Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab


Golden Knight of the Realm
Quistis is in an upcoming event with Selphie. Rinoa/Irvine are the ones from VIII that you may have missed.

For leveling, concentrate on characters with good record materia (lists can be found online). Current popular RM are Cloud (sword damage), Josef (10%atk/dmg on one and built in double cut on the other), Bard (AE auto-attacks), Balthier (auto-haste OP), Cyan (katana damage), Vivi (mage damages), Tyro (mage/spellblade damages), the ability replenishment cores (black mage, white mage, summoner in about a week), and maybe a couple others I'm forgetting. I try to spend all my stamina on Sundays towards leveling everyone to 50 and am starting to get close. Also, I run lower level characters whenever there's easier content to run like the first halves of dungeon updates and challenge events. Outside of that, synergy bonuses for characters are only 10 levels worth of stats. While not minor, I still don't find myself swapping in too many characters just for the stats as the better characters (Sephiroth, Cloud, Vivi, Garnet, Wakka, Squall, Paladin Cecil, etc.) still outshine them either through raw stats, equipment selection, or ability selection.

Items are different. You definitely want realm synergy here as the boosts are huge. They might not always beat a good natural 5 star but they can be awkwardly compared by entering a dungeon of the appropriate realm, flipping to party and hold on the character portrait. You'll see their stats given current equipment in the realm they are currently "in battle." For friend summons I usually don't worry about it too much as the utility summons are much more useful than the damage ones and synergy doesn't affect buffs (like Tyro's Sentinel Grimoire or Red XIII's Diamond Pin).

As far as important abilities go, farm for R5 retaliate and get a few double cuts leveled up for retaliate meta, get an R2 Bladeblitz and Quake for AE damage and quality of life, get protectga (and shellga when it comes out) for huge defense, get all the status debuffs (support "buster" skills, intimidate, berserk, slowga), get all the breaks (especially magic and armor) and hone them a couple times, get magic breakdown and power breakdown to R2. Then farm hones for damage spells and spellblades. Tuesday black orb/power orb day is the other day I make sure to always spend all of my stamina on. Get your -ga's honed as high as you can get them but I'd hold off on the -ja's until you either need them or the mage meta begins. With weaknesses and mental break (breakdown coming soon) the -ga's should do plenty of damage on current content.


Trakanon Raider
Clearly playing a bit more than I have - only have 75 stam. Then again, I've been farming the events and dailies instead of doing the dungeons. I'm only up to level 41's. Though it seems I'm farming on the wrong days, because I have like 100 orbs of each kind, but no Black Orbs, which I think is a Tuesday or Wednesday thing.

And damn, I missed Quistis because I was too low level to do the event.
She was one of my favorite characters in VIII. Missed quite a few.

Are you leveling all, or most of your characters up to meet the synergy bonuses? Same with items/friend summon? Is there a particular ability I should be saving up for? I recall getting Reflect helped immensely early on when you face Mimic. Lately it's been all about stacking Silence, Paralyze, Blind, Sleep, or stacking buffs/debuff for those immune.
I've been playing since the tail end of the first Cecil event (identical to the current one except that there was no Elite mode or Boss Rush back then). That means I joined in about a month after launch. Right now the only character I'm missing that was available is Tifa and I think she's coming back around again sometime in the next month. There are people in this thread who have been here since day 1 or there abouts. This is one game that was much easier for people who have been playing awhile compared to new players. I farmed the heck out of the Festival of Gold to get a bunch of characters to 50 and beyond with Memory Crystals.

I have an A-Team to do events and hard content with. Everyone's A-Team may be a bit different based on which Relics and Abilities you have but right now you can't go wrong with a White Mage, Black Mage and 3 Front Line Melee. For me this is Garnet, Vivi, Cloud, Tidus and Tyro. But because of that I don't really focus on Realm Synergy too much. Over on Reddit they min/mix the heck out of everything but I don't bother so long as the content is doable.

If you can't complete an Event then focus on getting the characters and their Memory Crystals. You don't know when they will be offered again. After that your priority should be juggling between storyline dungeons for Stamina Shards and Daily Dungeons which drop orbs you need. Tuesday and Thursday are the big ones since they drop Black Power and White Power respectively (and to the NSA agent who just read that take a look at the game and you'll know what I mean). Sunday is another good day to farm for the experience. Especially since you don't have any level 50's. While this is a gear based game (since they make money by selling gear) Levels do help a lot with survivability.

One of the ironic things about this game is that the more stamina you have, the less you need to play. With 113 Stamina, I can clear that out in about 15 minutes on dailies and then come back five and a half hours later and do it again. And the higher level story dungeons suck a ton of Stamina to complete. Thankfully the way the game is designed is that you don't need to use all of your stamina all of the time to, barely, keep up with the game. I don't set an alarm for the middle of the night and days that I go into the office (I'm a stinky government worker and work from home twice a week) I get up and go to work without using any stamina until I get home (losing about 15 hours worth between sleep and work). But I'm still able to keep up with all the content. The biggest thing is that I'm just starting into 4 star abilities now so I'm further behind that curve than some of the really hardcore players. But 4 star abilities, typically, just make things easier and aren't an absolute requirement yet.


Potato del Grande
Don't farm anything in this game unless you have finished all event and story dungeons. You'll get all the stuff people waste time farming for just by playing the dungeons. It boggles my mind how many people talk about 300 limit inventories full of farmed 2* gear and going for specific orbs for abilities on daily events.

The Ancient_sl

You aren't gonna get key abilities like R5 retaliate and double cut without farming. Lesser power orbs just aren't provided that much.


Trakanon Raider
Some Orbs are worth farming for to create and hone some core abilities.. Like Ancient said, it can be really hard to get Black, White and Power orbs in the quantities you need without hitting the daily dungeons hard. It's easy to forget this when you're maxed on stamina and all abilities are honed. But they take a ton of orbs and the dailies are the best way to get them.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I'd say skip the white orb farming. All the status buffs and debuffs usually start with 4 uses at R1 which is plenty and a cheap hone to R2 for 6 uses is definitely plenty. So then all you need is R5 curaga which doesn't take too long. I've never gone out of my way to farm white orbs and am well beyond having any use for them except the 4* ones. If you need lesser power orbs for retaliate and double cuts you're best off farming Tuesday black power day on heroic for 3* orbs and then farming Thursday white power day on hard for 2* power orbs. You'll need an absolute heap of 3* black orbs as they're used for all nukes AND spellblades. 3* power orbs you need a lot of as well between breaks and spellblades but not nearly as many as black orbs and you should get enough of power on your grinding for black. If you're really new then maybe one day of white power heroic to get curaga to R4 or R5 then you can forget that daily even exists.


I've never done any farming, but I suck. I pretty much just clear events as far as I can (usually around midway through elite) and make sure to grind the Sunday dungeon. Was all gung ho about it but I'm not in any fucking hurry to spend another 50 gems for more 3 star weapons. After 66-88 estimated pulls and no 5 star weapons (+ whatever individual pulls I did before I started saving) I'm pretty content to hoard mithril. I have almost 50 with a ton more available - haven't even done the dungeons past the first two FFXIII. No idea how many there are after that, but I know there's been at least one dungeon update since then.

I still like the game, but I know better than to hurry.


Trakanon Raider
Here I thought I was super behind, but the last page of this thread has restored my dreams!

Rocking 87 stamina. Have a small squad (Wakka, Tyro, Vivi, Sephiroth, Cloud) of characters beyond 50, and others (Tidus, Squall, Yuna) getting close. The last couple banners have been bad, so despite a lack of good gear I've been storing up my Mythril (~80).

Going to give the Cecil event some last-minute tries tonight/tomorrow; I grabbed the MC's without problem, but I still don't have the strength to finish all the elites so I might cheese my way to grabbing some of the goodies.

I spent tons of my stamina on the events this week, did basically no classics until yesterday, which got me way ahead on Yuna and tested my strength in Cecil. I still feel incredibly far behind, but I seem to be progressing faster than the game/meta - wish there was less emphasis on time-limited content and I could take a week or two to get to 75% and feel more at ease.


<Bronze Donator>
i've got 87 stamina right now too.
5 characters that are over level 50 (Sephiroth, Cloud, Tyro, Squall, Vivi).

i'm about to start focusing on some other characters for their record materia, though -- Bard, Josef, etc.

i had been building up a little FFX squad planning on using them to tackle the boss rush stages that just got unlocked for the Yuna event.... but man I don't think its going to be worth the stamina. the only way I can handle these bosses is with a Sentinel's Grimoire RW, can't tackle this particular boss rush i don't think...


Trakanon Raider
Bard, Josef, WM, BLM (and Summoner coming this week?) look to be the most sought-after RM's.

Wakka is one of the best ranged attackers/supports in the game, Yuna is a top-tier white mage (and a fantastic summoner), and Tidus is a solid melee bruiser/support. FFX characters are well-represented IMO. The 5++ sword on Cloud is bona fide, plus the 4++ hat(s) pimp up your mages. Granted I haven't done the last four elite dungeons yet, but the game sets you up well for realm synergy.

Cecil event, on the other hand, was disappointing. I wanted to like at least one of the Cecil characters, but they don't have a whole lot going for them. Dark Cecil makes for a strong auto-attacker but can only use swords and daggers. Pally Cecil can equip more stuff but without his character relic tanks just require less healing during boss fights while doing significantly less damage/utility. Last couple dungeons were out of my reach, but getting that far was a big milestone for my team.


Potato del Grande
i had been building up a little FFX squad planning on using them to tackle the boss rush stages that just got unlocked for the Yuna event.... but man I don't think its going to be worth the stamina. the only way I can handle these bosses is with a Sentinel's Grimoire RW, can't tackle this particular boss rush i don't think...
I use Sentinel's Grimoire on literally every boss rush and difficult elite, this is very common don't worry about needing it.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Regarding Cecils, paladin Cecils default SB is quite good and he can use low level status white magic (as can Squall for warrior types). I find mostly using him for realms that I have an axe for synergy as not many characters can use them and he hits pretty hard with a decent one.


Trakanon Raider
I Mastered the boss rush and the bonus battle. The bonus battle is really well done but you need an extremely strong team to do it.

I used Cloud with Drain Strike and Fira Strike both rank 4
Wakka with mental break r2 (I really need to hone this one) and power break r4. I chose Wakka for realm synergy.
Tidus with magic and armor break at rank 3 each (need to hone these as well)
Yuna since she is required with Curaga r5 and Carbuncle r1. Carbuncle is what makes mastering possible.
Vivi with Blizzaga r5 and death r2
My roaming warrior was Tyro with Sentinel

My strategy was to hit both Guado with death and use my first sentinel. Then hit Seymour with a few abilities to transition to the Anima fight. I used my second sentinel on Anima when the first wore off and went all out on him. You need to kill him before he casts Oblivion but you've got plenty of time. But he soaks up damage so I went all out on him. When Anima dies I cast Carbuncle and hit Seymour with Mental Break. Seymour only casts so Carbuncle prevents a ton of damage and puts it right back on Seymour. I then burned the rest of my abilities and by the time he died my melee were all out and just using soul breaks and regular attacks.

One last note. I only used like two or three Curagas. Mitigation and prevention are more important than healing. Not sure I'd have risked swapping in something else though.

Overall it's a really well done and fun fight. If you can handle it you should check it out.


Potato del Grande
Had to do boss rush twice because I forgot to hit the holy weakness... two bosses in a row :/

Was one medal short on the final boss. I think Death is necessary otherwise you lose your actions taken medals and Carbuncle runs out.


Trakanon Raider
Yes. Rank 2 Death or Rank 1 Brek are pretty much required for the Guado. If either doesn't hit and you have to kill the Guado manually you are going to waste way too many actions just getting to the Anima stage. If you run out of charges it's best to save and reload and try again.

My run with the strategy above I lost two medals. One for damage and one for actions.


Potato del Grande
Seymour Team, took a few tries:

Cloud: Retaliate/Armor Break
Squall: Protect/Double Cut
Yuna: Carbuncle/Boost
Wakka: Wrath/Magic Breakdown/Status Reels
Red XIII: Death/Double Cut
RW: Tyro with Sentinel Grimore

Phase 1: Sentinel Grimore #1/Carbuncle #1/Death to mitigate damage, build up 2 bars of Status Reels on the second Guado Guard and Seymour, kill bosses with Retaliate/Boost/Armor Break.
Phase 2: Sentinel Grimore #2/Magic Breakdown, use VIT0 for the kill.
Phase 3: Carbuncle #2, VIT0.

Don't bother with Break, chance is too low so it ain't landing twice. Use Death even if it's not honed. Magic Breakdown is REQUIRED but you don't need to hone it, Anima hits like a truck even through Sentinel Grimore. If you are not using VIT0, you will have to have these abilities honed much more.


Trakanon Raider
God damn... I HATE being on the wrong side of RNG (which is normal for me). 16 fucking pulls on this Banner and I got 12 three star items and 4 four star items. Not a single fucking five star. I just feel defeated right now since my last 30 pulls have been four star or worse. I dumped everything I had on this banner hoping for something.


Trakanon Raider
God damn... I HATE being on the wrong side of RNG (which is normal for me). 16 fucking pulls on this Banner and I got 12 three star items and 4 four star items. Not a single fucking five star. I just feel defeated right now since my last 30 pulls have been four star or worse. I dumped everything I had on this banner hoping for something.

I dumped 90 Mythril + $1 pull.
1 + 11 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 1 = 20 items.

Got a 4* dagger, with FFIX synergy. Rest all 3*.

Yet to pull a natural 5* item. All my 4* draws have been daggers (Sephiroth banner got me a 6++ with FFXIII synergy, my best weapon other than the free Zantetsuken).

I now have one more 4+ sword, and an extra 4* staff, two 4+ staves, another 4* rod, 4+ javelin, and a 5++ bow (which is still weaker than my 4* bow)! Complete garbage. Some 3* heavy armor and robes don't make me any better.

More RS is nice, but when I have five different 3* staves for XII, it's just hogging inventory. Lots of dumb duplicates are dumb.

I fully expect to do several more single pulls on this banner. It will probably end in frustration. This is a strong banner, but just doesn't look like it's gonna happen for me.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I came looking for mage weapons. I walked away with two FFIX 5* (generic sword and generic light armor) and the chakram. Can't complain about 3 5* from 12 pulls, especially since it's making up for those 11 pulls without any 5*, but still am in a mage weapon rut. Chakram's about double the magic of my next best caster weapon but still not great on magic stat and only usable by Rinoa (can't break level cap yet) and Hope (not in game yet). At least I can get some use out of it on Wakka and a few others as I don't have any higher attack throwing weapons either. Saving the rest of my mythril for Lightning/Sazh event.