Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius


Golden Knight of the Realm
Yeah you're looking at Tilith or bust to do no magic at this point in the meta, unless you are willing to do something crazy like double Luka

Weaksauce, I guess I could go friend Tilith and take it the arms route. Sounds like something to work on through the week at least.


Golden Squire
Yeah you're looking at Tilith or bust to do no magic at this point in the meta, unless you are willing to do something crazy like double Luka
Luka and Ashe could be an option. Ashe to Meditate and Heavens Fury. You would need an MP battery though.
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Trakanon Raider
One thing to watch out for if you're using Heaven's Fury with Ashe is you don't want to kill the right arm 3x before finishing the left arm 10x, or else you activate the ejection skill on the left arm, which is pretty much auto-loss.

Besides Tilith, is there even a non-magic healer coming soon? Ayaka's main healing spells are magic, so she's not an option either.

I could setup a friend Tilith for you with decent gear if you wanted to try that Gonzy.


Golden Knight of the Realm
One thing to watch out for if you're using Heaven's Fury with Ashe is you don't want to kill the right arm 3x before finishing the left arm 10x, or else you activate the ejection skill on the left arm, which is pretty much auto-loss.

Besides Tilith, is there even a non-magic healer coming soon? Ayaka's main healing spells are magic, so she's not an option either.

I could setup a friend Tilith for you with decent gear if you wanted to try that Gonzy.

Yeah I'll get with you towards the middle of the week, thanks for the offer. I'm finishing off some TMs and the mog event atm. I destroyed it with my main team going body first. Right arm even got a heal off aswell which Rikku and WoL handled. Took my time with the left arm so I could summon Ramah with one Fry and kill it with the other. All in all I spent about 30 minutes or so on it.

I might make another attempt with Luka though. My first run I used Ling instead of WoL because I thought mana would be more of an issue. On my kill attempt I swapped Ling for WoL and I had plenty of MP recovery things left over. I was really suprised how much mitigation WoL provided.

I wasn't playing either time Tillith was offered or this wouldn't be a problem. Could also wait for the dmg reduction TM from Nier. I would also hazard a guess after this Tillith will make an appearance on the next players choice banner.

Is there anything I need to farm up for the next trial? I assumed I could swap Frys gear over to Ashe and do it that way.


Mr. Poopybutthole
9S TM doesn't really do much of anything for Robo aside from helping handle berserk righty if you're going body first.


Golden Squire
Is there anything I need to farm up for the next trial? I assumed I could swap Frys gear over to Ashe and do it that way.
Next trial is GE Marlboro so i suspect lots and lots of status ailments including stop. We will find out more in the next week or two when they release their next monthly update video.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Next trial is GE Marlboro so i suspect lots and lots of status ailments including stop. We will find out more in the next week or two when they release their next monthly update video.

Oh I thought the next trial was something I'd need Ashe for because the boss is immune to physical damage. Thanks for the heads up.


Vyemm Raider
So I have been pulling like a fiend with summer tickets and crystal tickets and mog tickets and free pulls ect ect on the awakened banner trying to get cecil.

I was avoiding spending lapis directly on pulls. Anyways after getting 5 ex deaths and no cecil I gave in and did an 11 pull.

Got two Cecils and a dark fina, (and another exdeath.) So that was a relief and a surprise. I also got agrias with the half off pulls.

Now I am trying to figure out what units to focus on first.

I figure orlandeau, agrias, dark fina, gilamesh and refia.
I pulled a ton of crap looking for cecils. Most of it seems like not so great stuff to use. I will write up a list later.

Lots of good tmrs though.

Was wondering if that team seems worth my while or should I try to go all physical attack?


Vyemm Raider
Synergy > individual power

TONS of people have Orlando's up the majority of the time, chaining w/ him is very easy, chaining is a huge change in damage. 2 Orlando's will greatly out damage 1 Orlando and any magic caster.

Also, best to focus on just 1 character at a time. you can look up the damage formulas, but your attack is basically squared, so the higher the better. and 1 high value will result in much more damage than 2 lower values.

If you don't have Warrior or Light, then focus on Cecil for your tank. Refia is a great healer. Cecil and Refia can but make use of a dual cast, so work on that for TMR if you can. Though getting Gilg's TRM for Orlando is more important.

Outside of that, you may have a green mage and/or buffer/debuffer that you can level up as well.


God is dead
Synergy > individual power

TONS of people have Orlando's up the majority of the time, chaining w/ him is very easy, chaining is a huge change in damage. 2 Orlando's will greatly out damage 1 Orlando and any magic caster.

Also, best to focus on just 1 character at a time. you can look up the damage formulas, but your attack is basically squared, so the higher the better. and 1 high value will result in much more damage than 2 lower values.

If you don't have Warrior or Light, then focus on Cecil for your tank. Refia is a great healer. Cecil and Refia can but make use of a dual cast, so work on that for TMR if you can. Though getting Gilg's TRM for Orlando is more important.

Outside of that, you may have a green mage and/or buffer/debuffer that you can level up as well.

It's quadratic not squared.


Vyemm Raider
Synergy > individual power

TONS of people have Orlando's up the majority of the time, chaining w/ him is very easy, chaining is a huge change in damage. 2 Orlando's will greatly out damage 1 Orlando and any magic caster.

Also, best to focus on just 1 character at a time. you can look up the damage formulas, but your attack is basically squared, so the higher the better. and 1 high value will result in much more damage than 2 lower values.

If you don't have Warrior or Light, then focus on Cecil for your tank. Refia is a great healer. Cecil and Refia can but make use of a dual cast, so work on that for TMR if you can. Though getting Gilg's TRM for Orlando is more important.

Outside of that, you may have a green mage and/or buffer/debuffer that you can level up as well.

Thanks for the advice. I have two ludmilles and three Zidanes I got while getting cecil(s).

Orlandeau is level 100, so I guess pots, and Trust mastery rewards are my next steps.

Agrias should also be able to chain with Orlandeau once her enhancements are released. But those materials look like a pain to gather.

Anyways you guys seem to be covered in tmrs. What's the best way to unlock those?


Vyemm Raider
time & $$ :)

you get trust moogles as you play the game. most of us Macro. meaning that you use an emulator to play the game for you automatically. this works because your chance at getting 0.1% towards a TMR is the same for the hardest 50 energy zone as it is for the easiest 1 energy zone. so you take a team of 5 that you want to work on their TMRs, and spam the 1st level 1 zone.

this accelerates if you allow the macro to refresh energy via Lapis. you can easily burn several hundred lapis a night doing this, so be careful. i forget what the min amount of energy 100 lapis can give, but most say to hold off using lapis to refresh till level 60-80. you may want to rush dual cast and dual wields, and an excal. after that, work on getting your rank up, so that the refreshes are more efficient.


Golden Knight of the Realm
You have two options to macro this game Nox and Memu. One will work better than the other on your PC and by work better I mean crash less. Google will help you find both emulators and give you the macros to use Lapis or not. As Fris said if you have less than 100 energy it's going to be very costly to produce TMs quickly so if you don't care about spending a few hundred dollars you can let it rip at any point. I use 300-600 Lapis a day I think at 133 NRG depends on how often Nox crashes and how soon I get it back to running. If I was you I'd use my NRG during the day to play as much as you want to play then use a macro that doesn't refill Lapis at night time and once you run out of things to do just let it run without refilling for as long as you want. You can also TM farm the same units together and fuse them together when the sum of all units equals 100% don't do this with units like Zidane because you want as many dual wield sources as possible. The general rule of thumb is at least 3 dual wield, 2 dualcast then max out your best damage dealer which is in your case Orlandu so look up his BiS and farm those TMs first alongside Gengi Glove and Dual Cast. It takes a few months to really get going in this game so don't be in too much of a rush.


Vyemm Raider
good point on working better = crashing less. Chrome has an amazing remote desktop plug in that made restarting the app anytime a breeze.


Golden Knight of the Realm
good point on working better = crashing less. Chrome has an amazing remote desktop plug in that made restarting the app anytime a breeze.

Yeah I forgot to mention that. Enable chrome remote desktop on whatever machine you are running the emulator on then at work use chrome to connect to your machine at home to check in on the emulator.


Trakanon Raider
Dark Veritas banner coming this week, which means next week should be a raid banner (Nier or FFXI), with FF3 Onion Knight banner up after that (if following JP schedule). Nice to have some good banners again since I don't think I've even bothered with a daily pull in 2 or 3 weeks? Been a bunch of shit banners in a row.


God is dead
Dark Veritas banner coming this week, which means next week should be a raid banner (Nier or FFXI), with FF3 Onion Knight banner up after that (if following JP schedule). Nice to have some good banners again since I don't think I've even bothered with a daily pull in 2 or 3 weeks? Been a bunch of shit banners in a row.
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Golden Squire
I am wondering how much to pull on the Veritas banner? We should get an update video soon that will let us know if NeiR is coming this month. Also, daily login rewards look really good. Another 10+1 ticket woo! So word is that NeiR units will NOT be in the 10+1 or EX ticket pools when the feature banner is live. I guess we will have to wait and see since tons of people are saving to try.