Girls who broke your heart thread


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Tenks said:
That sounds like a crapton of work and this chick sounds batshit insane
Plus cheaters always cheat.

Cheating on her boyfriend? She"ll cheat on you. Are you okay with that, Dabamf? Maybe that"s what you need out of open relationship. If you"re not the settle down with one girl type, then maybe you just have a bond with a chick who gets plowed by other dudes on the weekends and comes home to you.

And you can practice your Korean on the subway all you want, too!


after all I"ve posted here, you guys seriously think I"d get emotionally invested with a girl who"d cheat on her boyfriend with me?



Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Gryeyes said:
I dunno I didn"t take note of you until your "girlfriend" of 3 fucking months wouldn"t allow you to come to her fucking home.
Yes, because all cultures are the same.


ToeMissile said:
Yes, because all cultures are the same.
Yeah, bro. Because its an issue of culture when your girlfriend of 3 months continually lies and refuses to discuss a very pertinent topic that is obviously causing you some emotional pain and you are too big of a nancy to force resolution.


Trakanon Raider
Heh, so no conversations went anywhere on Eharmony. If you can call picking 5 multiple choice questions to ask someone conversation. Threw my profile back up on POF and fired off a dozen or so "divorce" messages, and I get the first reply in 15 minutes.

Funny thing cruising POF is how many girls I recognize from the last time I was trolling it, even though it"s been well over a year since I last did. I guess they"ve been having as much success as me!


Eharmony is shit. Seriously its complete fucking shit. Mass IM is the way to go and EHarmony gives you like 10 matches or something like that.

Here"s a tip. Find a post of a girl whose league you KNOW you are in. Some overweight girl who doesn"t attract your interest all that much but you are just being polite and asking her out. But honestly you could give a fuck less if she said yes, in fact you are kinda hoping she won"t.

Now take polite intro you wrote for her and copy it and send it to every girl who even slightly interests you on that site even the ones who you think are out of your league. Writing indifference is the key. Its the same kind of female wiring that makes a hot girl go apeshit over you in a club when you start talking to her friend and act as if she isn"t even there.


Gryeyes said:
Yeah, bro. Because its an issue of culture when your girlfriend of 3 months continually lies and refuses to discuss a very pertinent topic that is obviously causing you some emotional pain and you are too big of a nancy to force resolution.
Lol, what? Lies and refuses to discuss? Did you date this chick? Because I sure as hell didn"t encounter any of that. I pressed the issue after a while and it was all resolved. Lol. CULTURES ARE ALL THE SAME! I"m glad you remembered me, though.

edit: Eomer, the marriage line has been used by hundreds of thousands of people by now probably. Anyone who starts out reading about game plus anyone else lazy enough to look for a canned line. I"m betting a large portion of girls have heard it. Try something else.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
99% of dating sites are shat.

I remember I used to go on "the party line". It was a toll free (I think lol) number you called to talk to other people in your area. It was like an internet chat room except on the phone.

They had different "rooms" that you would access by pressing the corresponding buttons (numbers) and you could also press a certain number sequence to enter private chat with someone.

All in all I scraped many a vag going on there. Everyone had a fake name obviously and there were a ton of lurkers, but eventually some chic would get brave enough and want to meet. Having a decent car was usually the key to success as they didnt like meeting a dude on foot.

Some of the girls were homely, but at least 3-4 of them were above average. Too bad no one uses it anymore.


Dabamf said:
Lol, what? Lies and refuses to discuss?Did you date this chick? Because I sure as hell didn"t encounter any of that. I pressed the issue after a while and it was all resolved. Lol. CULTURES ARE ALL THE SAME! I"m glad you remembered me, though.
Shocker you are a lying dishonest cunt!

Dabamf said:
I"m posting this mostly for entertainment/venting purposes, and maybe some feedback if it turns out everyone says I"m insane. I got into sorta a fight today with my girlfriend over something pretty trivial. I mentioned before she was apprehensive about me seeing her apartment.At one point, and this was a couple months ago, I was quite confused about it, and she said "ok, Oct 31 we will go to my apartment." It seemed kinda silly to set a date, and I didn"t know why, but I said ok.

To cut out irrelevant details,I was patient and never made a big deal about it, but obviously it"s a big deal to her. Why? No effing clue.Well it"s mid-November now and the situation has never come up where I have wanted or needed to go to her apartment until today, so I never cared.

Well today a situation came up where going to her apartment was the best option, by far. But, she resisted strongly. I pointed out that she had said that after Halloween she wouldn"t care anymore about me seeing it. Well she ignored this point and just said "next time, next time, etc." At this point, it bothered me because she was SO strongly against it but never offered any reason, in addition to going back on her word. Well, that"s bullshit to me.When we"ve been dating seriously for 3 months, you don"t get to do the "I want to do whatever is comfortable for me and not have to give any explanations" bullshit anymore. If she had given an explanation, almost any,I woulda dropped it. But she kept saying "no reason," and when I pointed out that *of course* she had a reason or else she wouldn"t resist so hard, she made up some other excuse.Well obviously there is a reason, and by making up excuses, and trying to pass them off as the real reason, she is flat out lying to me. So at this point it wasn"t about the apartment, it was about her trying to bullshit me.So I got pissed off and pushed it further, she locked up and stopped talking altogether, so I said ok if you don"t wanna go to my apt (it"s far) and we can"t go to yours for no reason, and you have no other suggestion and aren"t even talking, I"m going home. She was noticeably upset when I left.


eharmony worked for me!

whats been said above is true, i dont think i put much stock in the "scientificity" of the site, but it does have some features that work.

1) its fucking expensive. ive used PoF and believe me, i could meet most of those women by just dragging a hundred dollar bill through the local wal-mart. by charging 20-30 bucks a month, you assure yourself of meeting someone who is a) serious about meeting someone and b) has a little disposable income. already you are ahead of the game.

2) guided communication. no matter how nice and smart some people are, most women have no idea how to communicate via text. ( i mean really communicate , not omg hi2u) eharmony does what was suggested above (copy the same canned intro over and over) and expands it.

2b) guided communication also helps alleviate the fear that most women still have about meeting someone off of the internet. if you ask a girl to meet you for coffee on email #1 as normal as she might be she is probably going to be hesitant. G.C. allows you to ease her into it, and even though you probably send every girl the same GC bullshit every time, for her its about the process.

once you get to open communication i agree that eharmony doesnt have anything every other site has. but the two factors above (for me anyways) helped to insure that once i finally did meet someone she was serious about a relationship and had a little cash.

it took me about 3 months and a dozen "first dates" from eharmony but its now been 7 months with the perfect woman for me and i couldnt be happier. if they call me up for one of those commercials, i would jump at it. Thanks eHarmony!


Trakanon Raider
Yeah, some of the features on eharmony I thought would be beneficial, especially the fact that it"s pricey made me believe that more women there would be "serious" about meeting someone. But near as I can tell that"s not the case at all. The response rate on Eharmony is far less than what I"ve gotten at PoF in the past just using the canned divorce line, and there"s probably 10-20 times more women on PoF than Eharmony, at least in my area. If not 100 times.

As far as the divorce line goes, I"ve never gotten a message back indicating that they"d heard it before. Maybe they just delete and ignore if they have, I dunno. I was just too lazy to spend a few minutes coming up with something new. Gotten 3 responses out of about 10-15 messages within 12 hours, so it still seems to have its charm. However the thing I find is that it doesn"t tend to lead to particularly good conversations, or I"m just not very good at transitioning to a semi-serious convo from imagination land.

Most responses I"ve gotten using it in the past are some variation of:

"haha, I"m broke, you can have half my student loans. I get your car!"


God is dead
Eomer said:
Yeah, some of the features on eharmony I thought would be beneficial, especially the fact that it"s pricey made me believe that more women there would be "serious" about meeting someone. But near as I can tell that"s not the case at all. The response rate on Eharmony is far less than what I"ve gotten at PoF in the past just using the canned divorce line, and there"s probably 10-20 times more women on PoF than Eharmony, at least in my area. If not 100 times.

As far as the divorce line goes, I"ve never gotten a message back indicating that they"d heard it before. Maybe they just delete and ignore if they have, I dunno. I was just too lazy to spend a few minutes coming up with something new. Gotten 3 responses out of about 10-15 messages within 12 hours, so it still seems to have its charm. However the thing I find is that it doesn"t tend to lead to particularly good conversations, or I"m just not very good at transitioning to a semi-serious convo from imagination land.

Most responses I"ve gotten using it in the past are some variation of:

"haha, I"m broke, you can have half my student loans. I get your car!"
I met my girlfriend of a year using eHarmony. Both of us are introverted software professionals. I think the problem is you are expecting people to respond instantly. It"s not a quick system.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
eHarmony sucked for me as well. Also there seemed to be a crapload of Jesus freaks on the site.


Trakanon Raider
Perhaps. But like I said, out of roughly 25 girls I sent questions to, I think only two responded. And that"s after a couple weeks. I haven"t closed the account or anything so who knows, maybe some will respond.

Problem is, after sending me around 100 or so matches, it"s completely tapped out. Now it"s sending me matches for chicks who are hundreds of kilometers away, and I have zero interest in attempting a long distance relationship.


Tenks said:
eHarmony sucked for me as well. Also there seemed to be a crapload of Jesus freaks on the site.
I"m unsure if it still is, but in the past eHarmony was definitely Christian-minded. I don"t know if it still refuses to match you if you"re an atheist.


Trakanon Raider
It asks about your spiritual/religious beliefs, and asks how important to you your partner"s are. It"s matched me with religious chicks, atheists and ones in between because I said it wasn"t overly important to me.


Gryeyes said:
Shocker you are a lying dishonest cunt!
holy crap chicks that are uncomfortable about something make up excuses, then shut down when you corner them? alert fucking Geraldo Rivera

What are you actually trying to imply, that I"ve been a sucker before so I"ll be a sucker again? Yep. Correct. I dated that chick for 8 months and never had a single issue after that. But yea, she was hiding something big time.