Fallout 4


<Gold Donor>
When you decide to grow the fuck up, wipe that soggy goddamn pussy you got over me telling you no one gives a shit about your shit regurgitated whining about shit that isn't going to change no matter how much you bitch about it, you will be forced to admit I am 100% correct about this.
I'm not getting involved in this conversation other than to say that I'm enjoying the game a ton, but this sentence makes me want to make a meme with a "I heard you like shit in your shit" theme. Come on Hodj, I expect better sentence structure from you!

Anyway, that sentence made me laugh is all. Carry on!

Scatter it's the popo
Ok, this one made me laugh too.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I was happy. The game ran damn well on my 760 and i7-920. I was under minimum specs and almost didn't buy it thinking I wouldn't be able to run it at all. But turned a couple things off and most things to medium and it ran beautifully.

Though I am probably the last person to ask for this kind of thing. I don't give a rats ass about graphics in games, don't care about ultra 4k gaming or trying to look as realistic as possible, or the type of person that post their computer specs in their sigs.


Idk I just have zero patience for this kind of half assed behavior in 2015, especially coming from a major studio releasing probably the most anticipated game of the year. No qualms about calling it out. Compare it to GTA V a game that is bigger and massively more complex than FO4. Looks better, runs better and was a great port aside from the shitty flight controls. Does no one remember how bad everyone was bitching about the graphics when we first saw the game?

IMO Bethesda seriously half assed FO4.
GTAV PC port took 18 months to come out and while it's bigger it's definitely not massively more complex.

Not that I don't think Bethesda didn't half ass it because they certainly did in a lot of ways but their ports have always aimed to maximize the quality of the mid range machine not the higher end.


Molten Core Raider
Some salty mother fuckers up in this thread.

I've played it 30+ hours now. Built some custom settlements, got at least a dozen. My favorite was some 3-man farm with a huge lot. What started as a metal wall on a hill, I realized I could keep connecting off of that height, and when I combined a second wall at 180 degrees I now have a dual metal hallway about 50ft off the ground around the perimeter armed with mk2 guns on top. That's the inner wall. Eventually I'm going to build a huge fucking one on the outside. I've been raiding 2-3 buildings a night and bringing back the resources and apparently I'm supposed to find some fucking 2-bit detective, but I long since forgot nor could care less about the plotline. Genuinely. I found a fucking water chip and killed some Super Mutants in the first game, that was the "plot". And the second game, well shit, lets compare nothing to the benchmark that is Fallout 2.

It's completely fleshed out with the shit I care about: Guns, armor, factions, and a metric shitton of locations, far moreso than Fallout3 which felt like an empty world with it's half a dozen giant settlements with 6 people. And New Vegas which was Chandler's voice acting for drug money and a decent plot but more monotony than a Ben Stein essay. It's Fallout. It's a sandbox. Shut the fuck up, the lot of you whining pussies. I don't remember anyone promising next gen. I will probably put 100+ hours into this easily, which is far more time than I put into most games for the same money.


Some salty mother fuckers up in this thread.

I've played it 30+ hours now. Built some custom settlements, got at least a dozen. My favorite was some 3-man farm with a huge lot. What started as a metal wall on a hill, I realized I could keep connecting off of that height, and when I combined a second wall at 180 degrees I now have a dual metal hallway about 50ft off the ground around the perimeter armed with mk2 guns on top. That's the inner wall. Eventually I'm going to build a huge fucking one on the outside. I've been raiding 2-3 buildings a night and bringing back the resources and apparently I'm supposed to find some fucking 2-bit detective, but I long since forgot nor could care less about the plotline. Genuinely. I found a fucking water chip and killed some Super Mutants in the first game, that was the "plot". And the second game, well shit, lets compare nothing to the benchmark that is Fallout 2.

It's completely fleshed out with the shit I care about: Guns, armor, factions, and a metric shitton of locations, far moreso than Fallout3 which felt like an empty world with it's half a dozen giant settlements with 6 people. And New Vegas which was Chandler's voice acting for drug money and a decent plot but more monotony than a Ben Stein essay. It's Fallout. It's a sandbox. Shut the fuck up, the lot of you whining pussies. I don't remember anyone promising next gen. I will probably put 100+ hours into this easily, which is far more time than I put into most games for the same money.
Yep awesome game.


what Suineg set it to
This shit is just Bethesda's culture, why can't you racists stop criticizing them!
Yeah, I'm loving it on Xbox one.

- on the Diamond City quest line right now
- ran into 2 shows topping bugs so far, both required reloads of previous saves
- chalking those up to 'it's Bethesda' so save often, expect show stopping bugs
- frame rate is locked 30 FPS which makes the controls sloppy

Despite the above still GOTY material. If only it was 60 FPS though ...


God damn are people really complaining about this glorious game? Some men just want to see the world burn.


Their engine has been written that ass backwards for 20 years. They've been called out on it that entire time. That's why the response to people complaining is, justifiably, literally "What did you expect, its Bethesda!"
The whole 'omg more Gamebryo' rage is so tiresome to keep seeing the same misinformation. A game engine isn't some mystical misunderstood thing, like your average honest politician, bigfoot or woman. There's game logic, a render pipeline, possible netcode, sound processing, etc but it's all just bits and pieces that together form the engine. With Skyrim they completely rewrote the rendering pipeline which is why we saw a massive difference between Oblivion and Skyrim. Gamebryo died with FO3 but they certainly based their new engine on it because of the obvious training and tool compatibility.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I turned the Kingston Lighthouse spot into an awesome base. It's actually super defensible up top, because of natural rock formations making the area elevated from the surrounding area. I have some metal walls up /w missile turrets and spot lights lining most of it. Nothing hostile gets close without getting turned into paste ;p


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Dunwich Borers spoiler:
It's so cool.

I'd love a lovecraftian horror game, so when games reference it I love it.

Here's a description from a post I found on it.

redditpost_sl said:
As others mentioned it's a shoutout to Lovecraftian horror stories
More specifically it's a reference to the story 'the shunned house' in which a man finds part of a huge limb buried under his house and realises that the rest of some probably titanic creature is buried under there too.
In this case it looks like the Dunwich company have set up a dig site in the area in the hopes of uncovering some occult secrets. They hid this fact by disguising the site as a big quarry, however the area they are in is apparently not normal for such an operation. (some companions like curie actually mention this, noting that it is 'an odd place for a quarry')
The fact that the quarry is just a cover also explains why safety was not a big concern for the company who cut corners everywhere leaving rusted railings in place, building subpar tunnel supports, etc. Evidence of this negligence can be seen in the various terminal entries scattered throughout the location.
It seems the Dunwich company found what it was looking for. If you are at the bottom of the mine be wary, for you are standing mere meters above the entombed body of a titan. You can actually see part of it's face if you swim to the bottom of the pool where you find the dagger. Now this is just speculation, but I'd wager that the rumbling that you feel as you descend deeper and deeper isn't just because of the structural weaknesses of the mine... It's the titan.. fighting to break free of it's tomb.
In any case the titan isn't the only entity down in the mine. There are other, darker, forces at work. The random flashbacks you experience, the dark ritual you see taking place, the lights shutting off by themselves, the ghouls everywhere, the raider leader driven mad (I'M SAFE IN THE LIGHT, I'M SAFE IN THE LIGHT, I'M SAFE IN THE LIGHT, I'M SAFE IN THE LIGHT), the raider hugo driven to suicide by 'it' (find him and a holotape in a little hideaway near the mine). All of it caused or influenced by this invisible, malevolent, supernatural entity.
One last thing (and a bit more speculation) but I believe it's possible the ghouls you find in the mine were created by the entity. As you descend into the mine you learn of a family picnic day that was being planned in which the worker's families were invited to join in various quarry related festivities. In the end you see that this too was a ruse, the families were captured and brought down to the depths of the mine to be sacrificed by the project managers (exactly what they're being sacrificed to, the entity or the titan, is unknown. It's possible they are one in the same). The management holotape implies that there is some kind of reward for those who participate in the ritual (it never explicitly mentions the ritual but I'd say it's a safe bet) and when you arrive at the ritual site you find all the project managers ghoulified. I reckon that the ritual was a success, and that it turned all those in the mine, the workers, the managers, and the families into ghouls.
Anyway. Hope that fills you in on pretty much everything you wanted to know
Cabot spoiler:
I'd also love a mod/DLC that has you explore the Cabot ruins they found that mask at.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The melee weapon you get for that quest is awesome. Unfortunately, I forgot where I put it because at the time I wasn't melee.

Since I've done most of everything in the game, I decided to focus on hand-to-hand. Finishers are awesome ;p I had chameleon armor and did a blitz attack at a raider with just bladed knuckles, then used crit. My character flipped them over their shoulder, then snapped their neck. But in the 3rd person view, my character was still cloaked, so it looked like Predator wrecking shit ;p


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Dunwich Borers spoiler:
It's so cool.

I'd love a lovecraftian horror game, so when games reference it I love it.

Here's a description from a post I found on it.

Cabot spoiler:
I'd also love a mod/DLC that has you explore the Cabot ruins they found that mask at.
That was one of my favorite parts as well. The weapon you get there is a fantastic melee weapon. I gave it to Curie, she trucks shit with it hard


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
The whole 'omg more Gamebryo' rage is so tiresome to keep seeing the same misinformation. A game engine isn't some mystical misunderstood thing, like your average honest politician, bigfoot or woman. There's game logic, a render pipeline, possible netcode, sound processing, etc but it's all just bits and pieces that together form the engine. With Skyrim they completely rewrote the rendering pipeline which is why we saw a massive difference between Oblivion and Skyrim. Gamebryo died with FO3 but they certainly based their new engine on it because of the obvious training and tool compatibility.
I've worked on legacy systems like that outside of gaming. It's a fucking nightmare, and after ~20 years no matter how much you rewrite certain chunks of it the whole thing is held together by what amounts to duct tape and bailing wire. I have a very hard time believing that it's any different in game development, especially after having played the games they make with the engine.

Besides, my point still stands: if they had id Tech 6 modified to support the needs of their games it would be about a million times better than what they are using now, whether you call it what it is--Gamebryo--or buy into their marketing and call it the "Creation Engine". It's never going to happen though, of course.


Trump's Staff
still GOTY material.
Really? Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed my time in The Commonwealth, but I feel like people are giving this a free ride just because it's Fallout and people are in love with the setting & theme. This was my first Fallout game, so I really have no biases regarding the franchise. So...

-The open world was incredible. Every nook and cranny had things to explore. Not always interesting things, but certainly often enough to keep me looking. That being said...
-loot was fucking bland as hell. The only thing that ever got me stoked was AP regen gear and decent rifles. Once I figured this out the game felt a lot like 'clear building_24651 for stimpaks and flip lighters and hope you recover the ammo you spent'.
-The companion AI was absolute misery, and they didn't have enough variety in their flavour dialogue.
-many perks & stat calculations were either totally meaningless or broken to hell.
-SPECIAL meant literally nothing after level 20, and had very little impact on playstyle.
-Encounters were very very samey. There are maybe 20 MOB types in the entire game if you don't include their sub varieties. The only fun things to fight were Assaultrons and Sentry Bots. People gave DA:I huge shit for this, but don't seem to care for FO4.
-VERY few memorable moments for me in my playthrough. I can count them on one hand. That being said, when they were great they were great. Ex. Boston Mayoral Shelter, Museum of Witchcraft. I'm 30 minutes into MGS:V and have accumulated more memories than I did in my 70+ hours of FO4.
-Story was pretty boring IMO.
-The graphics.
-Ambiguous and basic dialogue options.
-While my choices felt impactful, they didn't feel very important. The game went out of its way to undermine decisions I had previously made.

Like I said, as an overall package I had a good time and feel I got my moneys worth. Compared to other recent RPGs though? Meh. Witcher 3 embarrasses this game, and the Bloody Baron questline alone justifies that purchase. I hate to say it (because fuck BioWare cucks)... But I had a better time in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Long story short, I won't be buying another Bethesda RPG on day 1. I'll wait for the bargain bin.



Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Really? Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed my time in The Commonwealth, but I feel like people are giving this a free ride just because it's Fallout and people are in love with the setting & theme.
Nah, same exact shit happens with Skyrim.

Yet its still one of the highest played time games and most played games on Steam.

The past 48 hours on Steam, has seen close to 200k people playing Fallout 4, and close to 50k people still playing Skyrim.

Steam: Game and Player Statistics



Trump's Staff
Ya... I bet FO4+Skyrim are better once the players get at them with mods. But the base game leaves a ton to be desired IMO.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Dunwich Borers
That was actually one of the few places I found really disappointing. They basically just copied the Dunwich Building without adding anything new, and seeing the same stuff a second time isn't nearly as creepy.


Avatar of War Slayer
That was actually one of the few places I found really disappointing. They basically just copied the Dunwich Building without adding anything new, and seeing the same stuff a second time isn't nearly as creepy.
yeah. Bedlam?'s terminal was the best part. But they didnt DO anything with that. Turning out the lights has no effect.