Elden Ring - From Software + George RR Martin


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Yeah, the one time I drove across Ohio and Indiana, I was blown away by how desolate it felt. Potholes everywhere, roadkill everywhere (that had clearly been accumulating). Like public works isn't a thing. Stopped in a few towns in Ohio and the sense of malaise and hopelessness among the people was potent.
Yeah that’s usually all of small town Midwest near the end of winter. The ground unfreezes so potholes begin popping everywhere. People haven’t had vitamin D from the sun for 5-6 months, the sky is perpetually grey, so they’re depressed. There’s not much to do so they’re bored. They’re poor, can’t really afford the meth they need to make it through winter. It’s a bitch.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Oblivion was a great game. It got a lot of shit because the "do anything be anything" approach fell flat in some areas, like leveling scaling. Some of the freeform stuff (NPC faces and AI, automated questing) were too ambitious and under-delivered. And they followed one of the most unique set of biomes (Vvardenfell, in Morrowind) with the most generic biomes (Cyrodiil). I think people judged it too harshly.

That's something I definitely noticed, Morrowind's environments are very alien and diverse, while Oblivion's environments are pretty much standard fantasy grasslands/woods/castles. One of them feels like another planet, the other feels like a generic RPG. Though I do like the red-sky oblivion gate zones. I need to get back to those, I only played a few hours of each and they've been backlogged for 8 years. Might be tough to get back to them now that Elden Ring has obsoleted all my other games though.

Do the undead dragon?

I don't think so. Where is it?

I did this with seikro as well, beat it in a couple days post launch but almost zero interest in playing the game some more due to no variations on builds.
This game though, variation is insane and can’t wait to try new things.
Mods, can not wait to see what the community is going to do with this. My first guess is fix PvP balance.

That's the one thing I prefer Souls over Bloodborne on. The amount of variety of builds is incredible in Souls, while Bloodborne not so much. Fewer weapons, fewer viable ways of playing, definitely more controlled. Then Sekiro goes even further into the restrictions by not even having builds, and giving you one weapon (I think, I haven't gotten far in it). I wish Sekiro were more like Bloodborne, only with the setting it has, in terms of having different weapons/stats/etc. The fact that you can't level grind to offset a tough boss scares the hell out of me.

Question, is it possible to go back to that little zone from the very beginning of the game? I'd like to get revenge on that one multi-armed guy that kills you at the beginning.


Mr. Poopybutthole
That's something I definitely noticed, Morrowind's environments are very alien and diverse, while Oblivion's environments are pretty much standard fantasy grasslands/woods/castles. One of them feels like another planet, the other feels like a generic RPG. Though I do like the red-sky oblivion gate zones. I need to get back to those, I only played a few hours of each and they've been backlogged for 8 years. Might be tough to get back to them now that Elden Ring has obsoleted all my other games though.

I don't think so. Where is it?

That's the one thing I prefer Souls over Bloodborne on. The amount of variety of builds is incredible in Souls, while Bloodborne not so much. Fewer weapons, fewer viable ways of playing, definitely more controlled. Then Sekiro goes even further into the restrictions by not even having builds, and giving you one weapon (I think, I haven't gotten far in it). I wish Sekiro were more like Bloodborne, only with the setting it has, in terms of having different weapons/stats/etc. The fact that you can't level grind to offset a tough boss scares the hell out of me.

Question, is it possible to go back to that little zone from the very beginning of the game? I'd like to get revenge on that one multi-armed guy that kills you at the beginning.
Yeah, you can get back to the starting area


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
That's something I definitely noticed, Morrowind's environments are very alien and diverse, while Oblivion's environments are pretty much standard fantasy grasslands/woods/castles. One of them feels like another planet, the other feels like a generic RPG. Though I do like the red-sky oblivion gate zones. I need to get back to those, I only played a few hours of each and they've been backlogged for 8 years. Might be tough to get back to them now that Elden Ring has obsoleted all my other games though.
I think people who don't enjoy the Oblivion gates are also more likely to dislike Oblivion. For me, they were the highlight of the game because it turned the game from an quest / exploration game into an ARPG while you were in the gates, especially with all the gameplay/difficulty mods I stacked in. I did two playthroughs of Oblivion where I literally cleared all 90ish gates and only regret there weren't more.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
haha @Ritley I had a much more aggressive post written up before I edited it down. Some of that was I don't care how many git gud's I get, you'll not sway me! haha

And you make good points, why not just come back later? I don't know how, but I've been programmed to basically play games on rails. So the fact that I know that Tree Sentinel exists now means I can't just bypass him and move on. In my brain, I'm like if they didn't want me to beat this guy right here and right now, they wouldn't have put him right here. So as Khane so accurately points out, it sometimes takes a long time to win, but you will win. My problem is though that once I win I don't get that rush of endorphins and the awesome feeling of accomplishment. I'm just glad it's over and thankful the annoyance is over. So beating hard boss fights doesn't thrill me or something I enjoy at all.
I guess you already know your problem, don't play on rails. I'm glad this game isn't like that (never got into previous souls games). That goes back to evading the griffon in Freeport and probably further.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
That's something I definitely noticed, Morrowind's environments are very alien and diverse, while Oblivion's environments are pretty much standard fantasy grasslands/woods/castles. One of them feels like another planet, the other feels like a generic RPG. Though I do like the red-sky oblivion gate zones. I need to get back to those, I only played a few hours of each and they've been backlogged for 8 years. Might be tough to get back to them now that Elden Ring has obsoleted all my other games though.

I don't think so. Where is it?

That's the one thing I prefer Souls over Bloodborne on. The amount of variety of builds is incredible in Souls, while Bloodborne not so much. Fewer weapons, fewer viable ways of playing, definitely more controlled. Then Sekiro goes even further into the restrictions by not even having builds, and giving you one weapon (I think, I haven't gotten far in it). I wish Sekiro were more like Bloodborne, only with the setting it has, in terms of having different weapons/stats/etc. The fact that you can't level grind to offset a tough boss scares the hell out of me.

Question, is it possible to go back to that little zone from the very beginning of the game? I'd like to get revenge on that one multi-armed guy that kills you at the beginning.
Undead dragon named Ekzykes is right on the main road on the south side of Caelid. He blends into the environment when laying down but as you ride by he gets up.
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Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
I think people who don't enjoy the Oblivion gates are also more likely to dislike Oblivion. For me, they were the highlight of the game because it turned the game from an quest / exploration game into an ARPG while you were in the gates, especially with all the gameplay/difficulty mods I stacked in. I did two playthroughs of Oblivion where I literally cleared all 90ish gates and only regret there weren't more.
I thought oblivion started out pretty cool but once I got into the oblivion gates and they all seemed identical I was nodding off in my chair while doing them. I shelved the game and didn’t get far, which is probably a shame cause I hear people who liked the game speak highly of it.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
This is nuts. I felt like my healing flasks weren't nearly as good as they should be (+5 at endgame with 13 charges, while I was seeing Youtube videos with like +9 way earlier in the game).

Looked into what I'm missing since I scoured for Sacred Tears and Golden Seeds. Turns out I never defeated ANY of the five Erdtree Avatars in the open world. I don't even think I saw any of them. Time to go hunting. So protip, be sure to find all the Erdtree Avatars. Game would have been much easier to deal with if I'd known this 20 hours ago.

I thought they just dropped two tears for the physick flask?
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Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Sacred Tears are just laying around churches. Tree Avatars drop the physik flask components.
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The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Which boss do I need to kill to reset my stats? How hard is it do at level 48?


Mr. Poopybutthole
Which boss do I need to kill to reset my stats? How hard is it do at level 48?

You have to kill Rennala, which is the next main boss after Godrick. I found her much easier than Godrick, so if you can beat him she should be cake.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Is there some reward for beating Shardbearer Mohg in his palace? That was an absolute nightmare, and as far as I can tell I got nothing except a ton of souls for winning. Just surprised there's no weapon/armor/spell/talisman reward for beating the big head honcho of the underworld.


Got something right about marriage
Based on dialogue in roundtable hold hes supposed to have a great rune. But I havent fought him yet so no idea


Trakanon Raider
Finally got Radahn down, used the rot breath, thanks for the tip. That guy was my Ornstein and Smough (sticking point) for this game I think.

The area in the castle that had the festival participants has a duo boss after he’s dead? This Crucible Knight is wrecking my shit.

For some reason the first time i visited this castle, the duo boss was there blocking access to Radahn. I left to do some other stuff, now the duo is gone and the festival started. (Radahn alive)
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Not Woke
<Bronze Donator>
F Radahn in the A. I know what I need to do to beat him, but the near perfect execution required to do it is making me crazy. Definitely my biggest roadblock so far.
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FPS noob
jesus christ someone speed ran Elden Ring in 59 mins. gonna be nuts to see how fast speedrunners can get clears down. will being a tranny be an advantage, since the body horror won't phase you at all?

obviously don't watch if you haven't finished the game, im 30 hours in and have no idea what most of you are talking about. i'm the opposite of a speed runner, a slow walker

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I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
jesus christ someone speed ran Elden Ring in 59 mins. gonna be nuts to see how fast speedrunners can get clears down. will being a tranny be an advantage, since the body horror won't phase you at all?

obviously don't watch if you haven't finished the game, im 30 hours in and have no idea what most of you are talking about. i'm the opposite of a speed runner, a slow walker

The horse will make speedruns a lot more enjoyable. ER may be the greatest game to speedrun ever made. Or maybe not because there will be 80% horse riding :|
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Molten Core Raider
F Radahn in the A. I know what I need to do to beat him, but the near perfect execution required to do it is making me crazy. Definitely my biggest roadblock so far.

Agreed, it took me like 75+ tries if I were to guess, and I'm at 32 vigor, can't imagine trying him with any lower as pretty much everything will kill you in 1-2 hits.

The run up to him started getting old as well, wish you could just have a checkpoint once you make it to his melee stage.