Girls who broke your heart thread


Trakanon Raider
Ghorus said:
How much % of your total power did you hit her with?
Unsure if serious. I dunno, probably about as hard as you"d hit your buddy when fucking around. Enough that it hurts for a second or two, but it won"t be sore later. Maybe 50%?

Ravvenn said:
If they can dish it out they best be prepared to get the same in return.
Yeah, that"s kind of my policy. Just because you"re female doesn"t mean you can go around hitting people without consequences. I won"t hit first, but I"ll sure as fuck hit back.

Another funny story (to me anyway): when I was about 16 and my sister was 20, we were in the kitchen and she had just made a pot of KD. I walked by, grabbed the fork, and took a scoop. I dunno what the fuck her issue was, but she screamed and came flying across the kitchen and hit me open palmed as hard as she should between the shoulder blades. I was kind of in stunned shock, not because it hurt (it really did) but it was just so bizarre. We were probably the same size at that age.

My dad was at the kitchen table and saw the whole thing. Without much outward reaction, he calmly says "hit her back" and goes back to reading the paper. So I turned around, wound up, told her if she ever hit me like that again I"d break her nose, and walked away.


<Gold Donor>
AladainAF said:
Jesus tittyfuck, Vvoid. I"ll admit it, I"ve traveled to meet a chick from EQ in the past (she was and still is really fucking smoking hot too (posted pic earlier in this thread)), but going 1000 miles to meet some chick and her HUSBAND?

Thats fucking whack. Fuck that. All the fabled shit seems normal after that.
I know it won"t be believed, but we"re actually friends and I was visiting them just as I would any other friends when I"ve got vacation, money for a plane ticket, and no better idea. I had already met her years before, attended their wedding, visited them other times, they visited me, etc. There"s absolutely no desire to "get with her" and wasn"t for some time before that incident.

Now, you could probably question why I"d be friends with a chick that crazy, and at times I"d be hard-pressed to give you a good answer, but it isn"t because I think I have some secret chance with her. Getting a piece of that ass would NOT be worth the drama that would ensue, husband or not, and I"m more than happy to look for women closer to me, or failing that, look at porn and then fall asleep afterward without having to hear her bitch.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Vvoid said:
I know it won"t be believed, but we"re actually friends and I was visiting them just as I would any other friends when I"ve got vacation, money for a plane ticket, and no better idea. I had already met her years before, attended their wedding, visited them other times, they visited me, etc. There"s absolutely no desire to "get with her" and wasn"t for some time before that incident.

Now, you could probably question why I"d be friends with a chick that crazy, and at times I"d be hard-pressed to give you a good answer, but it isn"t because I think I have some secret chance with her. Getting a piece of that ass would NOT be worth the drama that would ensue, husband or not, and I"m more than happy to look for women closer to me, or failing that, look at porn and then fall asleep afterward without having to hear her bitch.
Heh, it"s always easy to gloss over the drama factor from the outside looking in.

Semi-related cool story bro:

This good looking girl my brother was casually friends with was into him and I kept telling him to go for it. He brushed me off saying she was creepy and I made fun of him endlessly. Then he showed me the fuckton of stalkerish text messages and e-mails she sent him.

This was the creepiest shit I"ve ever read from a real siutation. Keeping in mind he never had any physical contact with her AND didn"t respond to her messages, it started with her saying she liked him, morphed into her saying she was in love with him multiple times and she capped it off with a 4 page long manifesto on how they were destined to be together forever. Fucking terrifying. I"m pretty sure if he hooked up with her and didn"t call back, she would have turned him into a lampshade. I went from ragging on him to being genuinely concerned about his safety.

tl;dr: Chicks be crazy.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
AladainAF said:
Jesus tittyfuck, Vvoid. I"ll admit it, I"ve traveled to meet a chick from EQ in the past (she was and still is really fucking smoking hot too (posted pic earlier in this thread)), but going 1000 miles to meet some chick and her HUSBAND?

Thats fucking whack. Fuck that. All the fabled shit seems normal after that.
What you"re saying here only makes sense to me if I add the condition that someone is looking to hook up...and then yeah, it does sound "whack" to travel 1000 miles to hook up when the husband is around.

I"ve always been somewhat selective in travelling to meet people from MMOs; I"ve done it and it"s never been to get laid, and it has actually worked out fairly decent. Even went to one friends wedding (I don"t think she mentioned that we met in WoW, only that we had been friends for years which was true) and that turned out verah well.

Meeting people online and then going to meet RL romantically gives me the chills, but I"ve known people to do it. I imagine I have had the chance to do so myself, but A) everyone on the internet is a guy B) the chances are good that someone is going to feel let down when you do meet and C) bitches be crazy. And I"m slightly paranoid; even if some woman I know in-game were to send me "hot pics" of herself, my first thought would be to go check Tineye to see where she stole the model pics from. Occasionally I hear about people that have successfully found love online (in game) but that has to be so uncommon as compared to"Welp...I drove to South Dakota and she looks nothing like the pics...oh, and she told me she wants the fungi tunic back".

Kinda like some of Camerous" stories lol.

Ravvenn said:
I don"t mean beat her ass or punch her in the face, but it"s not OK to hit people...that goes for females, too!
Yeah, but I think men and women are different, and I think a lot of women are verbally abusive instead of (or before) being physically abusive. When a man gets physically abusive it"s pretty cut and dried, but when a woman verbally lets go? I can"t imagine calling the police to complain that my GF/wife is being verbally abusive (even less than calling to report a 100lb woman being physically abusive), but if you mention it around the water cooler to the "guys" they might josh you around a little but most guys know exactly what you"re talking about("yeah, my wife does that too, that"s why I drink when I get home"or"You learn to zone your wife out eventually, until it just sounds like one of Charlie Brown"s teachers").Even if you answer in kind you just get a worse situation where the neighbors are wondering WTF is going on and no one ever wins. I think this is where a lot of men #lose and get physical out of anger and frustration. Those are reasons not excuses, you should never get physical, but I really think it"s nigh impossible to deal with constructively and I refuse to put up with it anymore. There are a lot of sweet women out there who don"t nag or hate, /shrug.

Ravvenn said:
Having that said, I don"t like dudes staying at our house (hint hint) and have made a new rule that only my girlfriends get to sleepover.
That gives me a mental image of about 10 hot women in PJs having a pillow fight. This...vexes me.


Trakanon Raider
For what it"s worth, the whole argument resolved itself once I made it clear that accusing me of threatening her wasnotcool and was a deal-breaker unless she took it back. I called her bluff, and it quickly went from "I don"t think this will work" to "I"d be more upset without you here". It also gave me a chance to (calmly) vent a little bit and point out instances where she acts inappropriately. Cue make up sex.

Everything is back to being fine for now.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Saladus said:
Dude... WTF. I don"t even care about her flashbacks etc, I find it fucking hilarious that she has you travel to see them and then forces you to farm EQ fabled mobs... for her alts. I think that"d be a serious enough sign of some issues. Husband was probably sitting in class thanking Christ he didn"t have to farm more fabled mobs in Everquest for his 500lb wife"s alts.
Haha damn, that"s what I was thinking haha.


Heylel Teomim said:
Everything is back to being fine for now.
That"s what you think...

Once the thought of leaving enters into the equation it becomes a greater likelihood, as you will end up doing things you"re not aware of as over the line, but are probably getting marked down in a secret book as strikes against staying.

She might have moved past this incident, but I highly doubt she"s forgiven you. What"s worse is if you ever were to do anything similar for whatever reason, even playing, I"m willing to bet her mind will flash right back to this incident and you"re going to get screwed, and not in the good "everyone got their cookie" way you just did.


I have a friend who sent her (now) ex to jail over DV and that scared him straight. Was too late to salvage his own relationship (the cheater rule applies still) but I hear he"s now a submissive "nice dude" dating some controlling fatty.

There"s no real lesson for cheaters, they only get caught and learn to lie better.


The Big Mod
it may look that way but just wait. eventually all the suppressed rage will come pouring out of him in the form of a haymaker to the jaw of the fatty which will cause the gravy to start spewing out of her like a geyser.


Confirmed Male
Some domestic violence is mutual. IE she hits him, he hits her back. But she called the cops, and he gets in trouble, or the more basic, she tells friends and family he hits her, fails to mention that she gets physically violent when they argue.

I am by no means saying it is right or wrong by the man reacting that way, but I have friends who have been in that situation, and I speak from personal experience from a super bad relationship I was in. I grew up in a household of abuse of various forms, and growing up always feared that I would continue the cycle. Honestly, being involved in DV freaked me out in a way where I was scared to be in a relationship after the psycho bitch because I thought I had crossed some invisible line and I could never return back. Ultimately I took personal responsibility for doing that because the first time she attacked me, I should have said "fuck this shit, I am out", but love, sex and all that bullshit. Just being dumb.

Obviously that has since passed, and I was fortunate enough to find a sane, competent and caring woman whom I have been married with for 8 years. Not one instance of any kind of physical violence, not even a small hint or smidge. We argue from time to time, but we talk it out. In my case, I was totally up front with her about my past, she basically told me that she wouldnt hold it against me (which she hasnt), but the first time I touch her in a violent manner our relationship would be over. It was a relief to tell her to be honest, and I have to say I was dreading telling her, but I felt I had to. I got lucky I believe. Long story short, once a beater, always a beater is not true.


Molten Core Raider
Well this story is never gonna fucking end. Went to my divorce hearing today. We got before the judge and my goofy ass wife didn"t fill out all the papers we needed so now we have to wait till June 9th!!! to be fucking divorced. *big fucking sigh* I think she did it on purpose. Crazy bitch.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Dis said:
Some domestic violence is mutual. IE she hits him, he hits her back. But she called the cops, and he gets in trouble, or the more basic, she tells friends and family he hits her, fails to mention that she gets physically violent when they argue.

I am by no means saying it is right or wrong by the man reacting that way, but I have friends who have been in that situation, and I speak from personal experience from a super bad relationship I was in. I grew up in a household of abuse of various forms, and growing up always feared that I would continue the cycle. Honestly, being involved in DV freaked me out in a way where I was scared to be in a relationship after the psycho bitch because I thought I had crossed some invisible line and I could never return back. Ultimately I took personal responsibility for doing that because the first time she attacked me, I should have said "fuck this shit, I am out", but love, sex and all that bullshit. Just being dumb.

Obviously that has since passed, and I was fortunate enough to find a sane, competent and caring woman whom I have been married with for 8 years. Not one instance of any kind of physical violence, not even a small hint or smidge. We argue from time to time, but we talk it out. In my case, I was totally up front with her about my past, she basically told me that she wouldnt hold it against me (which she hasnt), but the first time I touch her in a violent manner our relationship would be over. It was a relief to tell her to be honest, and I have to say I was dreading telling her, but I felt I had to. I got lucky I believe. Long story short, once a beater, always a beater is not true.
What the fuck am I readying here? I know Texas is fucked to hell and back but seriouslymutualDV? You don"t know if hitting a woman simply because she hit you isright or wrong?That is seriously some fucked up shit. You never, ever hit your partner unless she is like seriously threatening your life with like a gun or knife.


Confirmed Male
Tenks said:
What the fuck am I readying here? I know Texas is fucked to hell and back but seriouslymutualDV? You don"t know if hitting a woman simply because she hit you isright or wrong?That is seriously some fucked up shit. You never, ever hit your partner unless she is like seriously threatening your life with like a gun or knife.
Tenks, you need some comprehension lessons bro, reread what I wrote. No where in my post did I state "I dont know if what I did was right or wrong", and if you cant infer from my writing that I felt guilty as hell, and remorseful about what I did, I weep for your future. Srsly.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Dis said:
Tenks, you need some comprehension lessons bro, reread what I wrote. No where in my post did I state "I dont know if what I did was right or wrong", and if you cant infer from my writing that I felt guilty as hell, and remorseful about what I did, I weep for your future. Srsly.
Indeed. Once either party decides punching is the solution, the only real solution is ending the relationship. Not sure where this idea of "it"s ok if women get violent, men should just deal with it" came from. It"s not ok for either side to start swinging.


Molten Core Raider
Erronius said:
I"m your huckleberry.
I"m still embarrassed that in the morning I didn"t stay to clean up. Like the entire rest of the trip I felt so bad about it. Even my mother when I told her about my trip out to Cali asked if I stayed to clean. Like the first goddamn question out of her mouth. She was not happy with me. 8(

I ruined it for everyone. Lori was so gracious and an absolutely amazing host, let me curl up on the couch with Darph, Harfle and Ceno since my ride had left earlier and I basically spit in her face. It was unacceptable of me.

When I was a kid we used to have fireworks shows at our house. My dad would buy everything and people from miles around would show up to watch. He"d easily spend 500+ on fireworks, food, drinks, the whole shebang.

Nobody would ever stay and help clean up and my parents drilled it into my head that I should always stay and help or come back the next day.


Molten Core Raider
Vvoid said:
I know it won"t be believed
I don"t doubt it. I"ve gone all over the place to visit EQ/WoW friends at one time or another. One of these summers I"m just gonna pick up and visit as many as I can. Nothing I love more then a good adventure.

Now just to find a girl who enjoys adventures as much as I do so I don"t have to make 15 hour car rides alone. 8(