Everquest - 20th Anniversary TLP


<Bronze Donator>
Mages use to not even get a pet until 4th level, SK's and Beastlords (after they changed the pet mechanic for bstlords) had to wait until 9th level.

Was a feeling of accomplishment. Inscribing that first batch of spells. The game design mechanic was set up that way so you did not have to run back to town every level to get a new spells.

When you look down at the core, every little detail in old EQ was for a reason and taken all together made something special. When you chip away here and chip away there at the whole, it creates a domino effect that gets messy.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
I hope you all silence about making Selo slower in any way and they make Bootstrutter the slower alternative. I want fast.
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Potato del Grande
Of course it is a challenge. Price to pay for death should be having to invest in a backupset of gear (helps economy) and have enough true pals to help you (helps/fosters community) get back to your corpse in less than optimal gear = challenge.

Yep, and all spells are the new super-duper buffed versions and they decided to give you a few every level instead of in big groups ever 4 or 5 levels (or 9 levels for hybrids).

The game is a far cry from what it was and daybreak is retarded for not trying to capture the p99 and alkabor project crowd that WANT the old mechanics. Instead we get ez EQ on a never ending supply of throw away TLP servers.

Do they still have the rare, have to get a scroll to drop, spells?


<Bronze Donator>
Do they still have the rare, have to get a scroll to drop, spells?

yes but not as rare and they pussified spell research so you don't have to hunt in specific areas for specific components for a particular spell.


Trakanon Raider
While I'm waiting for these to drop I was thinking about rolling a shaman on one of the live servers and just seeing what kind of content I can clear with a J5 tank merc. I haven't palyed since WoW dropped, so I think LDoN was really the last expansion where i saw extensive content. Anyone know how far a J5 merc should be able to take me? Would I be better off with a SK or BST and a J5 Healer merc instead?


Molten Core Raider
While I'm waiting for these to drop I was thinking about rolling a shaman on one of the live servers and just seeing what kind of content I can clear with a J5 tank merc. I haven't palyed since WoW dropped, so I think LDoN was really the last expansion where i saw extensive content. Anyone know how far a J5 merc should be able to take me? Would I be better off with a SK or BST and a J5 Healer merc instead?

Mercs weren't introduced into the game until Seeds of Destruction, so there will be no mercs on either server for quite some time.


<Gold Donor>
In order to get a J5 you have to complete a quest, and I dont think its soloable, at least without boxing. I did mine in a box trio with mercs. I was ustng j5s in my group at 85+


Trakanon Raider
Mercs weren't introduced into the game until Seeds of Destruction, so there will be no mercs on either server for quite some time.

Thanks, but this would be on live. I mentioned that I'd be working on this while waiting on the new TLPs to drop.

In order to get a J5 you have to complete a quest, and I dont think its soloable, at least without boxing. I did mine in a box trio with mercs. I was ustng j5s in my group at 85+

I've read that they introduced a new quest in the Feerot to help heroic characters get the J5 mercs that is easily soloable.


<Gold Donor>
Thanks, but this would be on live. I mentioned that I'd be working on this while waiting on the new TLPs to drop.

I've read that they introduced a new quest in the Feerot to help heroic characters get the J5 mercs that is easily soloable.

Yeah maybe, but its been a while, either way J5 is like lv80+ shit, youre not going to be completing it anytime soon.


Trakanon Raider
Ok, but in the hope of getting the original question answered, does anyone know how far a J5 merc can take you? How deep into expansions should I be able to reasonable get on my own? Also, is a shaman and J5 tank merc a good setup, or would I be better off with a BST or SK and a J5 healer merc?


<Gold Donor>
I was 3 boxing and had one healer and 2 DPS caster mercs for normal shit, and in boss fights I would switch one of the DPS casters into a healer so I had 2. I was boxing a Ranger, SK and a Shaman. I only made it to like lv 87 or some shit but they held up pretty well. Im sure you can take them to the end.


El Presidente
Ok, but in the hope of getting the original question answered, does anyone know how far a J5 merc can take you? How deep into expansions should I be able to reasonable get on my own? Also, is a shaman and J5 tank merc a good setup, or would I be better off with a BST or SK and a J5 healer merc?
I mean you can't request a lot of progression missions without 3 characters in a group so you'd need at least 1 more player since you can't have 2 mercs. SK with healer merc would probably be stronger later on.


Molten Core Raider
Thanks, but this would be on live. I mentioned that I'd be working on this while waiting on the new TLPs to drop.

I've read that they introduced a new quest in the Feerot to help heroic characters get the J5 mercs that is easily soloable.

I'm not sure I understand the question. Mercs are very powerful and will plow low level content. What are you attempting to do? Your post seemed to imply you were trying to prepare for the new TLPs, so I guess I misunderstood.


Vyemm Raider
Ok, but in the hope of getting the original question answered, does anyone know how far a J5 merc can take you? How deep into expansions should I be able to reasonable get on my own? Also, is a shaman and J5 tank merc a good setup, or would I be better off with a BST or SK and a J5 healer merc?
Tank merc can solo to 65-70 np. It's crazy strong at low levels