Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab


Potato del Grande
Oh baby, just did a jump start battle for the first time w/ new relics. Anything that isn't water resistant is going to be wrecked. I rw'ed the new tyro wall/shell/protect so I could take 3 dps, but pretty sure it wasn't needed between Relm usb and Tidus usb hitting 8-9999k 20x and 99999 overstrike think the boss got one attack off and I only used 1 Relm usb.
Yeah this is similar to my my Jump Start strategy, water team is probably the strongest because of instant casts. It's just rape.

Tidus CSB -> BSB -> USB -> Sapphire Shot is going to massivly damage most things and I also have Yuffie instant BSB imperils and Bartz BSB & USB. Having the AOSB like you have on top of that sounds nuts, I'm jealous!

Next person who says they pulled an Edward relic from the FF6 banner is getting their ass kicked.
Why? I got Edwards USB, machinist ray gun thing. Not used it yet but the name implies that his cousin, Sable teams up with him. Should be cool, they are my favorite FF3 characters.
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<Bronze Donator>
Edward USB is like the machinist version of Bartz USB. It's extremely powerful for chain building in particular.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Managed to sub30 living flame. Not close on Bismarck yet. Golem is also giving trouble even with RW-wall+prot/shell. I just feel like I don’t have enough damage. Maybe I need more gust casters?



Potato del Grande
I've had such bad luck on all these amazing fire banners... got some real shitty relics. Elena is still part of my fire team for fucks sake!

Managed to sub30 living flame. Not close on Bismarck yet. Golem is also giving trouble even with RW-wall+prot/shell. I just feel like I don’t have enough damage. Maybe I need more gust casters?
Yeah you need to either overpower the damage sheild and dispel protect with a physical team or take a magic team.

I've beaten it both ways I think. Physical I used Cloud USB & BSB2 combo, Magic I used Fujin BSB & Alphinaud BSB. Wind is a bit of a rare element for Mages :/

I don't think Gust is enough, you need the 5* ninja wind ability.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Yeah, I have both of those bsb, and raging storm or w/e, but just no real damage with two entrusters. My physical wind team is decent (zidane usb/bsb/osb, zack bsb, cloud bsb2, bartz bsb/osb, luneth usb/osb/bsb). Might just try the physical path and see how it goes.


Uncle Tanya
Golem was a tough nut for me to crack at that level with a physical team.

I lost 100 myth on the latest FF6 banner... saw Omen and tried... got a plateful of nothing but dupes :eek::eek::eek:


<Bronze Donator>
Golem was a tough nut for me to crack at that level with a physical team.

I lost 100 myth on the latest FF6 banner... saw Omen and tried... got a plateful of nothing but dupes :eek::eek::eek:

If I get the mythril before it disappears I'm going to try for more Celes stuff. But I fully expect to match your pulls with dupes haha.


Trakanon Raider
I really wanted to do a pull or two on Celes banner, but after considering it, I just couldn't pull the trigger. There's way too much I want to chase on the upcoming festival, so I'm saving and going all in for those banners. Have about 660 mithril saved right now, but I think I'm going to do one pull on the upcoming FF15 banner because it has some great items, but everything else is for festival.


Potato del Grande
Yeah, I have both of those bsb, and raging storm or w/e, but just no real damage with two entrusters. My physical wind team is decent (zidane usb/bsb/osb, zack bsb, cloud bsb2, bartz bsb/osb, luneth usb/osb/bsb). Might just try the physical path and see how it goes.
I think physical is probably only possible with Cloud USB+BSB2, the boss is literally designed to withstand that broken USB since it came out not long after it. Maybe powercreeped relics with a wind chain too.

Below is my magic Golem team from before 4* Magicite, I dived Alphinaud recently so I cleared it originally without his double cast summon but I did use it in my example. I didn't use any 4* Magicites.

I think the difference is probably the boostgas. Onion Knight mUSB, Aphmau BSB and Alphinaud SSB all do medium magic boosts which stack. Shelk Entrust is just to help Alphinaud cast 2 SBs, I only cast each SB once then spammed command 1. Onion Knight didn't use Entrust at all, if I did it again I'd give him Raging Storm instead.




<WoW Guild Officer>
Yeah, I'll have to give Golem a try AFTER I gear up some more orbs I guess (for hones) and try for the Onion MUSB (and do some 5* dives).

Can anyone explain the en-element mechanic for me? I get Imperil, but I don't really see the benefit of en-element.


Potato del Grande
Yeah, I'll have to give Golem a try AFTER I gear up some more orbs I guess (for hones) and try for the Onion MUSB (and do some 5* dives).

Can anyone explain the en-element mechanic for me? I get Imperil, but I don't really see the benefit of en-element.
It gives you a % damage boost to that element. I forget the exact amount, maybe 10%.

It's the same as Imperil except that the buff is on your character, not the enemy.


<WoW Guild Officer>
It gives you a % damage boost to that element. I forget the exact amount, maybe 10%.

It's the same as Imperil except that the buff is on your character, not the enemy.
Also causes normal attacks to be "of that element", right?


<WoW Guild Officer>
Yes but you would never do that, it's literally just the attack button.
Yeah I only noticed because Zidane's USB gives him enWind, so during the chain the attack button shows the chain icon. I didn't know about the extra damage. I'm guessing the empowered infusion is a stacking en-element then?


Trakanon Raider
En-element is +50% damage to skills, +80% damage to soulbreaks (of that element)

Stacking en-element is:

+50/80 at baseline
+80/90 at 2 stacks
+100/100 at 3 stacks (the cap from en-element)

The bonus is additive with other +element sources (such as gear and record/legend materia).

For example, Tidus with 2 stacks of en-water, a +water armor, his LM1 of +10% water damage, and a record materia of +30% water damage would deal +140% damage with water skills, and +150% with water soulbreaks.


Potato del Grande
En-element is +50% damage to skills, +80% damage to soulbreaks (of that element)

Stacking en-element is:

+50/80 at baseline
+80/90 at 2 stacks
+100/100 at 3 stacks (the cap from en-element)

The bonus is additive with other +element sources (such as gear and record/legend materia).

For example, Tidus with 2 stacks of en-water, a +water armor, his LM1 of +10% water damage, and a record materia of +30% water damage would deal +140% damage with water skills, and +150% with water soulbreaks.
Oh wow thanks, I didn't realise it was that much!

You need to cast a Glint to stack En Elements though?