Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius


Mr. Poopybutthole
You talking about the free summon you get that is always a 1 star, or seems to always be a 1 star?

That's an FP summon, they give you one to sorta explain the summon process, then they give you the 5 tickets that you can use to get real units. You get 5 more tickets from clearing most of the first island, but it's much faster to just check those first 6 units for something good and reroll rather than clearing for the full 11 every time.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm

Omg what's it going to be?

Edit: Was a 5* Bartz? I feel most would be happy with that and move on, but I wanna keep going!


Trakanon Raider
Bartz is very mediocre right now. He's about to get a big upgrade though and should be on a rate up banner. Being a 3 star base he shouldn't be too hard to get. Keep trying.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Bartz is very mediocre right now. He's about to get a big upgrade though and should be on a rate up banner. Being a 3 star base he shouldn't be too hard to get. Keep trying.
Awesome. Thanks. Love the help this thread is giving me!


Potato del Grande
Funny I rerolled tons of times and never saw a Bartz. The other plus to using memu instances is you can save attempts in case you want to go back to them.

Really though, you want a 5* base dps like Luneth or Lightning if you're just going to keep trying for the best stuff. (Elza as well now?)


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Funny I rerolled tons of times and never saw a Bartz. The other plus to using memu instances is you can save attempts in case you want to go back to them.

Really though, you want a 5* base dps like Luneth or Lightning if you're just going to keep trying for the best stuff. (Elza as well now?)
Yea, Twilight set me straight a few posts back on what to hold out for. :) Thanks!

I'm using Nox, is Memu different?


Trakanon Raider
Nox and Memu are basically the same thing. Some people prefer Nox, some Memu. If one's working for you and you have no specific complaints, I'd just stick with it. If you're having performance problems, crashes, etc, then maybe it's worth checking out the alternative.

Just to throw another wrench into your re-roll plans, if next week does turn out to be FFV banner, and you're willing to endlessly reroll until you get the best possible, go for Gilgamesh. Right out of the gate, he's weaker than Lightning or Luneth, but after you grind out his TM, he's better than both (especially after his enhancements which were recently released in jp). Gilgamesh also gives you an upgraded form of dualwield for any of your units, which is another huge part of making any unit top tier down the road.

That would mean waiting a week, and it's very possible next week isn't actually FFV anyway, but I figured I'd mention it!


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Nox and Memu are basically the same thing. Some people prefer Nox, some Memu. If one's working for you and you have no specific complaints, I'd just stick with it. If you're having performance problems, crashes, etc, then maybe it's worth checking out the alternative.

Just to throw another wrench into your re-roll plans, if next week does turn out to be FFV banner, and you're willing to endlessly reroll until you get the best possible, go for Gilgamesh. Right out of the gate, he's weaker than Lightning or Luneth, but after you grind out his TM, he's better than both (especially after his enhancements which were recently released in jp). Gilgamesh also gives you an upgraded form of dualwield for any of your units, which is another huge part of making any unit top tier down the road.

That would mean waiting a week, and it's very possible next week isn't actually FFV anyway, but I figured I'd mention it!
Lol! Always some wrench in the plans!

Just got a 4* CoD and 3* Rydia, which apparently is top 5 magic damage. Tempting to keep that account, but I'll keep re-rolling!


Trakanon Raider
Rydia's "ok", but real talk, she's kind of shitty. She's capped at 5*, only knows I think thunder magic for elemental chaining, only has 3 materia slots, and she's basically made of paper and dies if anything looks her direction.

People say she's good because she knows meteor, which is the hardest hitting spell any current mage learns naturally. That's no where near enough to make her anything worth using.

CoD is excellent, but not exactly a rare catch.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
It's also worth noting that Rydia with Dualcast can't even do 2 rounds of Meteors without sacrificing an item/materia slot to boost her MP.

For the time being at least, the only two mages worth talking about are Exdeath and Arc, with an honorable mention to Tellah just because he has Raise, Recall, and all three primary element -agas. Kefka is becoming obsolete but three of them can still be exploited to kill most bosses in 1 turn with assistance from a pair of Edgars.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Completed both dual wield and dualcast tonight. Awwww yiss. Excalibur at 92%, then my initial batch of TMs will be done and my next closest ones are Rising Sun and Gungnir, both ~30%.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
So rerolling reminded me of pulling scrolls in SW. Similar mechanic, super rare to get the good stuff, but it was possible, except this is like unlimited chances to do that! I was having a blast. Few hours later, with breaks in between for dinner, and kids, etc, I'm easily up 20+ sets at 4 per set of rerolls now and still nothing. It's now starting to get tedious. haha!


Potato del Grande
I'm not sure how many hours I put into every day but it took me rerolling for shits and giggles 3-4 days after I had started playing an account that I thought was good enough to play to get a Lightning. It's a pretty low chance but the game really is sort of easy mode with either Luneth or Lightning. (that said I can't really do the current event because my party is not filled out and I have zero good tanks)


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I'm not sure how many hours I put into every day but it took me rerolling for shits and giggles 3-4 days after I had started playing an account that I thought was good enough to play to get a Lightning. It's a pretty low chance but the game really is sort of easy mode with either Luneth or Lightning. (that said I can't really do the current event because my party is not filled out and I have zero good tanks)
That sounds about right. Shit's rare, I get it. Will keep the rerolls going for a while. About to call it for tonight, but I know what I'm looking for now, and will just reroll till I get it! Then promptly not even play it because i"m so burned from rerolling? Could happen....


Mr. Poopybutthole
was thinkign of re rolling untill i get 2x cod & somethnig else good, that sound about right?

No. You don't want more than one CoD because of her absolutely terrible weapon selection. Her only good (still obtainable) weapon is a TM. She is finally getting a decent weapon at the end of the month from the new trial that's coming, but that would still leave your second CoD wielding garbage.


Mr. Poopybutthole
If you have the patience, I would hold out for a 5* base like Luneth, Lightning, or Elza. I wouldn't even worry about CoD, it would be really nice to get one but like I said to the other guy rerolling, one of those three can carry you through content while you build a solid team around them.