Fallout 4


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Yeah, the cl off thing in the ini works nicely, I found that earlier today too.

SweetFX_Settings.txt --


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
BoS too. After seeing how often vertibirds get shot down by raiders mostly carrying pipe guns, no one in their right mind would set foot in one of those death traps.
the real reason for power armor, to survive flying around in vertibirds.
My goal when I see the BoS dropshipping is to haul ass to the vertibird to save it from imminent destruction. Given that the vertibirds are such a cool mechanic and the technical successor to Skyrim's dragons I don't know why they made them so useless. They should be the ultimate weapon in the commonwealth.


Murder Apologist
I just assumed it was difficulty scaling. Do they get smashed as consistently below survivalist?


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Ya, they get owned even at regular difficulty. I once ran across one that was actually landed and fighting super mutants. I tried to run over to see if I could use the gatling gun on it, but some jihadi mutant blew it up


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
They're hard coded to crash after a bit I'm pretty sure.

I've seen them go down with nothing shooting at them at all.


Toe Sucker
Yeah it seems like they're supposed to crash. I almost shit the first time i saw it because it landed 3 feet away from me lol


Avatar of War Slayer
they def are weak.

I had a fun encounter the other day. Settlement wanted supermutants killed in order to join Minutemen. Its north. I run up, and pull out my .308 combat sniper rifle. I am a bit too far away, shots aren't landing. As I pack up and start to run closer, a vertibird comes in from the north, on the other side , dropping some BOS troops, and attacking the mutants. I loose line of sight, due to a fence and hill, so need to run around, to get los to start sniping again. By the time I am set, the vertibird goes down, I think IT exploding killed both paladins in powerarmor, possibly a suicider mutant as well. But both PA BOS paladins died too. I kill off the mutants, who all won the BOS VS Mutant fight. I grab some loot from the mutants, then collect BOS tags and some loot. As I, enter the buildings to get the rest of the loot, I come under fire from a minigun, and can hear another vertibird. At first I thought, another BOS?, and why the hell are they attacking me again? (had a BOS patrol aggro to me the day prior for unknown reasons. Seriously, I fast traveled to a place, and they were attacking me as soon as I loaded.) Dive for cover, heal up. and then engage when ready. Its Gunners in a Vertibird. I snipe the guy manning the minigun. Try to snipe the pilot. but I guess it won't let you? forces you to target the bird itself.
But then seriously. 5 shots was enough to down it. double shot .308 combat rifle 5/5 rifleman. Didnt even need to sneak attack it.
Funny part was I totally died 3 times, and had to quickload to avoid it crashing INTO me and killing me. the house I was in only had 1 exit, and the house itself was not protecting me. had to run TOWARDS it, to avoid it.


Murder Apologist
I got the sense vertibirds weren't tuned well for survival diff after a couple hilarious attempts as a doorgunner where getting plinked by a few mutants killed me before the behemoth even noticed. Eventually I just went on foot and cleared that place out with few problems.

Kinda silly that they'd let that happen then. They should've maybe coded them to leave trailing smoke after taking too much damage. It would effectively be the same thing but it would be more immersive to see heavily damaged birds under repair at the airport than just a random boom and a loot pinata every few minutes.


Murder Apologist
This was kinda cool. I've been to Boston quite a bit but it's usually straight from my conference/meeting to the hotel and the airport. After driving there the first couple visits I learned to take cabs for every subsequent visit, so I've only seen a few of these landmarks:

Boston's IRL freeway network is like a game of cities:skylines played by a chimpanzee, but all those overpasses ingame seems to suggest that Boston in the Fallout Universe never got their Big Dig tunnel system.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
To remove FakeLights on the character go to Documents\Mygames\Fallout4\Fallout4.ini and under [General] add this line sStartingConsoleCommand=cl off or you can download ENBoost and disable it from there. If you want to remove fog too you can also add setfog 1 0 like this sStartingConsoleCommand=cl off;setfog 1 0
Btw, I meant to mention this but got distracted by copy and pasting the sweetfx file... I don't recommend using setfog 1 0, only cl off. It turns off all fog, both indoors and outdoors. I can sort of understand why someone might want the indoor effect gone, and there's a mod for that:Remove Interior Fog. Using a global command that also turns off the outdoor fog is an awful idea.

Fog on:
Fog off:

Load the two images into separate tabs if you want to more easily see the difference by flipping between them. I wasn't sold on it at first but now I think I like fog-off better. It's good that it doesn't remove the mist that comes from water (that's a fountain downstairs), just the fake volumetric fog that is placed all over.


I didn't find anything better, no. Even with uniques I still used the sledge in Jet Pack Power Armor in true Assault Terminator style.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Boy do I suck at this game-- it makes me rage and want to go play Wasteland II again. I think I'm just getting too old for this 3D bullshit (waves cane menacingly). After years of mouse use, aiming with a PS4 controller makes me feel like I have Parkinson's, and VATS isn't an always available alternative with the way AP works.

In my first five hours of play I've probably died fifty times on one of the first missions (bandits at the car factory). Either I was doing something majorly wrong, or they sure as fuck don't sugarcoat things at the start. It was either dudes literally off the screen with perfect Molotov and grenade aim that never miss, or my fucking dog runs off screen to get pulverized, or I'm standing at a wall corner and throw a Molotov that for some fucking reason hits the wall and kills me instead of landing where I aim *rage*.

I keep coming back for more but man do I ever suck at the combat part of this game.


Boy do I suck at this game-- it makes me rage and want to go play Wasteland II again. I think I'm just getting too old for this 3D bullshit (waves cane menacingly). After years of mouse use, aiming with a PS4 controller makes me feel like I have Parkinson's, and VATS isn't an always available alternative with the way AP works.

In my first five hours of play I've probably died fifty times on one of the first missions (bandits at the car factory). Either I was doing something majorly wrong, or they sure as fuck don't sugarcoat things at the start. It was either dudes literally off the screen with perfect Molotov and grenade aim that never miss, or my fucking dog runs off screen to get pulverized, or I'm standing at a wall corner and throw a Molotov that for some fucking reason hits the wall and kills me instead of landing where I aim *rage*.

I keep coming back for more but man do I ever suck at the combat part of this game.
Corvega is a deathtrap of a tutorial for what to expect out of the rest of the game - mostly because you most likely don't have half the tools you'll want for your particular play style. Game gets easier by leaps and bounds as you reach 30+ and have a stockpile of several ammo types and the enemy difficulty curve levels off to near stagnant.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
That mission is on the rough side. Really the game kind of assumes you will explore around a bit before tackling those quests, but then railroads you right into them early.

Vats is your friend. Vats, hide, heal, pop out and vats again. Also, get a combat shotgun from a vender as soon as you can and mod it to match whatever your main weapon skill is (ideally rifle).

If you are into generating crits, a stealthed combat knife is a very competitive alternative (and actually works with the ninja perk) provided you have charge. Single hit kills are the Super Sledge forte, but its very easy to get stun locked against certain enemies when not in VATS. Also, once you get the "chance to do shitty thing on hit" passive perks stacked up, the knife (or fist weapons, really) come into their own.