

FPS noob
show was meh, some good visuals but it was a bunch of side quest storylines that didn't come together in a satisfying way at all. I don't care about anyone, the main fetch quest felt pretty dumb (power grids don't survive unmaintained for 200 years lol), the world felt shallow and artificial.

Big quotes (WNC) dropped like milkshakes hitting concrete, more cringe than cool. Its definitely not the worst thing I've seen - I've watch Star Trek Discovery and Picard - but man I am completely mystified by so many people giving this high reviews. If you liked this show go watch Halo season 2, they feel very similar.

Great Value Jonathan Majors was so bad, that dude cannot act

I think I will replay the games (never played FO4) and i've seen many people recommend this playing order

FO New Vegas

skipping FO1, 2, and the tactics games (I might dip into the tactics after FO3).

now just gotta dig around and find the best mod packs and stuff for each of these and get started.

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  • 1Picard
  • 1Worf
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Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
It wasn't a "butch" "lesbian". Butch means lesbians who look masculine. Her sexuality wasn't hinted at in the show. It was presented as being androgynous/non binary - this is a gender identity rather than a sexuality.
Just shut the fuck up, degenerate. Nobody gives a shit about all the made up bullshit for people who don't feel special enough.
  • 3Worf
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NeoGaf Donator
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Bald Brah

Lord Nagafen Raider
NV had a way better storyline and ending. Chasing the cold fusion maguffin for 8 episodes and making the NCR into a band of retards was a terrible plot contrivance. The battle for hoover dam and its hydroelectric plant made way more sense, being grounded in reality and having a well known location for the epic final battle
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Watched the first episode, actually a pretty damn good show, I'm shocked.

The main character is compulsively likeable and root-able. Goggins is interesting. The whole setting is interesting and feels like the Fallout universe. I need to finally play Fallout 2.

Also, the big twist in the first episode, while a bit predictable, was (chef's kiss). The bad guys reminded me of Khan Noonien Singh and Botany Bay.


<Prior Amod>
Finished this last night. My wish that the Squire would die sadly came up short.

Wife and I really enjoyed it and liked the tease for next season at the end.


Egg Nazi
Only about 1.5 episodes in so far. Never played the games.

Lucy is super likable and also weirdly hot. Ghoul guy seems like he'll be fun. Everybody else seems like a giant piece of shit but maybe thats the point?


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
I assume Vault-Tec started the war so they could make mad bank selling vaults? They didn't even need to drop a nuke to do that, just get the US and China fighting to begin with, then sell everyone on the need to hide in vaults. Did they start the war itself or did they start the nuclear exchange at the end (or both)?

If they started the exchange, why? They already sold all their vaults. Unless the idea was to take control of the new subterranean society of man for a few centuries. If so, I assume they dropped a nuke on China during the tensest part of the war, right after the Anchorage peace deal fell apart (or they had a battle there, I can't remember, I played FO3 and NV like 15 years ago). Then China thought the US was attacking and the rest was history.

Can I get a (brief) rundown of what the main factions actually are?

Brotherhood of Steel - Remnants of US military, now just a bunch of assholes with all the military tech?

Enclave - US government? Vault-Tec?

Raiders - Botany Bay folk, Reavers from Firefly, whatever, disorganized groups

Can't remember who else there was.

That about right?

Bald Brah

Lord Nagafen Raider
I assume Vault-Tec started the war so they could make mad bank selling vaults? They didn't even need to drop a nuke to do that, just get the US and China fighting to begin with, then sell everyone on the need to hide in vaults. Did they start the war itself or did they start the nuclear exchange at the end (or both)?

If they started the exchange, why? They already sold all their vaults. Unless the idea was to take control of the new subterranean society of man for a few centuries. If so, I assume they dropped a nuke on China during the tensest part of the war, right after the Anchorage peace deal fell apart (or they had a battle there, I can't remember, I played FO3 and NV like 15 years ago). Then China thought the US was attacking and the rest was history.

Can I get a (brief) rundown of what the main factions actually are?

Brotherhood of Steel - Remnants of US military, now just a bunch of assholes with all the military tech?

Enclave - US government? Vault-Tec?

Raiders - Botany Bay folk, Reavers from Firefly, whatever, disorganized groups

Can't remember who else there was.

That about right?
New California Republic is a big part. There's lots of other factions in different games. Mr House runs New Vegas with his killer robots, there are super mutants, cesars legion, lots of different major gangs, there are religious communities, regular towns scattered around doing their own thing, lots of independent wastelanders roaming around.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
I assume Vault-Tec started the war so they could make mad bank selling vaults? They didn't even need to drop a nuke to do that, just get the US and China fighting to begin with, then sell everyone on the need to hide in vaults. Did they start the war itself or did they start the nuclear exchange at the end (or both)?

If they started the exchange, why? They already sold all their vaults. Unless the idea was to take control of the new subterranean society of man for a few centuries. If so, I assume they dropped a nuke on China during the tensest part of the war, right after the Anchorage peace deal fell apart (or they had a battle there, I can't remember, I played FO3 and NV like 15 years ago). Then China thought the US was attacking and the rest was history.

Can I get a (brief) rundown of what the main factions actually are?

Brotherhood of Steel - Remnants of US military, now just a bunch of assholes with all the military tech?

Enclave - US government? Vault-Tec?

Raiders - Botany Bay folk, Reavers from Firefly, whatever, disorganized groups

Can't remember who else there was.

That about right?

I wouldn’t spend too much time trying to deep dive the motive for Vault tech making cash and blowing up the earth. It really is just a stupid premise, it’s like the WEF killing us all but instead of living on opulence they have to freeze themselves and live in a radioactive shithole hellscape…

Bombs must go boom for the plot. It’s really that simple.


<Gold Donor>
I think they wanted the THREAT of bombs falling to sell more vault space. But things went south.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Meh, the Lucy pepe meme is kinda accurate though.


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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I assume Vault-Tec started the war so they could make mad bank selling vaults? They didn't even need to drop a nuke to do that, just get the US and China fighting to begin with, then sell everyone on the need to hide in vaults. Did they start the war itself or did they start the nuclear exchange at the end (or both)?

If they started the exchange, why? They already sold all their vaults. Unless the idea was to take control of the new subterranean society of man for a few centuries. If so, I assume they dropped a nuke on China during the tensest part of the war, right after the Anchorage peace deal fell apart (or they had a battle there, I can't remember, I played FO3 and NV like 15 years ago). Then China thought the US was attacking and the rest was history.

Can I get a (brief) rundown of what the main factions actually are?

Brotherhood of Steel - Remnants of US military, now just a bunch of assholes with all the military tech?

Enclave - US government? Vault-Tec?

Raiders - Botany Bay folk, Reavers from Firefly, whatever, disorganized groups

Can't remember who else there was.

That about right?

Brotherhood of Steel: Originally they were formed when Roger Maxson (part of US Army) had discovered some shit going on at WestTek and after the war. His original plan was to try to preserve as much knowledge and tech as possible, in the same vein as people who preserved knowledge after the fall of ancient Rome, and then use that to rebuild America. However, as the decades and centuries wore on, the original goal was somewhat corrupted by other people in leadership positions and they mostly just collected knowledge and tech to horde and keep to themselves and ultimately empower themselves. The East Coast BoS was originally an attempt to get back to Roger Maxson's vision, although that sort of fell apart after Elder Lyons died between the events of FO3 and FO4.

Enclave: Shadow government that existed before the war that thought of themselves as the true American government. They are effectively complicit in the destruction of the world and their ultimate goal was to retake the country after the war and rebuild America in their own vision. They worked with various corps like Vault Tec and WestTek.

Raiders: Just a catchall term for various gangs/tribes that exist in the wasteland. They're typically warlord driven/Mad Max badguy. They aren't really united and are effectively separate tribes, although sometimes you see alliances. Some take a long view (they would rather treat settlements as part of a fiefdom and have them pay tribute) and others are short sighted (aka the kill everyone/eat everyone mindset)
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That guy
This was infinitely better than I expected. So with regards to season 2:

What is considered the canon New Vegas ending? I'm assuming it's siding with Mr House?
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