

Millie's Staff Member
it ended well.

so moriarty, pretended to be irene adler and faked her death and then later leads sherlock back to her and left clues with the yellow paint that would put the police onto her secret hitman and then tried to have him killed? what the fuck?

and another wtf, im also pretty sure this is the first time ever that sherlock holmes literally fucked moriarty.
mind blown


Throbbing Member
No, the paint was a fuck up I believe. Remember she had Sherlock with her and thought that Watson wasn't good enough to figure things out. If Sherlock hadn't of been training her I doubt anyone would have figured out the paint. Moriarty wasn't planning on revealing herself to Sherlock... yet.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
She also never wanted to have him killed... The hitman grew a pair and went about that all on his own.


Vyemm Raider
Having Irene be Moriarty is an interesting take, I'll give them that, and the actress plays her well. That being said, I felt the ending was rather weak. Moriarty is supposed to be at the very least Sherlock's equal intellectually, and also works through proxies, has an entire "organization" of them. She didn't need to stop the assassin herself, but I can let that slide, since she decided to reveal herself to Sherlock. But then, she takes even more stupid and unnecessary risks. When she grabs Watson in the middle of the street in broad daylight, not to mention delivering the handgun to Narwhal herself. Makes no sense. Then there's the whole trap thing. Even though Sherlock didn't prevent the murders, he still solved the case. He wouldn't OD or even get high because of that. He loves a challenge. As soon as I saw him lying on the floor I knew what was going down. And then she shows up at the hospital, why? I'm sure she could have found out that he wasn't dying or whatever without actually going there, and if she really wanted to see him before she left town she could have set up a less risky way to do it.

And now she's been arrested. Surely someone who's so smart and resourceful with an organization of henchmen can orchestrate a prison break without even trying too hard. Which I'm assuming will be what happens next season. Unless they go the other route, and have her sit in prison while some other plan of hers is set in motion. And Sherlock visits her, and she tells him going to prison was part of her plan, blah blah. Hope I'm wrong, but this season finale doesn't give any indication of that.


Avatar of War Slayer
thought she said she only uses agents when the people would resist a woman being in control. my take, she gets her jollies from controlling people and building the perfect puzzle. that is why she handled the gun to the dude.
grabbing watson was alpha chick move and chances of that failing were pretty low.
as for the end, think they were showing she has the feelings that crippled and clouded sherlock.
pretty sure, she won't spend that much time in jail.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I think I missed an episode or two, as for side characters I really love when Sherlock gets to open up. Alfredo is always good and needs to be involved more.

Moriarty needs to come back, this is still my favorite scene of the series


Millie's Staff Member
the same happened to me, goddamn thursday night football blacked it out. i had to find "other methods" to catch the missing episode.


I love my Elementary. Johnny Lee Miller is the Sherlock gold standard, in my opinion.

But damn, writers, get back to some over-arching plots. There are enough procedural shows out there already, sheez.


<Bronze Donator>
I love my Elementary. Johnny Lee Miller is the Sherlock gold standard, in my opinion.

But damn, writers, get back to some over-arching plots. There are enough procedural shows out there already, sheez.
I agree with both of these sentiments. I think this show as at it's best during the Moriarty storyline


Ssraeszha Raider
I love my Elementary. Johnny Lee Miller is the Sherlock gold standard, in my opinion.


But damn, writers, get back to some over-arching plots. There are enough procedural shows out there already, sheez.
I like the show because of Miller and Liu's legs, but honestly most cases are just flat-out boring. The recent one with the faux abductee was pretty good though.

Also, other viewers in the household complain about not being about to understand Miller. I think this is pretty common sentiment and is hurting the show's ratings.


Millie's Staff Member
I like the show because of Miller and Liu's legs, but honestly most cases are just flat-out boring. The recent one with the faux abductee was pretty good though.

Also, other viewers in the household complain about not being about to understand Miller. I think this is pretty common sentiment and is hurting the show's ratings.
oh come on, he has been talking like that since the show started and people can understand him just fine, the ratings may be hurting , but that isnt due to his accent, could be the show has gotten a bit stale and they keep bringing in new sidekicks for sherlock to play off of. we had Mycroft, then Kitty and now count dracula err his dad. im fine with it because this show is one of my staples now, but i can see how it may be getting old to others. and yes Lucy in just a t-shirt is still a thing of beauty.


Ssraeszha Raider
Might just be spoiled by the BBC version, but just can't get into this. Does it pickup after the first couple episodes?


Golden Squire
I'm half way through season three at the moment and I really like this "on the spectrum" version of Sherlock. It makes sense that the character would be a total weirdo.

I think I like this more than the Cumberbatch version.

The crimes don't tend to be as good but that'll happen when you have 24 episodes a year instead of a handful once in a blue moon.


Millie's Staff Member
sherlock and elementary are two very different shows. sherlock is a dynamic neo noir mystery show that exists on a different dimension. this show is a more meat and potatoes whodunnit with the twist being that it has the sexiest watson ever.