Girls who broke your heart thread


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Zehn - Vhex said:
Now just to find a girl who enjoys adventures as much as I do so I don"t have to make 15 hour car rides alone. 8(
I"m your huckleberry.

Just ask Ravv, I"m a hot asian chick that posts my own pics in the PGT.



Molten Core Raider
Asians don"t have souls and will simply devour yours and leave you a hollow shell of a man. This is science fact. It"s even in the D&D monster manual.

I"m going out with a Quaker in a few days. She said on the phone her favorite hobby is tabletop starwars RPG"s, she"s a lisp programmer and her favorite band is the Scissor Sisters.

I may be in love.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Ravvenn said:
but I hear he"s now a submissive "nice dude"
It"s good that he seems to have learned his lesson, but I think a lot of men would cringe at the very idea of being turned into a"submissive nice dude". Nice dude is ok, but I guess submissive...society is breaking new ground, and it"s going to be interesting to see how the marriage dynamic is in another generation or two. Not that women being submissive is a better solution per se, but /shrug.

Kind of sounds like a bizarro world version of the Stepford Wives.


Buzzfeed Editor
Indeed. Once either party decides punching is the solution, the only real solution is ending the relationship. Not sure where this idea of "it"s ok if women get violent, men should just deal with it" came from. It"s not ok for either side to start swinging.
In quite a few studies, they found that the incidence of women using violence against men is nearly as men against women. (And I"m not talking playful punches, or pinching that most girls do.) In one study, done by Gelles, it showed that nearly 5% of men in relationships have been abused so badly that they have been injured and required medical care. Yet the rate of reported abuse is only about .8%. Mostly this is because when a man is abused, many of them will refuse to fight back and refuse to take action to stop it. Unlike a woman, who might be scared to come forward because of her abuser, men are scared to come forward because of society itself.

In fact (I can"t find it now) but there was a pretty disturbing report from the DoJ that I read once, that stated that a high amount of DV cases were actually false and that in many of those cases, it was the WOMAN who was abusing the man...But the system is so slanted against men, that even if the male is injured and requires medical treatment, he will be the one that gets the charges if she calls the cops. This problem is only compounded by the fact that, again, very, very few men would call the police, even if they were beaten with a club by their wives.

Pretty much a sadistic woman gets a free pass in this society. If she finds a man that is a good guy and won"t raise his hands her, she will abuse him every bit as sadistically as a man would abuse a woman, and yet if he reports it, he will be ridiculed, or worse, he may actually be the one who ends up in cuffs.


My former (step) brother-in-law falls under that 5% and may be the reason I think crazy abusive bitches are fair game for punching. This guy took YEARS of drunken beatings and finally cracked and busted her ass. I was fortunate enough to be there to witness the "whoever calls the cops first wins" corrupt Ohio bullshit.

That"s the only time I"ve ever lied to a cop. The cop didn"t care he was defending himself, he cared that she was hit although HE required stitches. I said she hit herself when he threatened to call the cops. This is someone I grew up with and picked her husband over her...because she"s fucking psycho (her oldest child is really messed up because of her, so I"m holding a lot of resentment, heh).

I"ve since then adopted his new wife as my sister, keep in touch with them and haven"t heard anything from my step-sister (removed) with the exception of her telling people I ruined her life. Long story but has a good ending. It"s probably more common but I don"t see as many men coming forward admitting to being abused as women do, and I doubt any of the men who DO come forward are women do.

Unlike myfriendsex, she did not learn her lesson. They were night and day on the psycho scale, he was a minor offender, she was the type who"d get drunk and go pick a fight...with a man. Having grown up with her POS father I can guess and feel confident in knowing why she"s fucked up, but it was on her to deal with it. She chose not to.

In the defense of the submissive ex, I"ve met the fatty and she scares me, too. He was given what may have been the most civil trip to jail by a woman - ever. It went like this.

Oh, we are going this route? Ok, well here"s the deal. My grandpa lives next door and would gladly shoot your ass if I called to tell him you just tried to escort me around the living room by my throat because I got pissed your mistress just called MY phone. I suggest you calm the fuck down and cooperate. Now you need to go change into something comfy as you"ll be in a holding cell with tweakers until you get your own pad while you await a hearing. I"m going to make you a sandwich because they don"t care if you eat while in the holding cell. Should you make one false move, I call grandpa. You sit and wait for the cops to arrive and escort you to what I hope is your first and only lesson on keeping your goddamn hands to yourself.

I believe he HAS changed, and also know why he was "off". I hold no ill will toward him, either. If anything, I pity him for knocking up a complete psycho. Maybe he was owed a little karma...but not that much. He quit cheating and everything but that could very well be out of fear. Haha.


The Big Mod
you people are such fucking pussies. are you really that pathetic excuses for men that you are now whining about getting beat up by a woman? the faggotry level in this thread is fucking astronomical, no wonder so many of you are so fucking clueless about to deal with women and relationships, you"re too busy worrying about your woman kicking your ass. seriously kill yourselves.


Riddle me this...
I dont go around beating women but if a chick wants to be fucking He-man and connect with a hay maker she better expect to get a mouthful of bloody Chiclets.
I don"t care who it is, hit me and its go time.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I"m going with Keg on this one. I"ve been sucker punched by a drunk chick right in the gut and I laughed it off so she decked me in the jaw.It did not hurt one bit. It is a god damn female who probably can bench 70 pounds and curl 10.


Buzzfeed Editor
Tenks said:
I"m going with Keg on this one. I"ve been sucker punched by a drunk chick right in the gut and I laughed it off so she decked me in the jaw.It did not hurt one bit. It is a god damn female who probably can bench 70 pounds and curl 10.
Man, you"re so fucking tough. Down right E-thug right here. You and Keg bro, UFC champs for life.

Your and Keg"s macho-faggotry aside, no one is saying they will get "beaten up" by a woman. What they are saying is that a woman can physical harm a man, and THEN have the man thrown in jail, even if he does nothing, because of how terrible our domestic violence laws are. People like you make that situation worse, because you"re so quick to support a woman, even if she is a raging cunt, because you need to re-assure yourself that your small dick still makes you "stronger" than someone with a vagina.

I"m sure though, being the tough guy you are..If that woman that punched you had called the cops, you would have taken some jail time without saying a god damn word, because you"re such a tough hombre. Right bro?


Confirmed Male
Tenks said:
I"m going with Keg on this one. I"ve been sucker punched by a drunk chick right in the gut and I laughed it off so she decked me in the jaw.It did not hurt one bit. It is a god damn female who probably can bench 70 pounds and curl 10.
Not sure if serious, either you are a god damn naive idiot, or you are trolling. Either way, do you seriously think when a women rage attacks the man she loves, she is going for gut shots, or jabs to the face? Honestly, I am shaking my head in real life when you post Tenks.

Chicks who really want to hurt you can hurt you. They kick, knee, bite, scratch for areas of the body that are not the face and gut. Mostly in your meaty areas including your groin area. The last thing you are doing is laughing when you are having a verbal fight that goes into defcon 1 on the physicality scale in .1 seconds and your are trying to figure out what the fuck just happened while protecting your dick from getting smashed. Its not about "being a man" and not just saying "I have balls of steel, have at em". Thats not the part that makes in not understandable to most folks, except you apparently.

The part that made me a dumbfuck in that situation, and where most people have a hard time understanding. Is why I stuck around, trying to make it work. To this day I fucking cringe when I think back to every aspect of that relationship. I have no earthly idea why I stuck around when I knew it was just a bad scene. Sex? Love? Laziness? Who the fuck knows, all I know is that was a long time ago, and I know that part of me is long gone, and will never come back. Just passing this on as advice for both men and women. The minute your partner in a relationship goes off reservation, get the fuck out.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Zehn - Vhex said:
Asians don"t have souls andwill simply devour yours and leave you a hollow shell of a man. This is science fact. It"s even in the D&D monster manual.
I read this and the first thing I think of is a Boggart (early D&D MM I think).


The boggart is the immature form of a will-o-wisp. It appears as a small humanoid, such as a goblin, asian, gnome, halfling, or norker, or will-o-wisp. It usually appears in humanoid form to lure its victims to their death.

Feed (Su): When a boggart slays a humanoid opponent, it can feed on the corpse, devouring both flesh and life force, as a full round action. For every 8 HD or levels a boggart consumes, it gains 1 Hit Die. Feeding destroys the victim?s body and prevents any form of raising or resurrection that requires part of the corpse. A wish, miracle, or true resurrection spell can restore a devoured victim to life, but there is a 50% chance that even such powerful magic will fail.
kegkilla said:
it may look that way but just wait. eventually all the suppressed rage will come pouring out of him in the form of a haymaker to the jaw of the fatty which will cause the gravy to start spewing out of her like a geyser.
Are we talking chicken gravy or beef gravy?


Buzzfeed Editor
Dis said:
Chicks who really want to hurt you can hurt you. They kick, knee, bite, scratch for areas of the body that are not the face and gut.
This was the only direct quote I could find from Gelles, it"s been a while since I read it. In the book, he interviewed a ton of "women abusers", women who actively physically attacked their men. This is what one said.

I probably had no reason to get angry with him ... but it was such a bore. I was trying to wake him up, you know. He was such a rotten lover anyway. So I"d yell at him and bite him.

Biting was one of the weapons of choice, since many women actually can"t hurt a man with some punches or shoves (Not like a man can hurt them.)..So biting or kicks were used, many times even weapons were employed (Like picking up a lamp and smashing him with it.)..The husbands would never fight back, usually, because for most men, it"s ingrained NEVER to hit a woman, no matter what. But some women can be just a fucked up and sadistic as men, and they will prey on that "chivalry" the same way a dirt bag will prey on a woman who is clingy.

Hey though, I"m sure if some woman bit Tenk"s ear off, he would just smile and shrug it off, because he is one bad dude.


The Big Mod
Lithose said:
Man, you"re so fucking tough. Down right E-thug right here. You and Keg bro, UFC champs for life.

Your and Keg"s macho-faggotry aside, no one is saying they will get "beaten up" by a woman. What they are saying is that a woman can physical harm a man, and THEN have the man thrown in jail, even if he does nothing, because of how terrible our domestic violence laws are. People like you make that situation worse, because you"re so quick to support a woman, even if she is a raging cunt, because you need to re-assure yourself that your small dick still makes you "stronger" than someone with a vagina.

I"m sure though, being the tough guy you are..If that woman that punched you had called the cops, you would have taken some jail time without saying a god damn word, because you"re such a tough hombre. Right bro?
translation: i"m a huge pussy


The Big Mod
Dis said:
Not sure if serious, either you are a god damn naive idiot, or you are trolling. Either way, do you seriously think when a women rage attacks the man she loves, she is going for gut shots, or jabs to the face? Honestly, I am shaking my head in real life when you post Tenks.

Chicks who really want to hurt you can hurt you. They kick, knee, bite, scratch for areas of the body that are not the face and gut. Mostly in your meaty areas including your groin area. The last thing you are doing is laughing when you are having a verbal fight that goes into defcon 1 on the physicality scale in .1 seconds and your are trying to figure out what the fuck just happened while protecting your dick from getting smashed. Its not about "being a man" and not just saying "I have balls of steel, have at em". Thats not the part that makes in not understandable to most folks, except you apparently.

The part that made me a dumbfuck in that situation, and where most people have a hard time understanding. Is why I stuck around, trying to make it work. To this day I fucking cringe when I think back to every aspect of that relationship. I have no earthly idea why I stuck around when I knew it was just a bad scene. Sex? Love? Laziness? Who the fuck knows, all I know is that was a long time ago, and I know that part of me is long gone, and will never come back. Just passing this on as advice for both men and women. The minute your partner in a relationship goes off reservation, get the fuck out.
listen fagmosis jones, i"ve been assaulted by women on multiple occasions with intent to main or hurt or embarrass me. sure they might get a quick sucker punch in if they catch me off guard but after i"m aware i"m under assault it"s pretty damn easy to physically restrain them until they can get their shit together. unless of course, you"re a totally pathetic excuse for a man which seems to be the case.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
kegkilla said:
listen fagmosis jones,i"ve been assaulted by women on multiple occasionswith intent to main or hurt or embarrass me. sure they might get a quick sucker punch in if they catch me off guard but after i"m aware i"m under assault it"s pretty damn easy to physically restrain them until they can get their shit together. unless of course, you"re a totally pathetic excuse for a man which seems to be the case.
I"m sure no one here is surprised by that at all.


Buzzfeed Editor
kegkilla said:
translation: i"m a huge pussy
I"m not the one coming to a message board flaunting how tough I am (And talking about how easily you can subdue women who are desperately trying to fend you off.)...Keep on thugging, you E-gangsta.


Confirmed Male
kegkilla said:
listen fagmosis jones, i"ve been assaulted by women on multiple occasions with intent to main or hurt or embarrass me. sure they might get a quick sucker punch in if they catch me off guard but after i"m aware i"m under assault it"s pretty damn easy to physically restrain them until they can get their shit together. unless of course, you"re a totally pathetic excuse for a man which seems to be the case.
Come at me bro...