Far Cry III


I really liked this over all. I was close to rage-quitting and saying fuck it with about the 3rd last mission but I'm so glad I didn't because there's one section in the 2nd last mission that just makes you feel like a total bad-ass with the music they have playing while it's going on.


I just finished the single player, and it was a pretty good game overall. How the game wrapped up story wise was kinda disappointing though.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Not only is this game extremely fun to play, but the co-op modes are not that shabby either. They are heavily scripted and certain parts can be annoying (When you have to kill one last bandit and you cannot find him, it won't set off the script to continue, etc) but that rarely happens. Uplay is one giant pain in the ass because if you want to play with friends you need to add them on Uplay. It isn't hard to do, but the Steam friendslist would have been a better option and less cumbersome.

Either way, Kaubel and I played this for about an hour or so last night and it was hilarious fun once we got the hang of it. Kind of a spoiler ahead for gameplay mechanics in Co-Op.

I won't spoil much here, but they wrapped defense modes, attack, objectives, etc all together. In one hour we blasted our way through a pirate camp, I retrieved C4 to blow up a bridge while kaubel paved the way (While carrying the C4 I was bogged down with no weapons and unable to move fast while two arming the C4) and once planted I had to go to the designated remote detonation point. Defended against pirates trying to destroy a get away boat with the option to repair with the blow torch, and a few mini bosses in there from time to time. THis was only in the span of about 40 minutes and was one section of the first co-op mission available.

Looking forward to the rest.


Hardcore Casual
I just tried this last night. Got started around 8PM EST. Next thing I know it's midnight. I was so into it. Amazing game so far. One of the better games I have played all year.


<Silver Donator>
So finished this, decent game but not too great.

There's many fairly large design issues I feel.

First the game is extremely repetitive. The side quests content is boring as fuck, I mean there's a few proper quests but most of it is just climb on a radio tower, capture the 2camps in the area you just revealed, do the wanted and hunts quests in these, move to next. All of them are extremely similar and just add stronger enemies as you progress but all the wanted quests play the same, all the village captures play the same etc. The layout changes a bit but it's really boring very quickly. The Rakyat challenges or even collecting letters/relics are like that too, there's a few interesting ones but 95% of them are just diving/climbing/exploring caves but they lack depth. Only the main story quests add variety in terms of places, objectives, gameplay and such.

Second, the whole crafting/economy is completely fucked. You have too much money basically all the time, even if you don't loot too many corpses. On that note, fuck whoever thought making loot shit should require to hold a key, have a shitty 1s animation(for corpses) and can only be performed at a very very close range. Money is worthless too for the most part, only thing worth buying are relic maps(the cheapest ones) and signature weapons. Crafting starts by extremely limiting your ressources(ammo, bag space, syringe and so on) yet you unlock everything by basically 1/4 of the game minus the last upgrades that require special hunts which are unlocked before half of the game is done and earlier if you explore shit. That makes the talent to loot more hides fairly worthless as I had almost everything already unlocked by the time I got the storyquest which unlocked it as a skill. Should have been swapped with the herb one, you don't need to collect many herbs early game since you have few recipes and not a big need for them anyway. The whole thing feels like a complete afterthought and becomes pointless by 1/4 into the game, all the animals and skinning and shit worthless. Herbs/syringes stay useful especially the sprint one, who needs cars when you can just run as fast.

Third I pointed it out before but difficulty is complete shit. Even in the last parts of the game you can rambo your way in or completely trivialize most encounters by sniping from a bush at long range with a silencer. Weapons like the flamethrower instantly CC 99% of the enemies in the game preventing them from firing back, only the flamethrower guys aren't. There's weird inconsistencies with difficulty too, like how if the enemies are alert they'll spot you from 100m away if you're not hidden out of sight but they can't notice you 1m away if they're not completely alert if you're standing in a bush. Or how they spot corpses from super far for whatever reason, but you can't hide corpses(you can takedown drag but it's clunky as shit and doesn't help in many situations). That's on the hardest difficulty I can't even think how easy it is on normal or on easy. Makes the whole process of grinding capture camps and shit even more boring since there's rarely any difficulty, most of the 2nd island caps I was tired of doing infiltration stuff so I completed them with a sniper rifle and it was taking less than a minute to spot all the guys then execute them in one shot to get the undetected xp bonus.

Finally, one bug plagued me the whole game, I had my bow showing all the time for whatever fucked up reason. I'd see its shadow on the ground while running, could see it if I looked down, and that means it was popping out in every fucking cutscene of the game. That was annoying as shit. Tried unequipping/reloading, nothing fixed it.

Still a decent game, looked alright even though I feel it wasn't really that great looking either, makes good pictures but it lacks life, activity, whatever. Music was great though, pretty good choice of weapon and shit, takedowns looked cool even if they became a bit repetitive. Overall a good game but they could have cut 50% of the side content and it wouldn't have changed shit about the game I feel(besides making the island smaller). Story was alright, have to go check youtube for the other ending. Wish there were more choices though, and wish the hero wasn't such a fucking brotard.


Mr. Poopybutthole
If you picked the left ending, do yourself a favor and DONT youtube the right ending. If you picked the right ending, BURN IN HELL!!!


<Silver Donator>
If you picked the left ending, do yourself a favor and DONT youtube the right ending. If you picked the right ending, BURN IN HELL!!!
Not sure which is left or right, I picked the "evil" one and watched the "good" one on youtube. Evil one looked like complete shit with my bow in the middle of the screen though. Even the credits on the beach with the dagger had my bow on it. Fucking bow.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I watched the evil ending on youtube and skipped most of it because it was just the most painfully stupid thing I could imagine. At least the good ending was consistent with the 'ridiculously predictable cliches' theme of the entire rest of the story.


I just now watched the bad ending on you tube after completing the game by doing the good version, and I have to disagree, the "bad" ending is hilariously awesome. The good ending was far to bland.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Must admit this game just gets better the further in you get. I'm turning into a silent stalking assassination machine.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
All I've read is that you can either ez-mode by being sneaky, or you can rambo and still never die after getting shot a billion times. Where is the challenge?


Er, if you go in guns blazing you will get raped pretty fast unless you're constantly shooting up drugs. Sorry I mean healing yourself with medical syringes. It's basically as hard as you want it to be.


<Silver Donator>
Er, if you go in guns blazing you will get raped pretty fast unless you're constantly shooting up drugs. Sorry I mean healing yourself with medical syringes. It's basically as hard as you want it to be.
But you get billions of medpaks just lying around and you can collect herbs to make a full stack of healing syringe in like 20seconds, and I'm not even talking about the 100$ medpaks. Yeah obviously if you decide you don't want to heal AND want to rambo the game is going to be kinda tough. That's like trying to be stealthy and only sprinting around though. You can literally just run into any camp and kill everyone around without being good at aiming and without taking cover for more than a few seconds here and there and depending on the fight you might not even have to take cover, and you'll use maybe 4-5medpaks in the process which can be farmed back in literally 30secs including the loading.

The infiltration style is "harder", as long as you don't use weapons with silencer and actually try to takedown targets. Use a bow or silenced firearms though and it's piss easy too.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
But you get billions of medpaks just lying around and you can collect herbs to make a full stack of healing syringe in like 20seconds, and I'm not even talking about the 100$ medpaks. Yeah obviously if you decide you don't want to heal AND want to rambo the game is going to be kinda tough. That's like trying to be stealthy and only sprinting around though. You can literally just run into any camp and kill everyone around without being good at aiming and without taking cover for more than a few seconds here and there and depending on the fight you might not even have to take cover, and you'll use maybe 4-5medpaks in the process which can be farmed back in literally 30secs including the loading.

The infiltration style is "harder", as long as you don't use weapons with silencer and actually try to takedown targets. Use a bow or silenced firearms though and it's piss easy too.
See I think you are making the game sound trivial. Its almost like the GTA type of syndrome where the game is easy if you make it that way. The game is what you make it basically. Can it be trivial with a sniper rifle with max ammo and rockets/explosives? Yes. But can you decide to not use, or only use the sniper sparingly and decide to go all Barry from RE1 on mother fuckers? You fucking bet. Molotov's + 44 is a load of fun, as well as chain takedowns and watching wildlife kill baddies.

This game is fucking awesome IMO. One of my greatest gaming experiences was had when I first started playing. I was chasing down a dog for some mats and the little fucker was nimble as fuck and kept gettng away and darting around out of my reach untill we finally came to a clearing and a road and a random jeep with 2 civilians in it barreled down the road, wiping the dog the fuck out (almost taking me out in the process) to my glorious surprise. One of the most satisfying, random moments in a game for me.


<Silver Donator>
I didn't say the game wasn't good, but it's too easy, regardless of what you use. The only remotely challenging way of playing the game is not using any weapon and only clearing shit with takedowns, and even that isn't that hard once you have ninja steps(or even jungle run). It's a bit sad to me that everything dies so easily and that you're offered so much firepower so early in the game. That's one of the aspect that kinda ruined the game for me, that and the massive amount of repetitive tasks, not enough variety of stuff to do. It was still an ok game, but I don't think it was a great game, which annoys me because considering how long they probably spent designing these islands and shit, it feels like a waste. There's some really impressive semi hidden caves and shit with jumping puzzles and really impressive looking locations, but then all you get is a shitty relic and 2-3 chests filled with trash loot because the only thing you can loot is ammo or trash loot.

They had the basis to make one of the greatest game of the year and instead they made an ok game, that's what annoys me. It's not me making the game easy, it's the game being easy. I played the first island entirely with bow and takedowns. Well I used the sniper for a few wanted quests, used the flamethrower for the weed field quest and used the shotgun for a couple of story missions, but the rest of the game I used a bow and melee. I liked the bow because at least I had to compensate for movement due to travel time as well as drop but at the end of the day it's still a very powerful weapon. You shoot some guy in the foot and he dies instantly. It's silent and while the impact generally alerts guards, you can kill them before they really react once you have the bow talents. Takedowns are the same, sure they have the positional requirement but they instantly kill everything(besides the big guys until you unlock the specific takedown). With throwing rocks it's very easy to distract people and instantly kill them repeatedly, hell even if the enemies are semi alerted of your presence, you can sit in a bush and they don't see you until you're in takedown range anyway. And that's only useful if you plan to get the unspotted bonus.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
My problem is that I have all the skills I'm allowed to get, i have to "complete more missions" to unlock anything else. Buddy said he had the same problem, and had 15 skill points stored up with nothing to spend them on. How is this good design? Looting things sucks, and I don't like the fact that the loot key is the same as the "swap weapon" key and you basically end up picking up every fucking AK 47 on the ground every time you try to loot a body.

I also don't like these kind of story games with a shitload of side quests. Makes no sense. A bunch of my friends are being held by pirates, I need to get them back. Sure, I've got time to hunt tigers and make a wallet. Poker? Yeah, why not, I need some downtime. What? Race a car around for a little while? Awesome, I've been wanting to do that. It's not that it's terrible design, but it just doesn't fit with the story. Do I give a shit about my friends or not? Apparently not. I'll go capture some radio towers instead.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I agree with most of your complaints, my point is, for what its worth, the game delivers if you dont treat it like shit so to speak. If you use the 44 or pistols, and only use other heavier weapons when close to death or in fucked up situations, the game is fun. Maybe its still easy to a degree, but icing people with the 44 long from 70 feet in stride is awesome.

Maybe mods can fix some of the bullshit? Maybe the radio tower system could be tweaked as well as the gun unlock system. Maybe even a loot mod that adds modded guns as drops as well as unique body armor and consumables. Seems easy to me. That and maybe a boost in AI health? Either way the structure of the game is sound and all it would take is a few mods to make the game a real 9/10.


Just finished the SP. Still have quite a bit of side missions and collectibles to find at 25 hours played.

The story was definitely the weakest point of the game. The ending was retarded, should of just hit up the doctor's house and been done. The tribal shit felt incredibly forced the whole game.

Also, when you have a character as good as Vaas you need to make him the centerpiece. At the very least you have to replace him with someone just as interesting. Hoyte was pretty bleh in comparison.