EVE Online


Freelance writer. Looks interesting. $10 digital, $25 softcover

A History of the Great Empires of Eve Online

"I've enjoyed talking with Andrew about the history of nullsec, and am looking forward to the final book." -- The Mittani, CEO Goonswarm Federation.
"Andrew is one of the few writers who can tackle subjects as large as EVE Online in a way that's both entertaining and profoundly human." -- Ben Kuchera, Polygon.com.


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
Development money well spent, boys and girls!

The fact that they decided to axe WoD and continue to pour money into this money pit speaks volumes for the management at CCP.


Lord Nagafen Raider
You mean the money pit that is actually making the company a profit? Wouldn't that be a money mound?
Ya, but the company isn't satisfied with that money mound, so they go do other projects (think of CCP having a Smedley like SOE) that will bring them nothing but net loss and keep their original game full of legacy code and old stuff that will never be fixed.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
So wait, there will be Dust on PC and console, they won't interact with each other, but both will interact with the original Eve? You're right, that's way more complicated than it needs to be. I stopped playing right before this came out, so I have no idea how Dust currently interacts with Eve, only that I've heard it has little to zero impact.


Blah. Dust sucked. CCP makes terrible FPS games from their terrible FPS studio. So the answer is: Let's make a new FPS game? I'm not sure if it is possible to be less excited. I'm not even into Vampire, and that MMO sounded 100x as interesting as Legion.


The interaction, as of today, between PS3 Dust and PC EvE is not even worth being mentioned.
PC wont be any different anytime soon, probably till 3-5 years after PC release.

Anyway, PC Masterrace


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
You mean the money pit that is actually making the company a profit? Wouldn't that be a money mound?
Since when the fuck has Dust been a "money mound"? On what fucking planet do you live? Dust will never fucking make CCP any cash no matter how much more they dump into that piece of shit.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Since when the fuck has Dust been a "money mound"? On what fucking planet do you live? Dust will never fucking make CCP any cash no matter how much more they dump into that piece of shit.
You posted in the EVE thread without quoting anything specific and said "The fact that they decided to axe WoD and continue to pour money into this money pit speaks volumes for the management at CCP.". Anyone that read that rightfully assumed you were talking about .......EVE, not Dust. EVE is a money mound, hence his post.


You posted in the EVE thread without quoting anything specific and said "The fact that they decided to axe WoD and continue to pour money into this money pit speaks volumes for the management at CCP.". Anyone that read that rightfully assumed you were talking about .......EVE, not Dust. EVE is a money mound, hence his post.
Eh? PS3/Dust was a recent topic of discussion and the reference to Dust here was pretty obvious.


Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
Nope, seemed off to me as well, as it seemed he was referring to Eve.
The two posts above mine were about dust:

Hopefully they will port Dust over to PC. What an incredibly dumb decision to keep it PS3 only.
"There are over 80 million PS3 out there"

Best reason, ever.
Dust got a daily max of ~4.5k players online. Success.
Development money well spent, boys and girls!

The fact that they decided to axe WoD and continue to pour money into this money pit speaks volumes for the management at CCP.
Hence I thought it was pretty obvious I was replying to those comments, and taken in context of what this overall discussion is about: The decision of CCP to axe WoD development and to pour money into their other two games: Eve and Dust, and seeing as it's pretty common knowledge that one of these games isnevergoing to make any money I thought the intellectual level of this forum was such that I didn't need to spell out in detail all that I comment on. Guess I was wrong.


The two posts above mine were about dust:

Hence I thought it was pretty obvious I was replying to those comments, and taken in context of what this overall discussion is about: The decision of CCP to axe WoD development and to pour money into their other two games: Eve and Dust, and seeing as it's pretty common knowledge that one of these games isnevergoing to make any money I thought the intellectual level of this forum was such that I didn't need to spell out in detail all that I comment on. Guess I was wrong.