Girls who broke your heart thread


Lord Nagafen Raider
Jozu said:
Damn Voyce lol. Any time childrens is involved I have to restrain from commenting.

And lost, thanks for the advice, although I kind of knew that. I promise im not some loser who never gets pussy and is whipped by some random vagina.

I got a few other PYT"s on deck if I put in some work, but this girl drives me crazy and I just cant leave her alone. Maybe ignoring would help but I did that 5 years ago when she was doing this shit and we stopped talking for a looong long time. She is the one who recently came back into my life telling me she was wrong for not talking to me and admitted she fucked up.

Sadly, it seems like its de ja vu though, because she is doing similar shady shit. Yet I talk to her daily, so its kind of weird. I also hook up with her now which wasnt the case last time (although I think it makes it harder because all I do is think about that pussy).
As long as you aren"t determined to make this into a relationship (it won"t be one, or it will be a terrible one), get ROI until it"s too big a pain in the ass then move on.


Yea Jozu I"d get the fuck away from that ASAP. Only thing I would expect out of that is sex, but nothing more. Sounds like a real inconsiderate bitch. She drives you that crazy and you"re not even dating. Only really chats when she"s drunk? Let me guess... when she does open up it"s all about her insecurities? I had a girl once like that, stood me up THREE fucking nights in a row. God what a bitch... moved right on after that.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Saladus said:
Yea Jozu I"d get the fuck away from that ASAP. Only thing I would expect out of that is sex, but nothing more. Sounds like a real inconsiderate bitch. She drives you that crazy and you"re not even dating. Only really chats when she"s drunk? Let me guess... when she does open up it"s all about her insecurities? I had a girl once like that, stood me up THREE fucking nights in a row. God what a bitch... moved right on after that.
Yeah im getting close to that.

We talk all the time, but Im saying she doesnt really talk about how she feels unless she is hammered. I know the girl like the back of my hand, it is just awkward because we were friends for the first 6 years I knew her.

Like best friends type shit, we hung out all the time etc but she always had some guy she was talking to or a boyfriend.

Shit only progressed into something more after she made that move. I obviously oblidged, but its at the point now where I think we both know it will never progress into a real relationship but we both dont want to stop talking to eachother for whatever reason (sex?).

She also works a lot too so that doesnt help.

Thanks for all the responses gentlemen, makes me feel better after I talk about it, even though Im being a bitch.


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EQ in a browser wait time: ____
ToeMissile said:
lol, nice.
I heard about your trip.
I heard about your souvenirs.
I heard about the cool breeze, in the cool nights,
And the cool guys that you spent them with.
Well I guess I should have heard of them from you.
I guess I should have heard of them from you.

Don"t you see, don"t you see, that the charade is over?
And all the "Best Deceptions" and "Clever Cover Story" awards go to you.

So kiss me hard "cause this will be the last time that I let you.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Tyen said:
I heard about your trip.
I heard about your souvenirs.
I heard about the cool breeze, in the cool nights,
And the cool guys that you spent them with.
Well I guess I should have heard of them from you.
I guess I should have heard of them from you.

Don"t you see, don"t you see, that the charade is over?
And all the "Best Deceptions" and "Clever Cover Story" awards go to you.

So kiss me hard "cause this will be the last time that I let you.
I"m aware, I knew plenty of girls who were all over that shit back in the day.


The Big Mod
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Lord Nagafen Raider
I"ve done the ROI thing once. Sparing the details, I figured out after less than a month the girl I was dating was a jackwagon, but I figured I"d put in bare minimum effort and see if I could still hook up. My friends disliked her, so I told them the plan. They were amused. Every night, she"d call, I"d put on an earpiece and start gaming, she"d yap about herself, and I threw in a reflective question based on the last few words I heard whenever it got quiet. Didn"t even really need to take her out on dates and we hooked up a few times. Great success!

I got bored of the routine after a couple of months, so I stopped playing along. This made her angry. She called to break it off and I basically told her "That"s nice, have a good night." She expected resistance, so she was confused. I don"t think she ever figured out the scheme.

I"ve rarely seen her since (we have a couple of mutual friends), but apparently she got married to someone I"ve never met (poor bastard) and she packed on the pounds afterwards. My friends tell me she got hammered one time while out with them and started asking about me way too longingly in front of her husband. He did not appreciate. I consider that bonus ROI.


Molten Core Raider

I"m sad to say that we will never be. I loved you more then words can say but I"ve found someone who cooks for me on a nightly basis.

I will name our first born after you (provided your name was at some point Ian that is).

I will return to you and we will resume our gaming once my body is allowed to do something other then please her.

Forever yours,



Molten Core Raider
JerleMinara said:
But.. Zehn..

What about me?

I thought..

I became a girl for you, man

I"m sad to say that we will never be. I loved you more then words can say but I"ve found someone who has a cock for me on a nightly basis.

I will not name our first born after you (since you soon will have no reproductive organs).

I will return to you and we will resume our gaming once your body is no longer a mangled mess.

Forever yours,


Your welcome


Korean cupid summary:

LOTS of fucking weird girls on there. Most are boring, many are fat with clever photo angles (who woulda guessed?), half have "looking for my soulmate" as their title. What looked at first like the holy grail of yellow poon has turned out to be just like I imagine any other dating site to be.

I"ve been propositioned 3 times sincerely for sex, 2 by fat girls, and one who only has a face picture that isn"t bad, but I don"t trust one singular photo. Plus I sort of feel dirty about the one girl I met and had sex with. It"s weird, I slept with another girl 2 nights before who I knew, but it was still a 1 night stand, & didn"t feel dirty. This was different for some reason. So I"m sorta apprehensive about trying it again.

I get a ridiculous amount of instant chat invites, but most are rubbish.

The best story, is I met this chick that was flat out hilarious, callin white people vanilla face and gringo & just being goofy as hell...just my type. But she has a photo-less profile and her name doesn"t match the name she tells me. Still, her msgs intrigue me so I ask for a pic, she sends 4 via email that are really cute.

A week goes by, I talk to her again. After having semi-given up on meeting a girl who"s even remotely interesting or intelligent, I start building a little hope. This chick keeps pushing my buttons, and I know I"m pushing hers. We talk a total of like 3 hrs on messenger. So I say I want to meet, and she says, "ok, I want to be honest. I have a boyfriend."

She still wants to meet, I want to punch a small puppy. SO pissed. I explain to her how I was perfectly happy meeting girls casually & having meaningless relations, then she came and got my hopes up that MAYBE some girl might not be as boring as a stack of bricks without being a huge slut, and she crushed them. In the end, I tell her to get therapy and log off.

Fast forward today, I msg her and tell her every bad thing I thought of her yesterday, but now that I wonder if I"m not the same person. I say how I always want to sleep w/ other girls when I"m dating someone, I"m afraid I"ll never be able to get married, and basically every bad thought or instinct I have that any other girl go running from. Except she totally digs all of it. Long story short, we realize we are soul(less) mates & agree to meet Friday for dinner & drinking.

So fuck it. Girl in a relationship. Who is crazy but just in my kinda way. Can"t go wrong.

If you see a newspaper article about a white guy getting axe murdered in Seoul on Friday, tell my family.