Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab


Blackwing Lair Raider
Do you have any mc3's? You may as well get Alphinaud's and raise him to 99 because I see you have his radiant shield. I used that on 3/6 my first magicite clears.


<Bronze Donator>
Ao- Ao- you should work on your summon abilities. kinda scratching the bottom of the barrel bringing Shiva and Ifrit.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah, I'd say the lower stats are a bigger hindrance than shiva and ifrit. Not that it couldn't be done at 80, obviously, but he would probably be clearing it w/ his current setup if they were all 99.


Trakanon Raider
When I did the 2nd summoner nightmare I used:

Ashe lvl 99 -- Ixion r4, Tiamat r1 -- BSB
Garnet lvl 80 -- Maduin r4, Ifrit r5 -- SSB
Alphinaud lvl 80 -- Leviathan r4, Shiva r5 -- SSB
Arc lvl 88 -- Alexander r4, Ramuh r5 -- SSB
Tyro lvl 99 -- Curaja r5, Shellga r3 -- Wall

Roaming Warrior: Alphinaud BSB

No one was legend dived (was before the feature existed).

Here's the video of my clear using the above team: Valigarmanda Nightmare

I pretty much completely ignored the barriers and pots except for the single time required for the medal.

Hope it helps!
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Uncle Tanya
Alright, I'm failing at Valigarmanda... someone help me setup a team.

Based on screenshot, I think you got this! Vali is the most difficult one, and not just because of the inherent difficulty of honing a bunch of summon ability at this stage of the game... the timing of your type of attacks is critical. I feel you can probably only brute force this win well after you've far exceeded the difficulty of fights similar to this. I promise I had fewer hones and less 4* (or better) summons; I just had to play by the rules heh. It's frustrating and I had a ton of restarts, but you can do it if you're patient.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Do you have any mc3's? You may as well get Alphinaud's and raise him to 99 because I see you have his radiant shield. I used that on 3/6 my first magicite clears.
Is his radiant shield that good (I'm assuming that's his SSB I have).
Ao- Ao- you should work on your summon abilities. kinda scratching the bottom of the barrel bringing Shiva and Ifrit.
Ok, any suggestions? I have no problem blowing some hones. I'll spam farm the summon orb daily when it pops.


<Bronze Donator>
Ok, any suggestions? I have no problem blowing some hones. I'll spam farm the summon orb daily when it pops.

you know, i stand corrected, i forgot what the mechanics of that fight were like... Ifrit and Shiva are pretty much necessary for it.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Is his radiant shield that good (I'm assuming that's his SSB I have).
Yeah, his ssb and for magicites, yes. It is tremendous for clearing magicites when you're low on relic options and hones. Like I said, I used it in 3/6 of my first clears and could have been more if I didn't already have other alternative relics for those elements. It's a lot of free damage when you probably don't have the best relic choices and you won't have enough hones when you first start clearing magicites.
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Potato del Grande
Kingdom Hearts Collab. And it looks like Global and Japan are getting it at the same time, already been announced in game but don't know when it'll actually drop.


Potato del Grande
Yeah I don't really care for collabs, glad we skipped almost all of them.

Mobius is fine since it means we get enough FF1 characters for a team and FF14 stated off as a collab rather than a regular realm. WoFF was a waste of time.


Trakanon Raider
Boom, all six of the 4* magicites mastered, Tiamat down! Bring on the Holy / Dark bosses!

Team I used to beat Tiamat in 54 seconds:

Onion -- Entrust, Wrath -- pUSB
Alphinaud -- Curaja, Protectga -- SSB
Arc -- Curada, Shellga -- SSB
Relm -- UltraCure -- BSB
Squall -- Snowspell Strike -- BSB2

Magicites: Wendigo, Isgebind, Taharka, Krysta, Gizamaluke

Video of my kill: Tiamat 54 sec

So this fight is completely retarded and dumb, let's get that out of the way. I had to go farm 4 copies of Krysta and Gizamaluke just to not die in the first 10 seconds of the fight, and I also had to run 3 healers, with an entrust battery feeding nonstop soulgauge, so you may as well say 4 healers.

Squall did most of the damage with his bsb2, with some extra added in from radiant shield. Relm gave last stand and kept using CMD1 of her bsb for instant heals (mostly to charge her soulbreak faster for more medicas). Alphinaud was a support healer, but the true star of the show was Arc with his SSB (instant medica + pBlink). During phase 3 when the boss does one ridiculous AoE after another every 1.2 seconds Arc kept everyone alive (with onion feeding him entrusts).

I don't like this fight and hope the person who designed it feels bad.
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Uncle Tanya
Guys, can you give me an ELI5 on the best magicite(s) to start adding inheritance to and the best magicite(s) to dump into them? I understand some may say "it depends" but some examples I think would go a long way toward me wrapping my head around the process. I did indeed read your post about inheritance but I'm just looking for examples of the best of the best options n combos. I'm asking because I've now maxed out all my magicites (only beaten 4* fire btw) and am in the process of farming and leveling individual dupes and I'd love to know which to farm and level. I'm not an ocd min/max player by any means but I would like to be quite efficient when it comes to inheritance. By this coming Sunday night, I'd have maxed out all character levels too so unless it's critical to level some new magicites (or new characters [rare, I bet]), I can finally kiss the xp dungeons sayonara!!! Yay!

Thank you in advance :)


Trakanon Raider
It.... depends! I strongly recommend you work on some 4* magicite fights, and determine which ones you're close to beating but need a slight push to beat, then inherit based on what will help you win.

For example, I was having trouble with Isgebind, so I farmed some dampen blizzard magicite and inherited it to some other magicite and then I was able to beat him.

I feel that inheritance should be used to improve your weak points instead of improving your best team to be even better (which is probably overkill).

You asked for some examples, but we need more info on what's giving you trouble. If you just want a generalized loadout for every element, this post has that listed: A guide to 4* offensive Magicite decks • r/FFRecordKeeper but keep in mind these loadouts completely ignore defensive passives, which isn't a good idea for early magicite farming.

Which 4* magicite are you working on but haven't beat?
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Uncle Tanya
I usually toss a team at a magicite, get curbstomped then don't attempt them for weeks LoL. I did this exact thing with 3* magicites too... put it off and off and off until I actually beat one, then the rest were like dominoes. Can consistently beat Marilith only.

With a 10 hr work day the next 4 days, I won't really sit down and focus on team building or anything serious until Sunday unfortunately. During work days it's just -burn stamina on dailies- :|

Is it only smart to inherit 4* with 4* ? Both at lvl 99 or does it matter? Or does a 99 with a lvl 1 as fodder level up to 99 while inherited as if they were seperate? I do get what you mean by inheriting what's best for your playstyle, and to bolster your weakest links. I just have limited magicites (by that I mean 1 copy of all the 3* 2* 1* and 1 copy of all the 4* fire, all 99) I'd like to start inheriting but don't want to regret it.

Can you undo inherited magicites back to original form or are they forever glued at the bum ?

Maybe I just need to do one and pop my cherry and my fear of the process~


Trakanon Raider
When you inherit a magicite, the magicite being inherited is consumed and it's gone forever (and no longer gains exp or anything, it's just gone).

You get the best return for leveling a magicite to 99 before feeding it to another because that provides the most inheritance exp, but that's a whole lot of work because it takes 4 copies (to level the fodder) and a ton of xp.

For magicite leveling I've been sticking 5 different 2* magicite into a team then doing a single run of an EXP daily, which levels all 5 to 35-40 or so. Then I feed them into one of my lvl 99 magicites (only 4*'s). I would not recommend inheriting to the 3* magicite because they will mostly get replaced. Exceptions are Enkidu, Unicorn, and the ones that give an imperil. Inheriting and stat maxing one of each of those is worth it.

If you can beat Maliris, then the next logical target is Isgebind. Is your fire team stronger with magical or physical? If you have good magical fire, farm up some copies of BombKing and inherit some stuff to them. If you're stronger in physical fire (and they have long range options for the Isgebind fight) then farm and level some copies of Maliris and inherit stuff to them.

If you feel like your healing options aren't top tier, then farm some copies of Firemane and inherit a 2nd copy of Dampen Blizzard to him (to help with Isgebind). Feeding an old lvl 99 copy of Sealion for r6 Dampen Blizzard is probably good enough to inherit onto Firemane.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
We're raiding today? I should be around at that time so I'll check see who's on.

No elemental weakness this week right? Want to pick one w/ an imperil? I have fire/dark/holy available as options.