Final Fantasy XV (PS4 / XB1 / PC)


Vyemm Raider
Microsoft, NVidia, and Square Enix's FFXV team came together to show off DirectX 12 with an in-game FFXV cutscene rendered in real time.

Does this mean that FFXV may eventually release on PC with DirectX 12?

I've said it before and I'll say it again, FFXV is going to be the Messiah of video games.


Golden Squire
That didn't look like FFXV, that looked like the tech demo Square showed off awhile back.


Potato del Grande
She could be the true bad guy, like usually you have your obvious evil emperor but then there is a real crazy bastard behind them who ends up being the world destroying baddie.


Trakanon Raider
Very odd trailer. Doesn't showcase much at all. Though curious as to what the 3 giant things that appeared outside of the bubble thing around the city when zoomed out from the father and child.

Somewhat bad trailer aside, the demo has me interested. Summon was cool, and I really liked exploring the cave. Large open zone was a major plus from the corridor like games of FF 13-1,2,3

Hopefully the story is good. Considering this has been in development for the better part of a decade+ now, it should be good. I have a feeling they have a lot of developer cost to make back for this.


Potato del Grande
I got actual Final Fantasy vibes from that for a few reasons:
*It looks like one of the worlds from FF1-5 had progressed in technology to have cars but still retained their old style/culture in clothing.
*There is some sort of weird childhood mystery plot like FF6-10.

As for the things at the end... some sort of FF13 Fal'Cie/Goddess shit... the games share the same mythology.


Vyemm Raider

That said, he clarified that the game is definitely going to depict the bond between men and women as well.

Within the overall theme of the journey, the team reasoned on what position a heroine should take, and thought that rather than having a more passive and weak heroine that needs to be saved, it would be much better to have a stronger and more determined female character, who actively engages with the events in the story, and to play that role they thought they needed a different character than Stella.

That's why they decided on Luna, that is the character that can fullfill that role.
abata-san explained that not only the release date has been finalized, but also when that announcement will be done is pretty much decided already. Square Enix has also already determined the timing in which all the important news will be released.

That said, the game is about 65% complete now, but that isn't completely representative of the situation. More important than the number, Tabata-san continued, is the fact that all the plans are now solidly in place for development, sales and marketing. Everything is "proceeding very well" along the plan and development is on target. According to Tabata-san the game is "very much where it's supposed to be right now


This game seems to have pretty elaborate walking animations. In the above video you can see that there is at least three different cycles based on the declivity (or lack of thereof). I don't remember ever seeing something like that in another game.


Trakanon Raider
Well.... if what was quoted above is true that sounds optimistic.

That said, the game is about 65% complete now,but that isn?t completely representative of the situation. More important than the number, Tabata-san continued, is the fact that all the plans are now solidly in place for development, sales and marketing. Everything is ?proceeding very well? along the plan and development is on target. According to Tabata-san the game is ?very much where it?s supposed to be right now
It started development in 2005-2006. Taking the "isn't completely representative of the situation" part into account, they probably have lots of resources and are working at double the speed. Making release around 2020?


A Mod Real Quick
They completely scrapped the game and started over, so you can't really take when they started originally into account.


Vyemm Raider
Square Enix wanted to make an action-combat Final Fantasy game but realized that they had no idea how to do that. That's why it's been redone so many times.

It's taken them ten years, but they've finally figured it out.


Vyemm Raider
I know you're a FF fan boy but let's wait before declaring they've "figured it out"
We're called "Final Fanboys," and I think based on what I've seen in the demo, it's going in the right direction.

  • Combat feels FANTASTIC. Fluid weapon swapping, warping, dodging, riposting, and team attacks are great. Lock-on and changing abilities with the directional buttons seemed a bit clunky, but I'm still very new to using a PS4 controller so that might just be me.
  • Environment is beautiful. The world is extremely immersive and detailed. The product placement is pretty funny, like the Coleman camping gear.
  • Music and sound design are excellent, but voice overs seem a little light. I'm hoping they add in more voice overs and that the characters talk to each other more during battle.
  • Quests are extremely bland, but I think this has to do with the fact that it's a gameplay demo and AFAIK, these particular quests won't be in the actual game. (That would also explain why there is very little voice acting for the quests.)
  • Overworld traveling is annoying, but I don't have the car yet, so that may change.
  • Character personalities are all great, except for Noctis, who is just okay. Right now he just seems like a generic emo prince, and I'm sure that will change once we get into the full game where his story is better fleshed out.


Avatar of War Slayer
Is this the game where the dude is teleporting around the falling breaking castle and cutting apart helicopters or airships - whatever? Ahh see I forget that versus is 15....yeah... I still think I wonder around grasslands killing Cecil....the lion and or pally.