Epic Seven


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I think someone left and we dropped below the amount of people required to fill tower so we missed GW. Someone set the guild to rank 30 and open enrollment which quite pissed me off. I'm kicking everything out who is sub rank 60....personally I don't want anyone who isn't rank 65.

I'd say our guild, Rerolled, has about 10-15 pretty active and solid members, the rest are semi ok w/e.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I don't think anything is happening to the Rerolled guild.

Like Murked said, we just lost one person who was manning a tower so missed the GW. We're probably looking for 5-7 good people to fill in for the weak links who are auto losses on defense and either don't use all of their attacks or fail most of them.

Current guild rank is #480 after missing a war and a couple of close losses in a row.


Molten Core Raider
Yes we had enough people, just lost someone in a tower which is a req i believe. I am going to reddit this weekend to recruit; we can safely remove 10-15 people that are "meh" rando's, rest of core is strong so hoping to find a guild in a similar situation can that can take their top people and cull our idiots. With some additional guild stuff in the works need to make sure we are in the best position possible. I have one cunt who is active in GW some what and does alright but asks for cata every fucking day that will be one of the first to get the boot.

My wife finished champ 1 this week in arena using mainly Iseria + TAM + Crimson + Ludewig after i helped her regear. Uses kise as a sub maybe 10-20% of time but Crimson + Ludewig is fucking legit with todays counter cleave meta. She unfortunately has no defensive ML5's so struggling to get a real solid def that can take some wins in champion. This morning when she had kise in the line up she got 1 v 4'd by corvious and said enough is enough.....so she is 6 starring and max mola'ing Corv haha.

Thinking Corv + Lilias + Violet + SS Bellona; fast lialias to help push violet into evasion state. She got both haste + ML baz in 11 or 14 pulls yesterday so still trying to figure out if he has a place on that team.

I switched back to single target dps team for arena with Iseria + TAM + W. Schuri + fill and doing very well in high champion w Iseira TAM at 240/230 speed both with 90-130% eff. I use baiken as my 4th on non-vildred teams and LOVE her so much but i need to get her back to a speed focus and use her on my def and GW teams as still solid damage + push. So i'm working on + 15 lilibret. DO NOT SLEEP ON HER, her damage is fucking real.

I have hell cutter on her and schuri tuned to go first so she can SB; its pretty ridiculous. Once i have her max mola'd ill move baiken back to speed or possibly combo with enough speed to go ML basar into Baiken into ML Cecil into pretty heavy damage focused SS bellona (maybe ML ken) but will see how well WO maybe works with him. If the push goes off before they kill baiken she will slaughter plus SS bellonaa and ML Cecil AE damage is legit. I have my ML Cecil + 15 with pretty solid bruiser gear so she hurts.


Molten Core Raider
Join our guild and you can read walls of text like this daily in discord! #loveyouturbo


Buzzfeed Editor
Yes we had enough people, just lost someone in a tower which is a req i believe. I am going to reddit this weekend to recruit; we can safely remove 10-15 people that are "meh" rando's, rest of core is strong so hoping to find a guild in a similar situation can that can take their top people and cull our idiots. With some additional guild stuff in the works need to make sure we are in the best position possible. I have one cunt who is active in GW some what and does alright but asks for cata every fucking day that will be one of the first to get the boot.

My wife finished champ 1 this week in arena using mainly Iseria + TAM + Crimson + Ludewig after i helped her regear. Uses kise as a sub maybe 10-20% of time but Crimson + Ludewig is fucking legit with todays counter cleave meta. She unfortunately has no defensive ML5's so struggling to get a real solid def that can take some wins in champion. This morning when she had kise in the line up she got 1 v 4'd by corvious and said enough is enough.....so she is 6 starring and max mola'ing Corv haha.

Thinking Corv + Lilias + Violet + SS Bellona; fast lialias to help push violet into evasion state. She got both haste + ML baz in 11 or 14 pulls yesterday so still trying to figure out if he has a place on that team.

I switched back to single target dps team for arena with Iseria + TAM + W. Schuri + fill and doing very well in high champion w Iseira TAM at 240/230 speed both with 90-130% eff. I use baiken as my 4th on non-vildred teams and LOVE her so much but i need to get her back to a speed focus and use her on my def and GW teams as still solid damage + push. So i'm working on + 15 lilibret. DO NOT SLEEP ON HER, her damage is fucking real.

I have hell cutter on her and schuri tuned to go first so she can SB; its pretty ridiculous. Once i have her max mola'd ill move baiken back to speed or possibly combo with enough speed to go ML basar into Baiken into ML Cecil into pretty heavy damage focused SS bellona (maybe ML ken) but will see how well WO maybe works with him. If the push goes off before they kill baiken she will slaughter plus SS bellonaa and ML Cecil AE damage is legit. I have my ML Cecil + 15 with pretty solid bruiser gear so she hurts.

Fire Corvus getting nerfed. Slight buff too. They are removing the defense proc on S3 and making it cost 100 spirit (But he'll start with 50). However, now rage itself will grant 30% defense AND effective resist. Still, what made him able to solo 4 vs 1 is gone. He'll still be a decent counter unit in GW, but not a universal stall anymore I think.

Avatar of Nyx

Molten Core Raider
Which is a good thing. In no way, shape, form, or fashion, should any unit regardless of rarity or element be able to 1v3 or 1v4 people. I hated fighting him. He's one reason I went all in on SSBellona, I wanted a unit that could completely dunk on him and she does the job.

In interested in the Spec Sez buff...they may have to rework his kit to make him viable, this will be his second buff, maybe this one will get him off the bench


Molten Core Raider
Definitely interested in Sez and even Zero buffs. I hope they make Tene change her SB to attack with elemental weakness; would love to see that as I have wanted to use her but water meta makes it pretty meh.


Molten Core Raider
Me and the wife both made it to # 1 spot in arena today. A lot of skystones as a reward thats forsure!

My team for 99% of the fights:
TAM w/tome
Iseria w/midnight bloom
Lilibet w/hell cutter
W. Schuri w/ Portriat

Her Team for 99% of the fights:
TAM w/tome
Iseria w/song
Crimson w/aurius
Ludewig w/Portriat (even though until she hit top 10 she forgot she had book on him from the day before when she was running kise + ludewig cleave)



Golden Knight of the Realm
The game has gotten very stale. I logged in to check out the world boss and it’s a complete joke.

Avatar of Nyx

Molten Core Raider
The player base is pretty much rioting at the moment. The last few major updates added nothing but more and more gold sinks while offering no real new content or ways to earn gold. Pet system was a joke, world boss is a waste of time, and the new gear creation system is almost insulting. The game is getting review bombed on the Google Play store, I think I remember its highest rating was 4.7, it's currently down to 3.7. It's not a game to put any significant effort into right now.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I'm still playing daily in a guild with some IRL friends. As others have stated, the game has slowed down quite a bit in terms of PVE. No more raid bosses. New PVE content has been disappointing, unfortunately. PVP is getting a bit stale but there seems to be options to figure out some interesting teams. At the super high end, there isn't a ton of different lineups. The gear grind is still tough. If you've cleared abyss, there isn't much to do in PVE except I guess to make one shot W11, B11, and A11 teams to have your hopes crushed in gear grind.


Buzzfeed Editor
Still playing and enjoying it, but all the criticisms are spot on. Last few systems were dogshit, and haven't really improved access to gear or gold--both of which are becoming more and more limiting as people get more heroes (I now have 5 star and 4 star ML heroes I haven't taken to 60 because I simply don't have the gear to make it worthwhile), and I'm able to grind a lot.

They need to focus on endgame PvE content as a method for better farming, imo, or they are going to lose the head of steam they've built up with how gorgeous the game looks.


Karazhan Raider
Anyone still playing? Decided to give it a go, been playing for a couple of days. Pretty much have no idea what I’m doing, but pretty fun so far. Rolled a Sez with the 30 shot roll thing, after a quick check decided to keep him. On level 8 now with my garbo team


Silver Knight of the Realm
I still play this daily. There was a rough time for the game lately in terms of community dissatisfaction with the game. But they have made some really nice changes in my opinion for the mid to end game player. Abyss floors 91-100 are now open, some nice pet improvements, new raid bosses are coming soon. Good time to start playing or to get back if you've stopped for a bit.

Sez isn't great late game, but lots of people like them. There are guides out there for your selective reroll if you really want to min max, but I don't think it's necessary. There are 3* top tier healer, farmers, and DPS honestly. I'm happy to answer any questions you might have.


Karazhan Raider
I still play this daily. There was a rough time for the game lately in terms of community dissatisfaction with the game. But they have made some really nice changes in my opinion for the mid to end game player. Abyss floors 91-100 are now open, some nice pet improvements, new raid bosses are coming soon. Good time to start playing or to get back if you've stopped for a bit.

Sez isn't great late game, but lots of people like them. There are guides out there for your selective reroll if you really want to min max, but I don't think it's necessary. There are 3* top tier healer, farmers, and DPS honestly. I'm happy to answer any questions you might have.
Well that sucks, not going to reset at this point though. Which of the 3 star heroes should I work on? Here’s the heroes I have that I’ve been sort of working on, but have a bunch more 3*. Only other 5* I have is Cerise and she seems pretty bad but I’m using her anyways for now

