Girls who broke your heart thread

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
I wonder how many problems develop in relationships due to people playing games and second guessing every little move trying to be something they arent normally.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Phoenix said:
I wonder how many problems develop in relationships due to people playing games and second guessing every little move trying to be something they arent normally.
Tons. This is probably most notable by people who read the "Alphazz guide to womenz n da puzzy and how 2 git da womens and da pussy *brofist*" guide online.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Phoenix said:
I wonder how many problems develop in relationships due to people playing games and second guessing every little move trying to be something they arent normally.
Like, all of them.

Seriously, if the wife and I have a fight before I leave for work or something over something retarded and trivial, by the end of the day, she"s seriously got it worked out in her head that we"re getting divorced and she should pack her shit and leave. All it takes is 12 hours of escalating the thoughts in her head with no feedback from me and that"s it, end of fucking relationship over some dirty dishes or something dumb.

It"s fucking hilarious every time.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
My GF is notorious for the "Worst possible scenario" being played at as facts in her head. I have to constantly remind her to stop doing that shit.


Maximum Derek
<Bronze Donator>
TheCutlery said:
Like, all of them.

Seriously, if the wife and I have a fight before I leave for work or something over something retarded and trivial, by the end of the day, she"s seriously got it worked out in her head that we"re getting divorced and she should pack her shit and leave. All it takes is 12 hours of escalating the thoughts in her head with no feedback from me and that"s it, end of fucking relationship over some dirty dishes or something dumb.

It"s fucking hilarious every time.
Basically how my last dating experience ended. 3 months, everything was going great then some stupid shit happened that I was not even aware of, and she and her room mate blow it way the fuck out of proportion within a day. I get confronted, advise her it is blown out of proportion and I stepped the hell away from that.


Can someone please go back through all of these 850 pages of posts and post one greatest hits post of all the tits and naked chicks?

Your"s Truely


<Prior Amod>
Voxx said:
Can someone please go back through all of these 850 pages of posts and post one greatest hits post of all the tits and naked chicks?

Your"s Truely
850pags? Pffft. (had to be done.)


I"ve been dating this cradle-robber for the past month now, and I mentioned everything moved super fast. Now we are really close and spend a lot of time together, enough that breaking up would be some major, almost life-changing, event much like year+ relationships are.

I"m REALLY into her and like pretty much everything about her. But one thing drives me fucking insane. She keeps asking for signs of affection. She lives 1hr+ away so we"ll talk on video skype at night sometimes and when we say goodnight she says "where"s my kiss?" in that sort of joking way but underneath you know it actually matters a lot to her whether or not you do it. She"s asked me "when are you going to buy me flowers?" on at least 2 occasions. Just today she did it when I asked if she wanted anything from the store. She said, "yea just one about flowers?"

Every time she does that I get really annoyed and tell her it ruins the meaning of the gesture when she ASKS for it. Instead of being thoughtful and sweet, I"m suddenly being her affection slave. She says, "well I know you and know you wouldn"t do it on your own, so I"m trying to give you a hint." Then I got ultra and told her that when she asks for those things, it makes me not one to do them.

This isn"t any game by me asking whether or not I should do it and what it means. I"m pretty firmly against giving affection on request--on principle. It cheapens it.

Those in long-term relationships, do you have to deal with this, and how do you handle it?
Well, if she"s asking, it"s probably one of two things: you either don"t show her enough affection so she"s taken to asking for them, or she just wants an overly large amount of it, in which case you should probably tell her that the gesture loses meaning if you do it too much, just like it would if it was done on request.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Uhh I would assumeneveryone in ahealthylong term relationship know signs of affection come natural?


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Dabamf said:
I"ve been dating this cradle-robber for the past month now, and I mentioned everything moved super fast. Now we are really close and spend a lot of time together, enough that breaking up would be some major, almost life-changing, event much like year+ relationships are.

I"m REALLY into her and like pretty much everything about her. But one thing drives me fucking insane. She keeps asking for signs of affection. She lives 1hr+ away so we"ll talk on video skype at night sometimes and when we say goodnight she says "where"s my kiss?" in that sort of joking way but underneath you know it actually matters a lot to her whether or not you do it. She"s asked me "when are you going to buy me flowers?" on at least 2 occasions. Just today she did it when I asked if she wanted anything from the store. She said, "yea just one about flowers?"

Every time she does that I get really annoyed and tell her it ruins the meaning of the gesture when she ASKS for it. Instead of being thoughtful and sweet, I"m suddenly being her affection slave. She says, "well I know you and know you wouldn"t do it on your own, so I"m trying to give you a hint." Then I got ultra and told her that when she asks for those things, it makes me not one to do them.

This isn"t any game by me asking whether or not I should do it and what it means. I"m pretty firmly against giving affection on request--on principle. It cheapens it.

Those in long-term relationships, do you have to deal with this, and how do you handle it?
My gf is a little like that, but not so blatant/persistent/whatever. My guess would be that she equates the things she"s asking for to your reciprocation of what she feels for you. I"m pretty sure that earlier in this thread there was discussion about methods and expectations of showing someone that you like/love/*insert feeling/emotion*, and how different they can be from person to person.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Dabamf said:
This isn"t any game by me asking whether or not I should do it and what it means. I"m pretty firmly against giving affection on request--on principle. It cheapens it.

Those in long-term relationships, do you have to deal with this, and how do you handle it?
Well well well. Dabamf looking for advice from the married guys. I shall mark this day on my calendar!

The ball is kinda in your court on this one. What she"s telling you is that she would desire more from you in this department. She doesn"t feel you"re doing enough on your own that makes her feel "loved" (not gonna mince words here, i know a lot of you are in short term relationships where love never enters into it, but that"s what it means, and you know what I mean). So then the question to you becomes "Do YOU feel you"re doing enough to show her affection and desire and all that shit?" Women like that shit. They like it when flowers show up at work. They like getting spontaneous crap that shows that you think about them when you"re not together. What she wants from you is a sign that when you"re out and about doing your daily business, you see something and go "Boy, she"d really love that" and either buy it/do it for her. Might be something as simple as a spontaneous date on a day off or something, or you might have to throw down 10 bucks for flowers.

The obvious other conclusion is that you do feel that you"re doing enough for her in that regard, in which case you just may not be compatible. She"s going to keep wanting it, and if you think it"s over the top, then there"s a good chance she"s not going to change. You might be able to lessen the need for such things over time by doing shit like telling her you love her on a daily basis (again, speaking from a long term relationship, this is super important to a woman"s mental actually HEAR you say it. They might "know" you care about them, but they need to hear you put it in your own words), to just being thoughtful and helping her out with her things without asking, but she"s always going to enjoy getting flowers, and candy and all that other shit that women swoon over. You just need to decide if that"s an acceptable price of entry for the relationship or not.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Dabamf said:
I"ve been dating this cradle-robber
She"s a bit older than you are? Has she been in a number of relationships, some bad? The reason I ask, is that I knew a woman who was very demanding, not in needing tons of affection per se, but rather needing affection as a reinforcement. She"d been in some other relationships and my impression was that after all the time together things fell apart, and she ended up almost afraid that she"d end up with someone else who didn"t "really" lover her and needed or wanted frequent signs of affection in order to convince her that everything was ok.

Dabamf said:
Instead of being thoughtful and sweet, I"m suddenly being her affection slave. She says, "well I know you and know you wouldn"t do it on your own, so I"m trying to give you a hint."
Affection slave? Does that really bother you? If it does, would you objectively say the issue lies with you or her?

And don"t get me wrong, I understand that people can go overboard and be cloying in relationships (both men and women). If you do give her a fair amount of affection already, one could see how her pressing for more would get annoying, however:

Dabamf said:
Then I got ultra and told her that when she asks for those things, it makes me not one to do them.
You honestly sound combative, and controlling in regards to showing affection. Imagine if the roles were reversed and you were asking for sex:

Dabamf: Honey, I want to have sex.
GF: No. It doesn"t mean anything if you have to beg me for it.
Dabamf: But we don"t have sex often enough...
GF: NO! When you ask me for sex, it makes me not want to do it!

I mean, she wants flowers when you"re going to the grocery? Roll your eyes and get her...something. Humor her. But make an effort to get her something on your own dime.

Dabamf said:
This isn"t any game by me asking whether or not I should do it and what it means. I"m pretty firmly against giving affection on request--on principle. It cheapens it.

Those in long-term relationships, do you have to deal with this, and how do you handle it?
I don"t get the principle thing - basically, what it boils down to (in my opinion) is that you dig your heals in when she asks, but she"s asking because she wants affection. She"s basically asking for affection and you aren"t giving it to her - you"re witholding it, and that doesn"t sem like a healthy thing to me. So when she seeks affection, she isn"t getting it - she"s getting you digging in your heels and refusing. Of course youCOULD, I suppose, object on principle and do it completely on your dime, but then again, if that"s what you"ve been doing apparently it isn"t enough for her to begin with, or she wouldn"t be asking. I honestly can"t tell you if she is going overboard asking for attention or not, or if you give her enough already, but what"s the harm? If you think you give her plenty already and this bugs you enough to really bother you, I dunno what to say. Lots of men humor their wives. They learn to capitulate over the small things, why fight over that shit? Want affection? Give her affection, and go back to watching football/basketball/whatever.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Ah crap, Erronius fucked up my edit train. But he nailed the point I wanted to expand on that you getting pissed off at her giving you hints that she "Knows you"d never do on your own" isn"t good for you, and makes you the bitch here. How would you feel if you told her "Hey, no teeth on the blowjob next time" and she said "Well, that"s how I always give blowjobs and it"s never been a problem before, I know what men want." It"s kinda the same principle. She"s telling you what she would like from the relationship because she"s comfortable enough with her own self esteem to ask for it. It"s something everyone should do, honestly, but most people just bottle that shit up and feel they can"t talk to their partner about it and then that"s when the breakups start.

Honestly, it sounds like she"s a catch, and you"re clearly stuck in the immature phase. She"s doing the right thing by trying to guide you in the right direction and you"re squandering the advice from a much more experienced woman. Take a step back, swallow your pride and realize you could learn a thing or 2 about a real serious relationship here instead of one that"s based on games and trickery involving how long you have to wait before replying to her texts.


Molten Core Raider
Try pretending to be studying her language on the bus and coyly asking her out when she offers to help you with a problem. I hear bitches love that.


Trakanon Raider
Dabamf, slow it down! Why are you going so fast? Do you not want a real, lasting relationship? It"s only been a month! You"re coming on too strong!

Sorry, I had to!


French Madman
Sooo, for all of you here, what is the best course of actions when you get interested in the same girl as your best buddy?

Here is a little background on the situation :

The girl is a friend of my best friend. They"re seeing each others from time to time as friends, but not often enough (she studies really hard and is not available to go out often and so on) for him to tell him he"s obviously interested.

I"ve seen her one or two times before at parties, and thought at first without talking with her that she was a bit of a dumb bitch.

Last think I know, yesterday night at the bar where we all were, I ended up talking with her and realize that I couldn"t be more wrong on my first impression. Beside being hot, she"s very cultivated (doing literary studies), smart, and funny. I couldn"t believe I was talking about Tolkien, Lovecraft and artistic fencing with a hot girl y"know.

We ended up talking how she was looking for someone, but hadn"t had the time to do so for the past few months because she was working so hard. She is not interested by the guys at her college because she finds them too dumb and inexperimented with life (well, she sometimes sounds high and mighty) and so on, and how she would like to find someone with common interests and with baggages to understand her and so on, in order to have a real relationship.

Well, anyway, didn"t make a move that night because I suspected that by best friend was interested, so I confronted him today.

Turns out, he is interested, but can"t find the way to make a move of his own. I made clear to him that I was also interested, but that he was first, bro-code yatta yatta and so on, but that he should make a move quick before she finds herself dating some random asshole instead of one of the two of us.

So, anyway, I think it might be hard for him to do anything now as he seems well into friend zone territory. He is a nice guy, but, well, he is THE nice guy if you catch my drift.

So, I"m willing to wait for him to make a move, but I fear that him being dumped would lessen my chances after that (you know the whole "can"t be dating the best friend of the guy I said no to culpability). And worst case scenario, he ends up waiting for eons before making a move and here we have a really nice girl finding a boyfriend before that.

So, any ideas guys?