EQ Never

Mario Speedwagon

Gold Recognition
<Prior Amod>
What are the chances they completely scrap their current "work" and turn this into some kind of retarded MOBA? I'm starting to think than an MMO named EQNext coming out within the next 5 years is pretty close to zero probability.


Elisha Dushku
What are the chances they completely scrap their current "work" and turn this into some kind of retarded MOBA? I'm starting to think than an MMO named EQNext coming out within the next 5 years is pretty close to zero probability.
It is now, only at the end that we see: EQNext was only ever a mirage. A shimmer in the desert leading thirsty men to despair.

Shelley_sl said:
Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,
The lone and level sands stretch far away.
* * *

Yeah, I think you're on to something: the current version gets trashed. Landmark might see an actual release.


Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
What are the chances they completely scrap their current "work" and turn this into some kind of retarded MOBA? I'm starting to think than an MMO named EQNext coming out within the next 5 years is pretty close to zero probability.
zero. it will come out, complete or not, relatively bug-free or not. Daybreak wants a return on their investment, and like SoE before it, gives zero fucks to brand fidelity, their fan base, or terms like "quality" or "standards". They'll shit this slampig out of the door to get it out on the streets turning tricks for better or for worse.


At this point I don't even care if it ever comes out or not. I imagine there will be another MMORPG worth playing sometime in the future, but MMORPGs are very low on my give a fuck list right now, as they have been for years. I'm done sitting around dreaming about and discussing the next big mmo. I just can't be assed anymore. When the next one hits, I'll give a shit. I mean actually hits, no more of this kickstarter, or the game is 10 years out shit. Fuck that shit.


<Bronze Donator>
What are the chances they completely scrap their current "work" and turn this into some kind of retarded MOBA?
Implies they did actually did work on something in the last .. two months? I thought it was fairly obvious that they hoped to string the user made content from Landmark together to something of a coherent world and then the storybricks AI would generate the quests and actual "content" dynamically without them having to lift a finger.

Well, now its publish or perish time.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Or to sum it up:

SoE has been shitting bricks for years. Now Daybreak is shitting Storybricks.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Wait, they didn't fire the dude who writes the E-Books?

Those books are the only concrete accomplishment we might see for the next two years...or after they shit out the new version called Red Panda Pirates in MirageLand. C'mon kiddies, DL it now, and play this awesome game for free with your friends!


Elisha Dushku
Those books are the only concrete accomplishment we might see for the next two years...or after they shit out the new version called Red Panda Pirates in MirageLand. C'mon kiddies, DL it now, and play this awesome game for free with your friends!


Musty Nester
At this point I don't even care if it ever comes out or not. I imagine there will be another MMORPG worth playing sometime in the future, but MMORPGs are very low on my give a fuck list right now, as they have been for years. I'm done sitting around dreaming about and discussing the next big mmo. I just can't be assed anymore. When the next one hits, I'll give a shit. I mean actually hits, no more of this kickstarter, or the game is 10 years out shit. Fuck that shit.
I don't. I honestly think the entire genre is done. We've aged out and the yunguns are playing shit on their phones.

All that's left is niche games. Which, if you're into openworld sandbox pvp permadeath multiplayer is actually a pretty good deal.


Trakanon Raider
I don't. I honestly think the entire genre is done. We've aged out and the yunguns are playing shit on their phones.

All that's left is niche games. Which, if you're into openworld sandbox pvp permadeath multiplayer is actually a pretty good deal.
Don't be so pessimistic. Have to believe with all the money being thrown around in the MMO market, that eventually someone will get it right again someday.


<Bronze Donator>
Don't be so pessimistic. Have to believe with all the money being thrown around in the MMO market, that eventually someone will get it right again someday.
So basically the "a million monkeys with a million typewriters" theory of game development?


Ok, Read the book and I'll give a synopsis

  • Takes place after the ogre city got blown up the King has a son and son is named Miragul.
  • Main character is a Halfling bard who had his town and family killed the evil high elves so he uses his fame to get in close with the royal family.
  • The other main character is Miragul who gives you a fake pump during his chapters making you think he's a good guy but he's actually really evil.(spoilers)
  • Halfling has a rag tag group of people who want to infiltrate the castle and stop the evil elf king. The Dwarf sells them out and they get captured except for the halfling.
  • The halfling sneaks into the castle and finds the king is gone so he decided to kill Miragul but finds out miragul can cast lightning bolts and shit and chases him away.
  • Miragul executes the other traitors and makes plans to take over his fathers empire.

Oh and the book takes place in Takish hiz.


Blackwing Lair Raider
They should scale it way back and work it like Minecraft, random world generation with NPCs doing their behaviors and slowly expanding over the generated world while players help defend and eradicate factions to their whims while completing quests and crafting things.
Periodically add the detail things like house cosmetics, to which I feel they are overfocusing on now which will spiral their release out of way.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Ok, Read the book and I'll give a synopsis

  • Takes place after the ogre city got blown up the King has a son and son is named Miragul.
  • Main character is a Halfling bard who had his town and family killed the evil high elves so he uses his fame to get in close with the royal family.
  • The other main character is Miragul who gives you a fake pump during his chapters making you think he's a good guy but he's actually really evil.(spoilers)
  • Halfling has a rag tag group of people who want to infiltrate the castle and stop the evil elf king. The Dwarf sells them out and they get captured except for the halfling.
  • The halfling sneaks into the castle and finds the king is gone so he decided to kill Miragul but finds out miragul can cast lightning bolts and shit and chases him away.
  • Miragul executes the other traitors and makes plans to take over his fathers empire.

Oh and the book takes place in Takish hiz.
So Miragul = Emperor Palpatine. Got it