Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab


Trakanon Raider
I don't have any experience with FFRK customer support, but I'd try to contact them first. Refunding the charge would be risking having your account banned.


<Bronze Donator>
So I never did get the gems I purchased yesterday and I got a confirmation e-mail and its on my cc statement. Is there any recourse or do I dispute the charges with my bank if I really wanted to not get shafted?
Yeah don't charge back, just contanr FFRK support.

Make sure to mention you wanted to pull on the Select banner... Will be a real bummer if you don't get them before the banner closes.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I see it now, I tend to forget about that menu since I so rarely use it. E-mail sent, lets see how long it takes for a response.


Potato del Grande
So I never did get the gems I purchased yesterday and I got a confirmation e-mail and its on my cc statement. Is there any recourse or do I dispute the charges with my bank if I really wanted to not get shafted?
These games usually have some sort of contact address to sort it out, try posting on the reddit for the game - someone will know.

If you dispute it with your credit card company you can get banned from these games.

I haven't had an issue with FFRK but it happened with Brave Exvius and they sorted it out for me.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah, I found it. Only problem is, I totally dont expect this to be resolved before the dream draws go away. I got a canned looking into it response a couple of hours after I sent the e-mail in so it has given me slight hope, but I sincerely doubt it.


Golden Squire
These golden tickets are a godsent for leveling magicite. Just realized I had 30-40 unused and spammed them for belias and Phoenix.


Potato del Grande
I think I've got a stable/comfortable Phoenix clear that I doesn't make you want to kill yourself, hopefully it helps someone:


I think the key is having two healers. Selphie does the first heal then Rosa does the rest. At the end of the battle when shit hits the fan Selphie should have 3 bars you can fire off whenever you want.

Somehow the timing of the battle means that Rosa almost always blinks away Meltdown, Selphie can step in if that doesn't happen.

Onion Knight does one entrust to Tidus after casting Forbidden Power, otherwise I think having an entruster is what is causing stress with timing issues.
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Trakanon Raider
Here's my Phoenix clear that gets it in 29-32 seconds, depending on dualcast luck:

Shelke -- Wrath, Entrust
Tidus -- Sapphire Bullet, Sapphire Shot -- CSB, BSB2, Glint
Bartz -- Stormspell Strike, Engulfing Quadstrike -- USB1, USB2
Elarra -- Shellga -- USB
Onion -- Entrust, Magic Breakdown -- pUSB

Video: Phoenix in 31 seconds

I counted it.... I used Elarra's instant medica 10 times in that video... in a 31 second fight, and was still close to death a lot. Phoenix is so stupid.

I'm finished farming 4 copies of both fire magicites so I'm ready for ice this month. Supposedly Mateus is even worse. Endgame in FFRK is so good.


Potato del Grande
Here's my Phoenix clear that gets it in 29-32 seconds, depending on dualcast luck:

Shelke -- Wrath, Entrust
Tidus -- Sapphire Bullet, Sapphire Shot -- CSB, BSB2, Glint
Bartz -- Stormspell Strike, Engulfing Quadstrike -- USB1, USB2
Elarra -- Shellga -- USB
Onion -- Entrust, Magic Breakdown -- pUSB

Video: Phoenix in 31 seconds

I counted it.... I used Elarra's instant medica 10 times in that video... in a 31 second fight, and was still close to death a lot. Phoenix is so stupid.

I'm finished farming 4 copies of both fire magicites so I'm ready for ice this month. Supposedly Mateus is even worse. Endgame in FFRK is so good.
Yeah I think Shelke is a mistake in a way, since Entrust adds an extra character to organise when timing heals.

My clear is 10 seconds slower without her (I got 31 seconds with Shelke, ~40 without) but it's actually enjoyable.


<Bronze Donator>
well hell

i'm admittedly a bit of a hoarder, but i try to keep it reasonable. every so often i prune my inventory thoroughly by sorting for each stat with synergy active and getting rid of excess items... i.e. i keep only my five best swords for each realm, but also might keep say three axes or hammers, even tho i'll likely never use three hammers in a given realm at a time.

well, finally just ran into the inventory limit of 750 slots. and my vault is dedicated to storing 1-4* items for upgrading that new weapon type that's coming soon.



Potato del Grande
Yeah I just auto sell 4* and lower.

I'm at inventory limit and I'm vaulting +stat accessories since I always wear element/status resist accessories, I've started vaulting shittier realm stuff too like Core items.


<Bronze Donator>
the good news is that the reason my inventory filled up is i did a pull on the first FFX banner and pulled Tidus Brave USB and LMR, and Wakka USB -- all three of which are Water+ items, two of them armors :)

also Auron LMR, but even despite having his USB with the unique debuff i almost never run him, preferring water synergy for FFX stuff.

my water chain is already on Tidus tho so i suppose i'll have to use him with an entruster now that i have his brave.


Blackwing Lair Raider
So finally got the gems, whats that? 72 hours later or so? In the e-mail it said make sure you're on a stable connection which made me wonder sometimes I'll get that loading screen and would wonder is that just a random loading screen or was it giving me that loading screen because it was taking longer? It's like bitch, I'm on 5g lte on an s9. If shit ain't stable, its on your end.


<Bronze Donator>
So finally got the gems, whats that? 72 hours later or so? In the e-mail it said make sure you're on a stable connection which made me wonder sometimes I'll get that loading screen and would wonder is that just a random loading screen or was it giving me that loading screen because it was taking longer? It's like bitch, I'm on 5g lte on an s9. If shit ain't stable, its on your end.

did you ask them about the USB select?


Blackwing Lair Raider
Nah, I know they wouldn't be able to do anything. I'll just wait for the next dream select, they run them pretty often now it seems.


Uncle Tanya
It ain't beating 5* magi's that's for sure, but it's still a milestone nonetheless:



All characters (even core) lvl 99 and all Record Materia collected. What a bitch that was, but it's done and I can retire happily (not that I am just yet, just that I could happily LoL).
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