EQ Never


Mr. Poopybutthole
"It might also be something like maybe if you're fighting something and a second monster comes and the second monster hates the monster you're fighting more than it hates you, it might actually join in on your side. This is a possibility; something that could happen. It depends on the situation."
That...is kind of awesome.


Maybe they'll pull a planetside and just drop you down in the middle of fuck nowhere the second you make a character.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
Maybe they'll pull a planetside and just drop you down in the middle of fuck nowhere the second you make a character.
Haha that'd be awesome. Bust out your newbie note..

"Here's a pickaxe, some water, and a rusty longsword. Fuck you."


Golden Knight of the Realm
Hmm, I like the sound of that, but on the other hand think that the 'masses' might get pissed. If Timmy the warrior keeps getting kited by druids/shamans and cant adjust his play style, he's going to complain to high heaven. If they can really nail the AI like this, this game might be even more unforgiving than original EQ. The tears on the official forums will be akin to complaining about 4 hour CR's, i.e. I cant kill the xx mob. To mass replies of L2Play newb lolz.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
After reading the some 300 pages of this thread since the announcement. There is just one thing I hope that SOE can capture. I like the new design if they are able to pull it off. But the only thing I need to be satisfied from this game is if they can capture the inherent fear and wonder surrounding the EQ game world.

It's been over 10 fucking years and I can still remember wandering around Nektulos Forest in the dark, never knowing what you might run into next. Dreading being caught in Kithicor if it got too late... and a bunch of others. If EQ Next can make me give a shit about where I am going and what I am doing. I will be quite satisfied. Also, if the dungeons are interesting.


Elisha Dushku
Hmm, I like the sound of that, but on the other hand think that the 'masses' might get pissed. If Timmy the warrior keeps getting kited by druids/shamans and cant adjust his play style, he's going to complain to high heaven. If they can really nail the AI like this, this game might even more unforgiving than original EQ. The tears on the official forums will be akin to complaining about 4 hour CR's.
Go back and look at my comments in the past 40 pages. Exactly this. Timmy may be up shit creek in which case SOE is going to have to tone down the combat AI to GW2 levels.

OTHO, people on this forum are going to enjoy the hell out of it if Butler decides he doesn't care about Timmy (unlikely).


Trakanon Raider
Just Elves and Dark Elves. And DE are just a caste of the Elves.
Well, they were just a caste of the elves at the time of the fiction on the website, which is ~500 years before present day EQN, and, for that matter, before they actually became dark elves. Aside from that, yeah, it looks like there are just 'elves', with high elf and wood elf being cultural distinctions rather than subraces, and I'm betting they'll do the same thing with humans, barbarians, and erudites.

As to starting locations, everything is pointing towards all the Combine races starting in Qeynos (at launch, at least), but we don't yet know that all playable races are part of the Combine (the Combine, so far, means humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, ogres, and kerrans). It might end up being something like: those races start in Qeynos; dark elves, trolls, kobolds, and ratonga start in Neriak; and maybe one other city for whatever other races are also in the game. And then we spread out from there.


Trump's Staff
Advanced AI like that wont happen in T1-2a areas, guaranteed. Once you get further below and need a group is when you'll see smart AI.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Hmm, I like the sound of that, but on the other hand think that the 'masses' might get pissed. If Timmy the warrior keeps getting kited by druids/shamans and cant adjust his play style, he's going to complain to high heaven. If they can really nail the AI like this, this game might be even more unforgiving than original EQ. The tears on the official forums will be akin to complaining about 4 hour CR's, i.e. I cant kill the xx mob. To mass replies of L2Play newb lolz.
That's why they make functionally retarded Orcs for Johnny Casual to kill, while still creating challenging content for the more skilled players.

Go back and look at my comments in the past 40 pages. Exactly this. Timmy may be up shit creek in which case SOE is going to have to tone down the combat AI to GW2 levels.

OTHO, people on this forum are going to enjoy the hell out of it if Butler decides he doesn't care about Timmy (unlikely).
Why does it have to be an all or nothing thing? No one is clamoring for WoW Heroic raids to be tuned to levels so Timmy can do it. Blizzard just makes some content easier so Timmy can still play, even if the rewards aren't as good.


Elisha Dushku
It might end up being something like: those races start in Qeynos; dark elves, trolls, kobolds, and ratonga start in Neriak; and maybe one other city for whatever other races are also in the game. And then we spread out from there.
It is true that I heard the devs were considering multiple starting cities, I just don't see it happening if they want to meet their timetable.


I have a feeling that all of these rallying calls, amazing ai, and general world layout will become predictable within a month or so of launch.

Ive tried Aion, AoC, Warhammer, and several others. Aside from one thing these games all had in common (WoW clone) they all had their own gimmicks. This is what scares me about EQN, that the digging, rally calls ect will just be another gimmick that sounds neat but in reality, isint.

In Aion, everyone was thrilled with "Omg you have wings and can fly?! Imagine the possibilities!".

In Age of Conan it was, "Dude! Directional moves and skilled combat, AND you cant run through other players! Think of all the tactical possibilities!" People ranting on and on about how you can block doorways, and since there's real collision, a sword sweep would actually do damage to the players it would hit. The discussions and hype about the new paradigm of MMO combat was all over the place. Turned out to be the worst button mashing experience of MMO history. Maybe more than eq2.

In Rift, "Check out all these possible class combos! You can do ANYTHING you want! The possibilities!" Yeah. That turned out real neat 2 weeks later when everyone found the golden combos and that was that.

In Warhammer it was public quests. Yea, theyre neat. But not as much as everyone at the time made it out to be.

Not going to chime in about gw2 because I never played it, but Im pretty sure I could fit that in here too. Oh wait...here it is..."The trinity is gone!! Now I dont have to worry about clerics/warriors/whatever else ect. "

Im sure I left out a game or two, but you get the idea. Granted, yes, these games had other problems such as stability, bugs, boringness ect. Im aware at how jaded this likely sounds, but its the truth.

I like EQN's ideas. Really, I do. I need more info about their systems. Way more. I genuinely hope the game turns out fantastic because this genre desperately needs it. Itd be nice if there was some EQesque easter eggs or mechanics or what-have-you, but honestly, I don't really give a fuck. As long as its fun, has tons of replay value, and runs like butter, Ill sub. For more than a month.

The cynic in me says it will be just another hype gimmick fest that will plop after 2 months. Fuck, even WoW is hemorrhaging subs at a rapid rate. That, to me, says a lot of things. Mainly what I get from it is that people are sick of the "formula" and the genre has gotten stagnant (obviously). It would be nice if EQN actually turned out to revolutionize some areas of the MMOs, and not just a bunch of neat ideas/gimmicks on paper.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
People still think Kobolds are a playable race? I got the vibe that they were just a mob after the reveal.

The original EQ box art had mobs on it, too.



Elisha Dushku
Why does it have to be an all or nothing thing? No one is clamoring for WoW Heroic raids to be tuned to levels so Timmy can do it. Blizzard just makes some content easier so Timmy can still play, even if the rewards aren't as good.
We can only hope this is the solution.


Avatar of War Slayer
I don't believe this for a second frankly.
This kind of talk is the kind of thing everyone has had on wishlists for YEARS. never has anyone even come close.
Look at LoL, etc, Bots. look at Starcraft AI, etc. Shit is all functionally retarded. The only time AI has even come close to human performance is when it flat out cheats, in such games. Starcraft it knows where you are at all times, it doesn't have fog of war, and can cast psi-storms, etc instantly at the same time. no keystrokes.

complex AI is something that has always plagued everyone in every kind of game. If single player games can't make intelligent AI, even when they have less player interaction to deal with(aka no aggro. just 100% AI vs 1 player), set ground layouts, etc. No way in HELL is an mmo going to magically get it right, especially with destructible environments making pathing its own AI hellscape.

If they magically came up with something. then its industry changing(and not just MMO genre, the ENTIRE gaming industry), and they ought to be shouting it from the high heavens. or more then likely they are just full of false promises.