EVE Online


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Anyone remember Earth and Beyond? Bunch of us left that game for Eve when it launched. EaB died right after that. Eve has had a great run since then, surprised it lasted this long.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Anyone remember Earth and Beyond? Bunch of us left that game for Eve when it launched. EaB died right after that. Eve has had a great run since then, surprised it lasted this long.
Eve, with each update, never seems to come off as "new" or special to me. The chess pieces, or the tic tac toe design would change occasionally - but nothing ever struck me as amazing. They could have ignored the cry from PVP players and did a lot more on the PVE side to entice people into the game. They could have not released Dust 514 on the PS3 and instead on the PC. They could have made Dust 514 more like Planetside 2. They could have made an element of MMORPG for planet colonization, ala Ashes of Creation in space. They could have (main phrase here) expanded the universe into other forms of media to get some press. Imagine all of the different stories they could have peddled out in an Anime series or similar, based off real world events. How many times have you have read "its far more interesting to read about Eve than actually play it."

I played Eve online, I played Eve mobile. Eve is a really awesome experience, but at some point.. it just stopped being a game for me and turned into something else. Really sucks, cause Star Citizen is the closest thing I see on the horizon and I dont ever see that happening.
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Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
Eve was my first MMO and I still have good RL friends I made from it. It was a great niche game, but I always had the feeling that CCP more "lucked out" on the design than anything, and the fact that they haven't been able to make another decent game in the 18 years since (WoD MMO, Dust, god knows what else) seems to prove my point. They also never seem to know what they have until it's too late. Take, for example, the technology behind "Waling in Stations". When it was released it was some of the most advanced technology in the world. They could have made mint leasing it and developing it further, but no, they did sweet fuq awl with it.

I agree that they missed out on a LOT of interesting development choices, but whatever.

Anecdotal note: Take the Joveian Empire for example. I went to the first (or was it the second?) fanfest back in 2004 or 5. There they announced big plans for the Joves, how they would interact with the rest of the world, and that you could even modify your DNA to become Jovian with certain pros and cons to that. Yeah... none of that came to pass.


<Gold Donor>
(snipped. There they announced big plans ... none of that came to pass.
Practically everything CCP has mentioned throughout the years as a possibility is still waiting for the light of day to arrive.

Today's current crop of developers are taking a page from old ass EverQuest - "You're in our (gaming) world now (and will play the game how we want you to play it)!"
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Bronze Baron of the Realm
Doesn't help they are owned by a company that really wants it all to be micro transactions. I don't think CCP has a clue what to do.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I was half tempted to recover my accounts and find a Vargur to contract over, but...yeah.

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Potato del Grande
I really tried to get into Eve, it just wasn’t my cup of tea. Like most however, I find the stories of in game politics and wars intriguing.
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Trakanon Raider
I've tried to get into Eve more than any other game and its not even close
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<Gold Donor>
haven't logged in to Eve in like 8 years.

played this pretty religiously from 2006-2010 until I joined the Navy and started deploying. came back in like 2012 after a couple of back to back deployments and tried to play again off and on but all my peeps had moved on to other games or different corps in this game with different goals and this game is nothing without the people you play with.

my fondest MMO memories are from this game, but it had nothing to do with the game itself. shit 90% of the time was just sitting in Ventrilo shooting the shit with my corp while watching youtube or spinning your space ship in station, waiting for something to happen. Everyone's 2nd monitor was always a scout keeping an eye on hot spots/bottle neck systems or scouting around looking for content. But that inevitable call "guys I got an X in Y system doing blahblah, undock" was fucking magic. Talking that instant adrenaline, heart pounding action that is only really found in small group PVP content with actual loss and consequences.
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<Gold Donor>
also fuck whoever bumped this thread and reminded me about Eve. I get random bouts of nostalgia for it every few years but never enough to actually download it, but this time for whatever reason I find myself watching youtube videos trying to catch up and learn about all the things that have changed, "just in case".

hopefully it passes but if not, I'll probably end up downloading it, realize how all of my shit is stuck in some random system full of people who probably aren't friendly and I'll have to sell everything or figure out another way to move a bunch of shit. Luckily it's just some npc 0.0 and low sec.
  • 1Weird Boner
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
I think Eve just suffers from no hard resets that comparable MMO's have. Every expansion, you could hop in and basically catch up and if you wanted to in say, WoW and pursue mythic raiding. Where as Eve - its constant and even though "skill tree this, and join a corp that" - no one ever seems to be on equal footing. I really enjoy playing the mobile game at launch simply because everything was fresh and no one was miles ahead of you with the top end turrets, top end ships etc.

Worse yet, I think the Plex shit has infiltrated the Eve universe so much that its pretty much P2W iirc?
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<Gold Donor>
Eh Eve you've always been able to buy and sell game time for in game currency and always been able to buy and sell characters to "catch up," so in a way it's always been pretty pay 2 win in that aspect. Also it's always been a pretty "serious business" game taken to the extreme. I remember back when I was playing one of the leaders of one of the russian alliances was some oligarch, like aluminum magnate or something, who shut down the power grid of a rival russian alliance leaders home town so he wouldn't be able to log in to the game and defend one of his stations (set the timer). Like people in hospitals died just so that dude wouldn't have power to login and defend his territory. If the players are half the men they were back when I played i'm sure there's nothing but meme's about how the ukraine invasion was due in part to some alliances plot to over take someone elses territory. can't login and fight in Eve if you kill them IRL...

I have no idea how it is now of course but I know they added Skill extractor/injectors which let you suck skill points out of characters and inject them into others so it's probably even easier to "catch up" skill wise. You can just buy characters and extract all their skills now if you want to boost your own dude and not actually use him.

Also while there's probably 500million skill points worth of things in the game, half of them are still PVE/industry/crafting shit and even 10 years ago both my characters were pretty close to max on combat skills. like 150m and almost 200mil sp back in 2014, last time I logged in. I know they've added a lot of shit since but it's still not going to take that long to learn all the new skills to the point of being able to participate, and again in Eve that last 5% effectiveness takes 90% of the training time to achieve.
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Golden Knight of the Realm
Ahhh yes, spinning in stations online. Played this for a long time. EVE was knee deep in corruption and RMT from launch. Even with all the bullshit I managed to have a good time. It honestly didn't take that long to train a character up to be good at one or two things. Most people wasted a shit ton of time on level 5 skills they didn't need or kept wasting time side grading their characters for shit they weren't really going to use.
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<Gold Donor>
Welp nostalgia won i suppose. I downloaded the game and went through the recovery process to unlock 3 of my accounts. Apparently I've had 6 total accounts associated with my email over time and i seem to remember using some kind of refer a friend thing to get free trial accounts a free month, leveling up miner characters and selling them for isk back in the day so that tracks.

Apparently I was smart enough to move my freighter character to my cyno alt account so i only need 3 accounts instead of 4. This was back before they added f2p accounts alpha clones and shit.

I logged in each of my dudes and took stock of where i am and how hard its going to be to move. Ill have to upgrade to omega accounts to fly 90% of my shit so im debating just putting it all up on market. I'm just gonna wait and see if I still have the urge to play before i do anything other than spin in station on f2p accounts.

If I do decide to play i gotta figure out how to sell or move 100bil worth of mostly subcap ships to some quiet sector while i gather my bearings and figure out whats what. All my dudes except my cyno and freighter are hard -10 from a decade of piracy so hisec is out. I do have like 3 dreads and 4 carriers ill need to move too and with the jump fatigue changes it seems like its going to be a pita.

For now just spinning in station and getting the lay of the land from help and local chat.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Eve may not be dead but it's not looking healthy.

In a short time span.
CCP Upped the subscription cost which lot of people threw a fit, inflation is real lol. It hadn't changed in forever.
CCP Promised the biggest update EVER just before fanfest.
Fanfest was nothing. I mean nothing. It's like CCP got the memo the day before. Nothing was released, nothing but maybe some vague bullshit soon.

Goons had a flare up on the forums and reddit. I only read a tiny fraction of it. Stalking and sexual stuff and the gist people claimed was Goons knew as it was between members and swept it under the rug and such. Like I said I really didn't follow it. Screenshots and logs were posted, CCP posted about how to know if you are being sexally abused.
It picked up speed and Mittens claims he stepped down and left the game. I figure that's 100% PR bullshit. He did get banned from the something awful forums, at least temporarily.

That's about it, oh and US prime time now dips down to 12k people online. Numbers of people logged in has taken a very hard nosedive. Lot claim it's summer time and people are out on vacation. Maybe, but it's never been this bad. Also guessing a lot of people aren't traveling for weeks/months at a time with $4/gallon gas in the US.

CCP relased AiR or whatever it's called which is 200% noobie new career agent crap. But they fucked that up as usual. Finish it and you get 1.5m SP. People figured out you could make an alt and do the missions in 5 hours give or take if you weren't a noobie and the 1.5m SP went to claim on your account and if you had 80m+ SP it was worth 2 billion in skill injectors for 5 hours of work and do it over and over and over cause Eve players are never autistic.

500 plex is now 2 billion isk. Russian bots, isk sellers have taken over the game, can't imagine why lol.
  • 1Worf
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Eve may not be dead but it's not looking healthy.

In a short time span.
CCP Upped the subscription cost which lot of people threw a fit, inflation is real lol. It hadn't changed in forever.
CCP Promised the biggest update EVER just before fanfest.
Fanfest was nothing. I mean nothing. It's like CCP got the memo the day before. Nothing was released, nothing but maybe some vague bullshit soon.

Goons had a flare up on the forums and reddit. I only read a tiny fraction of it. Stalking and sexual stuff and the gist people claimed was Goons knew as it was between members and swept it under the rug and such. Like I said I really didn't follow it. Screenshots and logs were posted, CCP posted about how to know if you are being sexally abused.
It picked up speed and Mittens claims he stepped down and left the game. I figure that's 100% PR bullshit. He did get banned from the something awful forums, at least temporarily.

That's about it, oh and US prime time now dips down to 12k people online. Numbers of people logged in has taken a very hard nosedive. Lot claim it's summer time and people are out on vacation. Maybe, but it's never been this bad. Also guessing a lot of people aren't traveling for weeks/months at a time with $4/gallon gas in the US.

CCP relased AiR or whatever it's called which is 200% noobie new career agent crap. But they fucked that up as usual. Finish it and you get 1.5m SP. People figured out you could make an alt and do the missions in 5 hours give or take if you weren't a noobie and the 1.5m SP went to claim on your account and if you had 80m+ SP it was worth 2 billion in skill injectors for 5 hours of work and do it over and over and over cause Eve players are never autistic.

500 plex is now 2 billion isk. Russian bots, isk sellers have taken over the game, can't imagine why lol.
If Lost Ark has proven anything, its that things like Plex, Crystals, Tokens etc. are on the way out - at least as they currently exist. Bots are getting too sophisticated for them to even do anything about, so their only option is to nerf the carrot down to nothingness or make everything bind on pickup.

From an outsider looking in, I just feel like Pearl Abyss see's the steady decline in players and is ramping up their monetization in order to get their money back, plus some. I would wager them letting plex inflate to 2 billion ISK is intentional.


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
Jesus Christ. Loved this game back in the day (launch til ~2008). If I were CCP I'd put my dev efforts into making Eve 2.0 or something, but nah, they'll never do it, or if they do, they'll fuck it up as with all the other crap they've done. They lucked out big time with the original Eve and the decade or so that followed, but they dun goofed since.
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