Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius


Trakanon Raider
Here's my only one TM budget clear of Ifrit and Siren, all missions if it helps any of you:

Teams I used were:

Ifrit -- Lightning, Mystea, Beach Time Fina, Galuf, friend Onion Knight
Siren -- Lightning, Mystea, Vanille, Garnet, friend Sakura


Blackwing Lair Raider
I wrecked ifrit in 4 turns with my TTs and TT friend. Was able to get my mystea up to like 209fr. I was only able to get my wool up to like 85% evasion. Put all my ribbons on people but I don't think ifrit did anything besides 1 fire attack each turn which mystea absorbed. Just went in using sinzars strat but I didn't get all missions

Gonna try siren after work


Molten Core Raider
Meh, keeping with DFFOO because no co-op for my gf but torn on playing this again on the side. Thought of playing single player games on comp/pc just us so unappealing vs something with longevity but I don’t have the time to dedicate to an MMO (casual yes but I just can’t be a casual...not in the DNA).

So these games are about the only middle ground but obviously spend a lot more. But I’ve downloaded 5 times and deleted in two days going back and forth hah. If i picked up lotus for a healer I’d still have a fairly high end team at least per tier list (once I finished awaking) as I had 3 Orlando’s and 3 alieens for chaining teams. Looks like olive isn’t the default finisher so would have to replace two ramza’s before I quit so have support
Fuck :)


Molten Core Raider
Disregard, sat down had a nice logical discussion with my GF on pro's and con's and she agreed i should play it on the side as long as i still play my other game with her and Smite hah. God I love her :)

So...any rare chance any NOX experts have a clue as to why when I redownloaded it just now it had FFBE still on it but when i start the game says it can't connect?

Also; White Lotus Fina sounds like top tier healer....all in moment right off the bat for me ? I just have Refia and Maria but sounds like Maria is only good if i get all the abilities awakened and i'm pretty far behind ..


Trakanon Raider
There's people who say Ayaka is better, and some say Fina is better (I'm in the Fina camp), but either one is amazing at healing both now and during the 7* era. Refia is very dated and Marie is a support, not a healer (and she's bad at 7*).

The Fina banner closes in 5 hours, so if you have some tickets saved up, I say go for it.


Molten Core Raider
Thanks Sinzar, daddy will be pulling until he gets her and then i'll be cautious to save :) Sadly only had 48 tickets and 5k gems when i logged in but looks like alot of new content to catch up on so good stuff.

Any top tier tanks coming up on banners soon or is Cecil still decent? Also while i have pretty rock solid gear that was BiS at least when i quit for 2 chainers, should i focus on awaking my pair of Aileen's or Orlando's initially? I know one size doesn't fit all but just as a general decision? Or is Ramza worth investing to get his song awakened (think that was what made him so OP?)....or will i replace him for my support.


Trakanon Raider
There's no new tanks coming any time soon. The best non-limited provoke tank is Wilhelm, the best non-limited cover tank is Basch. One or both may come back during anniversary on a players select banner, but other than that the next one in the pipe is Awakened Rain in like 3-5 months.

That being said, Mystea is good enough for magic tanking, and the realistic "best" provoke tanks are any unit with 100% evasion. Cecil is..... like a year and a half past his tanking days :)

Ramza's a good bard, and they can be helpful on some fights. If you feel like you need him, he's not a bad investment, but better bards are coming later (Nichol for example). Aileen is higher dps than Orlandeau, but she's harder to chain. Orlandeau is probably better because he will work well with Sephiroth in a month or two, and he's the next big thing coming soon.


Molten Core Raider
Oh now i remember the joy of this fucker.....well had 33k coins from when i quit so went through them and another $99 purchase......definitely not the luck i had when i played the first time and hit 5 emp rainbows in a row hah.

Got Vertes Earth, Prishe, Lotas Mage, Tidus (did 2 banner pulls from him mainly for the trust moogles but adding a water weapon wont be bad i guess), Luneth (/wrist), Gladiolus, Ace, and Loren. (Also used 1 EX 5 star....and I get....EMP # 6.

Are all 5 star EX's from all 5 star pool or?


Molten Core Raider
Oh I try and help the GF with some stuff tonight and realize that 1 event with the ability awakings is over at 1 AM...try desporately to finish but think i missed the highest level or two which i assume had the actual rare shit :(

Defeated I used my 20 EX 3 star tickets so i could begin going through everything i left when I quit and get shit sorted etc. Ticket 1-19 garbage, Ticket number 20...Boom.....reading up on her sounds like her and the Lotus Fina are pretty much similar so she is top tier healer but i'm basically only going to run her or Lotus?



Molten Core Raider
Just double checking, anything change on TMR farming? Still best to just go to earth shrine and run NOX macro?


Golden Squire
Threw 10 tickets at the current banner to try and get some bonus units. Ended up with 1 wakka(already had 2) 1 Seymour. Pulled 2 5 stars as well. My 3rd Elfreeda and finally pulled a Wilhelm.
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Golden Knight of the Realm
Threw 10 tickets at the current banner to try and get some bonus units. Ended up with 1 wakka(already had 2) 1 Seymour. Pulled 2 5 stars as well. My 3rd Elfreeda and finally pulled a Wilhelm.

That's a fine use of those tickets
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Molten Core Raider
Is rerolling on Global pretty bad as far as only having a few tickets to draw vs a full 11 pull after turorial? Think i got my girlfriend convinced to come over to this so figured i'd try and reroll for her but really not worth 5+ hours of rolling for a good unit at this point....i was going to buy her probably 200 dollars worth of lapis to start off and maybe try and get double Tidus for a chain team + all the moogles? Fucking told her she was going to regret giving it a chance on last night of Fina hah, would have went all in for her on that one and then let her swim for herself.....


<WoW Guild Officer>
I did it at the start with troll golds/rainbows and no real good 5* base units.... and it sucked.


Golden Squire
There are a lot of 5* units now and a lot of them are not that good. Try rerolling a few time. The increased rainbow rate helps a lot.