EQ Never


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
This game looked good until they showed that live combat demo. All I saw was a bunch of spinning and particles and no actual impacts on the creature or any reaction animations from the creature.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I'm interested to see the UI and how classes work together (assuming they do). A lot of flashy action and particles so far. I really like the art style, though.


Buzzfeed Editor
They didn't really explain enough for me to be excited, at all. Like he said the land "heals" itself. So does that mean what you do is gone in 20 minutes? Which I can understand, but I'd like to know. What it sounds like is any change you make is temporary, but if enough players do something pre-set, like say, build a wall, then the change will become permanent, or something along those lines. Which is neat, but Rift has essentially said this stuff and not delivered.

The last few minutes of "them playing" was hillarious. A bunch of goblins, or whatever, that don't attack back--and a bunch of people that have no UI's, or anything, jumping around during an obviously pre-programmed event. Tony the tiger characters flying all over and shit...gah.

I mean, their concepts are amazing....but I have no faith in execution.


Too explody and cartoony for me. The human caster was pretty cool - her spell effects looked neat and she was normal sized, but the giant cat guy was fucking annoying, and you couldn't see shit with all the explosions the bigger monsters kept making.

Also, the mobs looked retarded just standing in packs for them to bowl over like bowling pins. I'm hoping their AI isn't done...

Not that a lot of the game didn't sound incredible.

I liked the idea of building Halas, etc.


FPS noob
Good and interesting ideas on voxelated, destructible environment and no levels, 40+ classes combinable spells, rallying cry's, etc.

Absolutely atrocious, far before pre-alpha engine that shows terrible combat animations, no UI, no enemy AI, and sad "move out of the red circle!" boss designs. Nothing about story, progression, itemization, PVP, consoles/PC differences, customization, advancement, etc. Literally shown six months before it was ready.

Surprised more people here aren't ripping on the graphic style, reminded me heavily of GW2 and Wow in its cartoony, exaggerated style. Which I do like.


I want more, I need more oh god. Those ideas sound really fucking amazing and if they can pull it off I will throw all of my money at them.

Landmark looks fucking superb as well, can't wait to see what other people are building. Also can't wait to make a goddamn tavern like I've wanted to for the past 10 years.

I'm rendering up the video now, it should be up on youtube within an hour or two.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Yeah that demo was awful. That mob was clearly just scripted to go through it's preset animations and the characters were just flipping about around it.


<Gold Donor>
Looks incredible, but I can't shake the feeling that this is going to be instanced to shit. I sure hope not.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Overall, I think they did a good job. Tons of info we don't know.. Looking forward to what else we hear this weekend
Game looks truly amazing, and I absolutely hate it. It is perfect, but for a different generation to me. The facebook/WoW generation will be all over it. For me, it's back to EQ Mac I suppose.

1) Cartoon graphics, very well made, really nice animations, looks like a Pixar movie. Absolutely great, only, I'm not 12, so it's not for me.

2) Voxel world, amazing technical achievement, this is the FIRST time a game world will actually genuinely change based on what the players do, unlike GW2 and Rift and everything else that promised real changes but didn't really change in reality.

3) Player made content, I am not motivated to make anything whatsoever. But I assume a lot of other people will make stuff and it will really help SOE out. So basically the game is like 50% crowdsourced development.

4) The combat is what ruined it for me. Ez-mode hack n slash for fucking 12 year old cunt kids who have ruined this entire genre, running around with stupid cartoon characters, pressing a few buttons and watching their characters somersault all over the place smashing waves of tiny mobs. There are no DoT's because no fight lasts longer than 2 seconds, no debuffs, and no thought required or strategy. It's just all about teleporting about and causing huge explosions so the kids go DUUUUUUDE BADASS!! Everything they told us about tough fights was a really nasty lie.

5) The multiple classes and multiclassing sounds fun, but who gives a shit when you hack n slash everything to death in seconds.

6) What they made is amazing, but it's not EverQuest.

Oh well

It is World of EverCraft. Take one part Guild Wars 1, one part Guild Wars 2, one part WoW (graphics and ez mode gameplay), and one part Minecraft (making structures with other people). And that's all this is. If I had to make a game for 13 year old kids with a huge budget, this is what I would make too.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Obviously this game is early in development. However, the ideas they have are great and finally something different. We're all going to need new PCs.


Game looks truly amazing, and I absolutely hate it. It is perfect, but for a different generation to me. The facebook/WoW generation will be all over it. For me, it's back to EQ Mac I suppose.

1) Cartoon graphics, very well made, really nice animations, looks like a Pixar movie. Absolutely great, only, I'm not 12, so it's not for me.

2) Voxel world, amazing technical achievement, this is the FIRST time a game world will actually genuinely change based on what the players do, unlike GW2 and Rift and everything else.

3) Player made content, I am not motivated to make anything whatsoever. But I assume a lot of other people will make stuff and it will really help SOE out. So basically the game is like 50% crowdsourced development.

4) The combat is what ruined it for me. Ez-mode hack n slash for fucking 12 year old cunt kids who have ruined this entire genre, running around with stupid cartoon characters, pressing a few buttons and watching their characters somersault all over the place smashing waves of tiny mobs. There are no DoT's because no fight lasts longer than 2 seconds, no debuffs, and no thought required or strategy. It's just all about teleporting about and causing huge explosions so the kids go DUUUUUUDE BADASS!!

5) The multiple classes and multiclassing sounds fun, but who gives a shit when you hack n slash everything to death in seconds.

6) What they made is amazing, but it's not EverQuest.

Oh well
The explosions/semi cartoon aspect reminds me of Borderlands 2.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Accoring tohttp://www.mmorpg.com/gamelist.cfm/g...2/feature/7640

"But let's be clear here: EQN will sport the trinity and traditional class roles. Healers, Support, Crowd Control, DPS, Tanks, rejoice!"

So there is some hope!
Based on the way they are emphasizing the combat and the "Chaotic" nature of it(hi2u huge AEs moves) I don't think its going to be what people wanted. It will probably just mean AE stuns, AE sleeps(to setup a simba doing is whirlwind) mid combat, nothing like CC/support that EQ had.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
The gameplay reminded me a lot of diablo... the classes, the abilities, the destructible land, etc.