Girls who broke your heart thread


First, I"d like to point out to you that not one single person made one single comment about my looks when you made your original post. Only a small number of people just made comments which were basically on par with a few, "Oh snap!" posts. I think the longest one was something like, "She doesn"t fuck around". I don"t even see how that can be seen as "sucking my dick", but whatever. Most people posted to state they were anticipating more drama, no post really complimented me as a person or as a poster prior to you making your first post that showed your disgust for responses related to me. That did seem like it was directed at me because all of the posts, as far as I can recall, seemed to be much, much weaker than the ones made for the people who posted drama/dirt about Sam, Grobbee, etc. (I can"t really find a good event to compare to since this is pretty weak, so I"m picking events where people responded to the OP"s with these types of e-compliments).

Dabamf said:
I don"t want you to misunderstand my intention. Believe it or not I like you as a poster. If there was a way to make my previous post with a setting to prevent you from seeing it, I"d 100% have done so, because my beef has nothing to do with you, only with the extent to which people kiss your ass. In the hypothetical opposite scenario where people are picking you apart undeservedly, I"d be the first to your defense just as I am a lot of people here. Stratos summarized it absolutely perfectly.
I understand, sort of, but I"m being singled out here and I don"t understand that. Plenty of people have made posts that were "applauded", if you will, and they wouldn"t end up with something like this being said, which seems to happen damn near every single time a "popular" post of mine comes into question.

You probably don"t understand it (rav), but I actually feel revolted when I read lines like what MaulNutz said. I wanna scream in the guy"s face, "where"s your self respect?" That line is so fucking WEIRD to say. Maybe you"re used to it being on the internet for a long time, but it"s ACTUALLY weird and sad. A proper line is, "oh shit Rav is hot"; "wait I thought all girls on the internet sit on an ever-shrinking chair made of cheeseburgers" (where"s Etoille lately, anyway?); or something to that extent. Shit even, "oh rav looks cute, but aren"t all cute girls supposed to be crazy? Does not compute" is ok, but it is really close to that line of creepiness in complimenting a chick you"ve never met.
So he can compliment me, but as long as he sounds like a retard it"s OK? This makes absolutely no sense to me. I call Kuriin hot, I think he"s intelligent, and all sorts of other fabulous things. I know I don"t have a chance with him because he"s gay. It"s kind of silly, I guess. You can rip on Etoille and that"s acceptable, but I can"t be complimented because it"s creepy? I can"t make any sense of that. I think there are lots of attractive men around here who are smart, and some even logical. I don"t think I"m creepy for saying that.

Even if you have met the girl and you"re really good friends, that kind of praise is excessive most of the time. When Cam licks your butthole, it doesn"t bother me in the slightest. I don"t know why, I guess it just seems legit. But when someone else says it, I feel that revulsion.
You need to lighten up if it bugs you that much. You seem more upset someone complimented me than you did when that a girl made a dookie-spoogies on your bed.

This x100000000. Again my criticism has nothing to do with you (rav), it"s with excessive, unearned praise. In a way, it is a disservice to you to be praised by people who don"t know you, because it cheapens that from people who do know you.
Yes, but you don"t even know how many of the people here know me. You guys have lashed out at people I know in real life and have known for many, many years.

It"s THAT that I"m fighting. I apologize for implying anything negative toward you, it"s not my intention.
It is toward me, though. I can compliment anyone here that I want to and it"s perfectly fine. Never is it challenged. This is being turned into this huge deal because of something I have absolutely zero control over and something I don"t even enjoy, as a matter of fact. I like being "one of the guys" and I like that I can say a great portion of the people I"ve encountered in my guild and on these forums have treated me as such. Even once I was single (which I have been for quite a while), only 3 people made (legitimate) passes at me.

I"m not saying I want to bath in compliments, I can do without them just fine. I"m saying that this is completely biased and unfair. Just as I pointed out, I could compliment any of you guys and I doubt there would be a post saying that someone was completely repulsed by my creepy behavior, or insinuating I"m some pathetic loser who thinks I"ll have a chance to bump uglies with someone because I kissed their ass.

I hate attention whores as much as everyone else, and I also am irked by the guys who are only nice to them because they are females (remember the guys who defended LucyKemp???). However, I don"t think I am an attention whore. I never went out of my way to broadcast my gender, I don"t use some photoshopped myspace angled pic as my avatar, and I try my best to not make retarded posts (I can"t help it sometimes).

He posted something like I was cute, smart, and logical. I guess unless he"s not a close friend of mine "irl", he"s evidently trying to seduce me by saying that? So if I said the same exact thing to you, would you be creeped out and think I was trying to get in your pants? So basically you could say something awesome about a post Vvoid made, I could say something awesome about a posy you made, I guess it"s hard for you to see things from my perspective.

This is pointless. I can"t seem to turn my thoughts into words that make any sense, and I"m not sure any of you would understand it if I could anyway. It"s like this is a clubhouse with a "Boys Only" sign on the front and even if I helped build the clubhouse, decorated it, cleaned it weekly, and delivered snacks, I still am not allowed to come inside.


FYI: Theonlytime I have ever came close to "attention whoring" and blatantly used my gender/T&A for an advantage here was to get donations for a very sick little girl and her family [Shill: Go to charity thread and donate, thanks!!].

PS: Please excuse any/all of my typos and/or grammatical errors, in addition to me being painfully long-winded (you should be used to the latter by now). I"m on pain medication and literally fell asleep (3 times) sitting up trying to finish typing this.

PS I liked House better when Ravvenn was playing Dr. Cameron.
Can someone explain this to me?


<Gold Donor>
Ravvenn said:
PPS: Can someone explain this to me?
I can"t say for certain what the intention behind it was, but I know people used to refer to Millie as "House Millie" because "she" supposedly looked like/empathized with the Cameron character on House. If that"s an implication that you are, or are like, Millie...I"ll be behind this bunker, kthx.


Ravvenn said:
This is pointless. I can"t seem to turn my thoughts into words that make any sense, and I"m not sure any of you would understand it if I could anyway. It"s like this is a clubhouse with a "Boys Only" sign on the front and even if I helped build the clubhouse, decorated it, cleaned it weekly, and delivered snacks, I still am not allowed to come inside.

It"s okay you can still be our Darla.


Vvoid said:
I can"t say for certain what the intention behind it was, but I know people used to refer to Millie as "House Millie" because "she" supposedly looked like/empathized with the Cameron character on House. If that"s an implication that you are, or are like, Millie...I"ll be behind this bunker, kthx.
I think the implication was that she looks like Cameron


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Dabamf said:
Does not compute" is ok, but it is really close to that line of creepiness in complimenting a chick you"ve never met.
I think Ravv is an exception of sorts, for a number of reasons. One being that she HAS met a ton of people from FOH, and if she hasn"t met them in person then there is a good number of people that know her either through the guild or in game.

I know what you two are arguing, and sure, you"re always going to have guys that are going to want to follow women around with their tongues hanging out heaping praise on them because they think that they are women. Thing is, with Ravv a lot of the cheerleeding she gets is for being a no nonsense ass kicker of a Mod on the boards and being willing to engage pretty much anyone over anything. But look at it this way...what other women on the boards get treated like you are complaining about Ravv getting treated?

I"ll wait while you think about that.

For the most part, no one. Alcestis was held in high esteem not because of her amazingly ample bosom (something most people didn"t know prior to now), but because she was a damn good poster (imo). Etoille, she doesn"t get anywhere near the treatment that others get (in fact she often gets treated pretty badly) even though she isn"t a better or worse poster than many here (though I still hold out the possibility of people disliking her because a girl owned them in an argument and writes BIG POSTS). Hell, motherfucking KATE could have had each and every guy on these boards white knighting her for the slim, miniscule chance of camwhore poon, and look what happened ROFL. Hell, FOH has left a trail of broken and battered Boxxy~esque attention whore posters and they get run out of town on a rail pretty much without exception for their shenanigans.

Overall, people like Ravv because she"s a good person. Her having tits has about as much to do with her popularity here as her having a bunch of yippy-yappy dogs or her favorite color does. And as for being a mod, she"s pretty much the anti-Millie. Not because of the "Millie has a dick" thing, but because Millie had a mean streak a mile wide, had major issues and not just banned but DELETED people here. Ravv has often gone the opposite route and probably bans less people than others has, and generally gives people more chances than they would otherwise get.

Also don"t make the mistake and think that Ravv gets nothing but hi-fives, there are, and have been, people ranging from critics to outright stalkers following her around.

And while I"m in /serious mode, I"d like to give Zhen props. Regardless of the drama involved, it takes quite a bit of backbone to come back into the thread and say what he did. Hopefully for their sakes people can bury the hatchet to some extent.


Sorry rav. My first post was a little knee-jerk and undeserved. Now it"s gotten out of hand on a derail that is pointless and undeserved. See now I feel like I gotta defend you haha. It"s like I have be a contrarian here. Just ideas cant not snowball out of control.

There is something I gotta mention though. You can praise anyone, guy or girl, and it"s not weird because you are a girl, or rather, just not a man. But you don"t know what goes on in a guy"s head when he says something nice to a girl. The fantasy land in his head DOES involve you or whatever girl messaging him saying "I really liked what you said about me. No ones ever said that before. You just migh be theguy for me." That is simply how the male brain works. So yea, you can say whatever kind thing to a guy and no one will think anything of it, but if a guy compliments you, every other guy will immediately think he"s kissing your ass. Not always fair, but often true. Women generally have way better intuition than guys, but guys are MASTERS at detecting if a guy is kissing ass for a hope of a piece of that ass. Women suck at detecting that. Why is cam"s compliment sincere and some other guy"s isn"t? Fuck if I know, but I can feel it even through the god damn Internet.

Anyway this stupid topic needs to die. Sorry for the terrible derail.

Re: cam. You just caught the jealousy train. Do some crazy shit and post it. Threesomes, broken weiners, I can"t wait.


Buzzfeed Editor
Camerous Valde Unus said:
OMFG let me get us back on topic... and damn do I got a story to share with you all tonight!!

Ok so last update I had talked to the shrink and agreed to let Melissa move in with me. I was also talking to Mel again because she had started messaging me.. sit down cause well now shit gets weird.

Amy is a girl I have been trying to get with since I moved back home. I think I even mentioned her and you all told me I was crazy ect ect (which I am so no arguments there). Well she contacts me last Thurs and tells me her and her husband have split up and she is done with his shit. I ask her if she would like to go to a concert Fri night with Melissa and I and she said yes. So we all go out and have a great time. (I am including some pics just so you all can see) Well she asks if she can move in with me too. Her and Melissa are best friends and she knows Melissa is also going to be living with me too so I was like sure!

Same day this happens the first girl I ever got engaged to, Bobbie, starts telling me she is leaving her old man also and wants to know if we can get back together.

Then Mel sends me a message saying she wants to get together sometime and see me cause she misses me.

Then my first ex-wife, Crystal, calls and says she misses me and just wants to see me again that she just needs me to hold her.

Then my baby momma goes ape shit on me cause of the pictures I posted on FB because she hates Amy and Melissa. She says she wants me to come back to her and be with her so we can raise our son together...

WTF! I go 6 months with barely able to keep 2 girls interested in me to every major love that has ever been in my life trying to get back with me... I am so fucking confused by it all.

*edit opps forgot the pics
Wow, seriously. We need to wire up Cam"s house when both these crazies move in and create a web-based reality show--Cam would be fucking rich.

I can"t wait to see how this all ends after this turn of events is allowed to simmer for 6 months. (Do your best to sleep with each one, Cam. The more sex, the better your next post!)


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Dabamf said:
Women generally have way better intuition than guys,but guys are MASTERS at detecting if a guy is kissing ass for a hope of a piece of that ass. Women suck at detecting that.
Dabamf said:
Why is cam"s compliment sincere and some other guy"s isn"t?Fuck if I know, but I can feel it even through the god damn Internet.

I now what you"re trying to say but I"m literally in tears here.


My hair is actually brown now. I was having a midlife crisis/bad hair day and made a pretty retarded decision to try and do my hair myself. It turned black..with a little grey and green. I lost a lot of length due to the damage I caused with boxed color in addition to countless hours getting color correction at the salon (took two strips and two coats of color to fix it).

I"m not really known for my decision making skills as much as I am for my lack thereof.

Spoiler Alert, click show to read:Sorry it"s not scaled down!

(I have an obsession with hats, especially hideous beanies with big poofy balls on top. Consider yourselves lucky this is just a gay beret)


Ravvenn said:
My hair is actually brown now. I was having a midlife crisis/bad hair day and made a pretty retarded decision to try and do my hair myself. It turned black..with a little grey and green. I lost a lot of length due to the damage I caused with boxed color in addition to countless hours getting color correction at the salon (took two strips and two coats of color to fix it).

I"m not really known for my decision making skills as much as I am for my lack thereof.

Spoiler Alert, click show to read:Sorry it"s not scaled down!

(I have an obsession with hats, especially hideous beanies with big poofy balls on top. Consider yourselves lucky this is just a gay beret)
Who"s the fat errrr I mean sweet girl in the pig I mean pic?(I"m not kidding, I love big women)


God is dead
Ravvenn said:
My hair is actually brown now. I was having a midlife crisis/bad hair day and made a pretty retarded decision to try and do my hair myself. It turned black..with a little grey and green. I lost a lot of length due to the damage I caused with boxed color in addition to countless hours getting color correction at the salon (took two strips and two coats of color to fix it).

I"m not really known for my decision making skills as much as I am for my lack thereof.

Spoiler Alert, click show to read:Sorry it"s not scaled down!

(I have an obsession with hats, especially hideous beanies with big poofy balls on top. Consider yourselves lucky this is just a gay beret)
Girlfriend did that a while back when she tried to dye her hair purple... sucks


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Erronius said:
Alcestis was held in high esteem not because of her amazingly ample bosom (something most people didn"t know prior to now), but because she was a damn good poster (imo).
Totally agree. Case in point, Erronius is one of the most popular people on this forum even though people don"t know that Erronius is actually female.

How do I know that? Because of how long her fucking posts are. Same with Etoille and (At least in this thread) Ravvenn.


Tuco said:
Case in point, Erronius is one of the most popular people on this forum even though people don"t know that Erronius is actually female.
I believe the same, although not necessarily for the same reason. I was actually really surprised when I found out people considered her to be male. There is just something feminine about Err"s writing I guess.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Erronius said:
And as for being a mod, she"s pretty much the anti-Millie. Not because of the "Millie has a dick" thing, but because Millie had a mean streak a mile wide, had major issues and not just banned but DELETED people here. Ravv has often gone the opposite route and probably bans less people than others has, and generally gives people more chances than they would otherwise get.
Actually, it is "exactly" because of the "Millie has a dick thing" that I like Ravv.. I was banned for a few years because of it. It"s not that I minded not being able to post, but browsing a forum is kind of difficult without a user profile to save threads and other settings like posts per page..

That being said, I STILL got that exact same anti-white knight feeling that Stratos described when I read MaulNutz post.