? It almost seemed like Molly was going to offer him a home on the Carpenter's street, but it's just going to be fairies living there.

Edit: Although if him and Karrin are a thing now, I suppose he could stay there, but that seems a little quick.

Regarding the artifacts, we have the Shroud of Turin, a tablet (Ten Commandments? But isn't there supposed to be two tablets?), crown of thorns, and an unknown dagger. Anyone have any idea what the dagger is?

It was also interesting that the Denarian's goal is to "save the world", from the convo between Harry and Diedre (who I picture as SC2's Kerrigan)


Irenicus did nothing wrong
I kinda thought that the parkour thing was a bit silly, but it came back so often that I couldn't help but giggle every time it did.
It kinda paid off when Michael called him on it and Harry shot back at him about his latin battlecries.


Vyemm Raider
THE parkour thing was over done but,,,heh, it was fun in a few scenes.

i want to know who the guy in the prison is.

bets on it being "the" Merlin? anyone.

overall nothing in the book- to me- felt forced - except for....
the whole "setup" of Nico with Mab and Marcone- unless all the claymores WERE "disabled"

the way the story flowed, the interaction of the characters, Worked. Kinda Wished
that the "parasite" was Lash, but it being a spirit of intelligence formed from Harry & lash's sacrifice/love worked for me as well, Butters getting a Lightsaber, just made me...Giggle with glee.


A nice asshole.
This is all major spoilers do not be tempted to read if you have not finished the book.

Just finished it.

I kinda thought that the parkour thing was a bit silly, but it came back so often that I couldn't help but giggle every time it did.

One thing I wish Butcher would've tied up is where Harry is going to live now. Is he just going back to Demonreach, isolated again? But then what about Maggie? It almost seemed like Molly was going to offer him a home on the Carpenter's street, but it's just going to be fairies living there.

Edit: Although if him and Karrin are a thing now, I suppose he could stay there, but that seems a little quick.

Regarding the artifacts, we have the Shroud of Turin, a tablet (Ten Commandments? But isn't there supposed to be two tablets?), crown of thorns, and an unknown dagger. Anyone have any idea what the dagger is?

It was also interesting that the Denarian's goal is to "save the world", from the convo between Harry and Diedre (who I picture as SC2's Kerrigan)
The "dagger" is likely the spear of destiny(the one that pierced jesus) broken off handle made into a hilt. I assume he will live with Molly or his room in the Fae world, eventually he will find a way to teleport from the island to where at the speed of will using the ley lines or something like that, or he will find a way to make his friends immune to the islands presence, lots of options I can't think of I am sure.

Hades and "Spot" did not disappoint great scene, Nic killing his daughter made sense, if he brought a goon along they would be suspicious, and just maybe a mortal wouldn't have the strength of will to pull the level down, Nic said it himself she is the only one he can trust. Butters as a Jedi of the Cross is all kinds of awesome, I am not really a star wars fan so I didn't put that together until they out right say it in the books. Butters decided to go forth as a Jedi is going to be all kinds of cool.

Lasciel will likely be able to come back through her daughter is some way so I doubt she is forever gone, really curious to see what Dresden can do with a spirit made from his own soul(Bob may even get a mate out of it). She was in his brain before I am sure they can join as one again like Lash was after touching the coin only more so, soulfire X4 situation.

Michael not going full Arch Angel despite having the power to do so is Michael being Michael, it not only healed him but made him feel like a young man again AKA exactly what was needed.

Molly removing the spirit behind the scenes with no insight as to how will hopefully come around when the spirit is named and taught etc.

Goodman Grey being a naagloshii is awesome, he is living proof you can be a monster but not act like one.


A nice asshole.
saying you didn't tear up, definately means you did...

i'm a wreck at emotional scenes in movies and books...i admit it, my wife makes fun of me at movies because a sad scene WILL make me cry.

Unedited quote from 5-8-14 how did you know about "Parkour"?


Vyemm Raider
what vvoid said

plus there was a thing ~4 months ago -on you tube i think- of Butcher READING OUT LOUD- the first 4 chapters of the book.


This is all major spoilers do not be tempted to read if you have not finished the book.

The "dagger" is likely the spear of destiny(the one that pierced jesus) broken off handle made into a hilt. I assume he will live with Molly or his room in the Fae world, eventually he will find a way to teleport from the island to where at the speed of will using the ley lines or something like that, or he will find a way to make his friends immune to the islands presence, lots of options I can't think of I am sure.

Hades and "Spot" did not disappoint great scene, Nic killing his daughter made sense, if he brought a goon along they would be suspicious, and just maybe a mortal wouldn't have the strength of will to pull the level down, Nic said it himself she is the only one he can trust. Butters as a Jedi of the Cross is all kinds of awesome, I am not really a star wars fan so I didn't put that together until they out right say it in the books. Butters decided to go forth as a Jedi is going to be all kinds of cool.

Lasciel will likely be able to come back through her daughter is some way so I doubt she is forever gone, really curious to see what Dresden can do with a spirit made from his own soul(Bob may even get a mate out of it). She was in his brain before I am sure they can join as one again like Lash was after touching the coin only more so, soulfire X4 situation.

Michael not going full Arch Angel despite having the power to do so is Michael being Michael, it not only healed him but made him feel like a young man again AKA exactly what was needed.

Molly removing the spirit behind the scenes with no insight as to how will hopefully come around when the spirit is named and taught etc.

Goodman Grey being a naagloshii is awesome, he is living proof you can be a monster but not act like one.
I think Nicodemus killing his daughter would've made more sense if death wasn't the only requirement to open the Gate of Blood. Like, if it required the sacrifice of the person you love most or something. Except something other than love, which is a little strong of a feeling for Nic.

I don't think that the new spirit of intellect is going to give Harry any extra power (i.e. hellfire), but I do think that she's going to have a lot of insight on the Denarian's overall plans.

Butcher did an AMA before Skin Games.I am Jim Butcher, author of the Dresden Files, the Codex Alera and the upcoming Cinder Spires! Ask Me Anything! : books. Worth a read, but the tidbits I liked are that Toot-Toot is going to be gaining some power. More Molly in book 16. And book 16 is called Peace Talks and "will probably be one of the more supernaturally violent books to date"


A nice asshole.
Yeah my bad I avoid those the best I can so I didn't even think about it. Being caught up while my wife is finishing book 3 Grave Peril is rough going, really want to talk to her about EVERYTHING and not just what she knows heh.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Good shit.

It's a week now, do we still have to do spoilers? Meh.

Just real quick on one of Azrayne's nitpicks.

He even specifically says somewhere in the book that if he wanted to get laid all he'd have to do is whistle and he'd have a bunch of sexy fairy chicks all over him. He can call up an orgy but not a new lab?

He says he can call up an orgy at will based on before he was stuck on the island, he doesn't know at that point that Mab has been completely controlling his access to the outside world. Keep in mind we are getting what Harrythinks, he's not omnipotent.

Plus a Fae orgy would push him further in to the role of Winter Knight, something Mab would be all for. I don't disagree that it gets kind of contrived keeping Harry from being full power, just one little nitpick of your nitpicks=P Though to be fair all he ever has to do to depower Harry for a bit is have him fight something tough and Harry will tire himself out by overusing his power.

Goodman Grey was awesome. Half Naagolashi badass with a sense of humor.

Also I could use some more Binder, he was really awesome.


Tranny Chaser
Merlin sleeping (imprisoned) in a crystal cave (Demonreach) until Arthur again returns etc etc. It fits but it's also obvious enough that I suspect it to be someone else.

Inb4 Harry assumes the mantle of Hades (fearsome dogs, guardians of powerful troves), the mantle of Merlin, the mantle of King Arthur, and the mantle of Oberon - King of the Faeries by series end.

Old Saint Odin is going to be so jealous.


I don't think there are Faerie Kings, I remember reading that in the Reddit AMA.
Yep. He stated that there are unofficial 'kings' of the specific courts, but by no means were they considered the equals of the Queens. His direct quote was something along the lines of, 'Isn't Mab bad enough?'.