Epic Seven


Lord Nagafen Raider
Sol u can 60 for free if u manage to get the rewards from the events. Dizzy is fine at 50 for the moment, all considering id go Angelica (i dont have tywin) mostly cause i use her as tank pretty much everywhere that is remotely difficult (abyss/raids). But id pick between angelica and tywin i guess (granted u can get the free copies of sol)


Golden Knight of the Realm
I wont be able to get enough copies of him from the event I started only a week ago. I should be able to get 2-3 extra


Buzzfeed Editor
I wont be able to get enough copies of him from the event I started only a week ago. I should be able to get 2-3 extra
Nice thing about events is that the veteran level (Or whatever the second difficulty of the 4 is), is better exp per energy than grinding on normal stages. I'd grind as hard as possible, Sol's got a great bonus for multiple copies, too, 12% defense to the front slot.

But who to bring to 50 for the grind, normally you'd want to do your best DPS first just so you can farm the rest faster. But Dizzy doesn't scale too well, her power is in her debuffs. So I'd go with Angelica unless you have a farming character maxed. Angelica can tank and heal, and if you slot her in the front with Sol or Dizzy in another slot, they can heal well for the grind.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I assume I want to gear angela with health and defense for tanking? And is 6star required for her to tank or can i do it with 5?

Avatar of Nyx

Molten Core Raider
I have a speed set and effect resistance set on my Angelica. You're going to find that the vast majority of the units in the game will want to use the speed set with substats tuned to their particular role.


Night Janitor
<Nazi Janitors>
Well, the new update caused the game to crash on start, clearing cache, data, and reinstalling didn't fix it. I'm guessing it's because I'm running the android Q developer preview on my Pixel XL.

Dug out my old 1+ One and it actually runs, but even in low quality mode it runs like crap. Going to my unit list to do anything take forever.

I'm going to have to wipe the damn Pixel in order to revert it to stock, goddammit.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Well, the new update caused the game to crash on start, clearing cache, data, and reinstalling didn't fix it. I'm guessing it's because I'm running the android Q developer preview on my Pixel XL.

Dug out my old 1+ One and it actually runs, but even in low quality mode it runs like crap. Going to my unit list to do anything take forever.

I'm going to have to wipe the damn Pixel in order to revert it to stock, goddammit.
I use my old OnePlus at work and it runs like crap all of a sudden on that unit. Must have broken something this patch.


Night Janitor
<Nazi Janitors>
I use my old OnePlus at work and it runs like crap all of a sudden on that unit. Must have broken something this patch.

Yeah, I wiped the Pixel to revert to stock and performance is definitely worse than it was before the patch. Lots of stuttering.

Avatar of Nyx

Molten Core Raider
I cant say that I've ran into any issues really but my phone is fairly new (Galaxy S9 Note). The game has been running worse on the emulator Ive been playing it on at home though (LD player).


Golden Knight of the Realm
Pulled assassin coli from my first ml. Should I be happy or mad.

I also pulled CID from a daily. I haven't touched either but have seen a bunch in arena


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Pulled assassin coli from my first ml. Should I be happy or mad.

I also pulled CID from a daily. I haven't touched either but have seen a bunch in arena
Both of them need really good speed gear and molagoras I think. I tried building A Coli but wasnt too impressed. Might have been lacking in gear though. 200+ speed, 100% crit and as much critdmg as you can I would guess.

Both are kinda PvP units, with Cid being good for some PvE as well.

Avatar of Nyx

Molten Core Raider
Some people in my guild swear by Assassin Coli. With great gear, she can shut down a bunch of the top end pvp units like ML Baal, Ruele, etc. You have to invest heavily into her both molagora wise and gear wise but she's very much worth it. Cidd is good as well, but not as good as A Coli and since both essentially need the same stuff to shine, you should devote your resources to A. Coli imo


Buzzfeed Editor
Pulled assassin coli from my first ml. Should I be happy or mad.

I also pulled CID from a daily. I haven't touched either but have seen a bunch in arena

Assasin Coli is extremely dominant in the current meta because she's one of the fastest units in the game and she can stun (Or silence a whole team if she kills) and its very easy to kill squishy targets with her S3 if its fully Molgd. But as others have said, she's a very resource intensive unit and extremely "narrow" in where she's useful--she's pretty much good for shutting down the opponents initiator or Sez/Baal ect. (But she also does really excellent damage after the first strike, too.)

She does good damage in PvE too, and she's surprisingly robust because her stealth lets you build her pure offense...But that's all she's got, damage. And plenty of easier to build characters do just as much damage and bring other stuff. So she is really confined to her niche unless you are really lacking damage units. But overall, once you get to that end stage--she's a power house for what she does. So she's a good pull, just not as generally useful as some others.

Cidd, I'd say it depends on if you have a decent green damage dealer/defense breaker. Cidd brings defense break, and he's very consistent with it. His damage is also really good, really, really good actually. Coli though is actually more versatile in terms of damage because she's a dark unit, so she can used everywhere. But Cidd is more versatile because he has defense break, so he fits into more team comps for green/blue/dark/light enemies. (If you need a green defense breaker/DPS, go with Cid. If not, go with Coli)


Buzzfeed Editor
Yeah, I wiped the Pixel to revert to stock and performance is definitely worse than it was before the patch. Lots of stuttering.

There is a new patch in the playstore, they fixed the stutter/locking issue it seems. Game is running smooth for me again, where before it was hanging for a few seconds on every transition.
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Night Janitor
<Nazi Janitors>
There is a new patch in the playstore, they fixed the stutter/locking issue it seems. Game is running smooth for me again, where before it was hanging for a few seconds on every transition.

Yep, much better after the new patch.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Man farming these catalysts is the most enjoyable thing to do in this game.

Got angelica t3 and tywin t3 done working on dizzy now but these catalysts wont drop. At least I'm leveling fodder at the same time


<Gold Donor>
This was a pretty fun game, and I still play very occasionally but the devs could have made this a really GREAT game but some of the stuff needs looking into. Why is gear SO important, much, much more important than the characters (which are the base of this games gacha). It's gacha on gacha on gacha and the loop is something I don't really enjoy much anymore. The excitement I get from pulling a rare, only to then realize how fucking long it'll take me to gear the toon up just defeats any interest I have in continuing on seriously. I guess I can swap gear (at a cost) from my Luna, or Angelica or my Bellona, knowing then they'll be gimped and need to be re-geared, but it'd sure be nice have a stable full of relatively eff toons. Mola investment is still too much and some need a ton more investment than others.

I dunno, probably just burned out but this seems to happen in every one of these games save P&D (which I still play fairly regularly).

Avatar of Nyx

Molten Core Raider
I feel ya on those points. I still enjoy the game and will continue to play it for now, but what concerns me is the massive leaps in power creep the game has experienced recently.

They nerfed Falconer Kluri because of her prominence in pvp, yet right after it they began implementing a series of cripplingly overpowered Moonlight units. First ML Aramintha, then Sage Baal, and soon ML Cecilia is looking to join them. Im fortunate enough to have pulled Ruele a little while back so she helps me offset the powercreep a little bit but, for a game that seems to be more and more pvp driven (there needs to be more pve stuff implemented soon), people that dont spend or just have shit luck are getting outclassed quickly.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Well tbh all those unit have gear counter if used properly. U can offset Bhaal/ml ara with immunity/res set. Plenty of powerful unit that aint ML as well. Reall issue as other stated, is the rarity of gear (with proper stat). They need to fix it, its the only negative side of this game imho. Either increase the droprate of gear, or implement a stat change system that allow us to reroll unwanted stat in the gear we have (or have al lthe stat raise instead a random of 4).

You can have all the rarest unit u want, but if not geared properly it matter little.

All in all tho i still enjoy this very much, its prob the game that held mah interest for the longest time (mobile wise).

And yes it need more PVE. maybe new raid as well, its getting a bit stale there.

Avatar of Nyx

Molten Core Raider
Immunity sets do little against Baal since he can strip buffs, sleep, and boost his own CR with one single attack. Effect resist, no matter how high you get it, has an innate chance to fail (around 15% I believe), you can never be 100% resistant to detrimental effects. I run Ruele with 120% effect resist and a Kitty Clarissa with 85% and it's funny cause Clarissa seems to get hit with debuffs less than Ruele does. I dont like relying on rng in a fight :(

It's also very shaky ground wanting a way to reroll stats. A lot of folks in my guild came from Summoner Wars where they have an item called Reappraisal stones (reapp), which they claim broke the game entirely. It became a very monetization heavy aspect of the game and was a big part of pushing a lot of them away from SW and into other games. I wanted something like that for a while as well but once I heard the complaints about reapp stones, Ive changed my tune a bit.