Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius


Golden Squire
Luck seems to come in spurts for my account. I think I pulled 6-7 rainbows in a week, but that about 2 weeks ago. Been a lot of blues since then. Thoughts on the Christmas banner? That Christine TMR looks good for GL Sakura.

Avatar of Nyx

Molten Core Raider
Ill do a couple 10+1s this weekend sometime, Christine's TM would be very nice. My dupe game has also been very strong since the 3% rates went in. I think I ended up with something like 9 or 10 total 5*s out of 8 10+1s and the various tickets I burned while I was chasing Cloud and 2 Elfreeda's (including two Mercenary Ramza's from the same 10+1 pull which Im still salty about). Im not sure if WKN is worth chasing too hard since I already have an enhanced Wilhelm so Ill probably just roll on the first Christmas banner and try to save lapis for whatever comes early next year.


Lord Nagafen Raider
That's pretty good.

I haven't had any fortune since the 3% rate up.

When I tried for Mystea I burned ~60 tickets and 3? 10+1. No Rainbows.

On Cloud's banner, I burned ~15 tickets and 4 10+1. One Rainbow (from a ticket) dupe DKC.

This type of fortune has given any motivation I had to spend money on this game to disappear.


<WoW Guild Officer>
I got my kid doing pulls for me... but he likes the yellow crystals the best. So I've burned a few 4* summon tickets and now I think I've created a monster.

edit: hopefully he never pulls a rainbow or I'm boned.


Trakanon Raider
Got the ice bird first try. Thanks for setting up the friend for me Gonzy, was helpful!

Went with Noctis, Wind Veritas, Tilith, Mystea, friend Ayaka. Got 5 man mission and summon ifrit mission, but I totally forgot there was a no limit mission and used Mystea's limit for no reason and failed that one. Have to repeat it, but that mission is easy enough. Video if interested:

Avatar of Nyx

Molten Core Raider
This type of fortune has given any motivation I had to spend money on this game to disappear.
Honestly I need something like that to happen. When Im pulling good things it makes me want to pull more and spend more, which is bad (but exactly what Goomi intended). I spent way too much last weekend on Cloud's banner but seeing one or two rainbows every other 10+1 made it hard to stop until I snagged that second Elfreeda.

I got my kid doing pulls for me... but he likes the yellow crystals the best. So I've burned a few 4* summon tickets and now I think I've created a monster.

edit: hopefully he never pulls a rainbow or I'm boned.

I have no kids (one reason why I can spend stupid amounts of money on mobile games), but I did try to get my cat to do a pull for me once. She just licked my phone so that really didn't work.

Also- unrelated question, how many dupe 5*s do you need for the STMR when the 7* nonsense goes in?


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah, 4 dupes total per STMR. 1 base unit, 1 converted into a 7* awakening mat to awaken the base unit, and then 2 more to get the stmr from the base unit.

Only need 14 more Eikos!!!

Avatar of Nyx

Molten Core Raider
Oh nice, i thought I read somewhere you needed like six 5*s for the STMR. Most excellent, got Orlandeau, Emperor, and Reberta covered then. Is there a good resource somewhere on the 7* stuff, I hate to keep asking questions about something that isnt really relevant for months.


Golden Squire
I dont know if anyone noticed, but the Bundle of Enhancement was upgraded. You now get 2x Gigantuars and 2x Cactuars for 20k gil instead of 4x Cactuars. Also, new 200 lapis bundle for more tickets. Can be bought 3 times.

Avatar of Nyx

Molten Core Raider
I snagged the 200 lapis bundles, mostly for the tickets. 50 lapis cheaper than a daily roll and I get a star quartz? Sure Ill do that.


Golden Squire
For those that may not have noticed, the Chamber of Riches has a PRO difficulty now. You get 100 lapis for completing it.

So apparently, Queen can kill the bird with enhanced Devastate by herself. Pretty neat. That leaves the rest of the party for support. LOL. Maybe I should level her up next.
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Trakanon Raider
I would make and save a few copies of the Angel Wand because elemental resistance in the weapon slot is useful for some fights, especially on Mystea. For the raid unit TM's, you want a few copies of prodigy goggles, and I'd save a few of the dagger also because dark element weapons are kind of rare.

The rest is whatever if you have better already.


Golden Squire
Air buster was pretty easy to knock down with 2x Orlandeau. Would have been faster with a finisher, but I brought a tank, healer and support just in case. Eternal Winter is a lot like the Halloween event crossed with a raid. Don't waste candy canes running the intro story multiple times.
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