Girls who broke your heart thread

Eomer said:
That"s pretty much supposed to be the idea for most Western style weddings. Problem is that a decent wedding is going to cost $100-200 per head, and the chances that everyone is going to pony up that much in gifts or straight cash aren"t very good.

I can honestly say "recouping" any (part, all, percentage whatever) of the wedding in cash, gifts etc wasn"t something that I even thought about until y"all just brought it up. In 1.5 years of planning and 6 months afterwards it never even registered.

When we approached the wedding it was "we want to throw a fabulous celebration that we"re going to enjoy and we want our guests to enjoy that we can afford" - it never occurred to me to even think about "ok we"ll hopefully we"ll get back x dollars to offset the costs" - though now that I think about it I guess it isn"t the first time I"ve heard of couples throwing weddings they can"t afford paying the balances off with gifts.

Honestly the saddest part was that it all went so fast I wish I remembered more. We had a best man that was pretty good with managing - making sure that we stayed hydrated, that we got a chance (for about 5 seconds) to eat, making sure that people didn"t monopolize our still all went so fast. Some of the best money we spent at the wedding was on the photographer and this service that will preserve the flowers in a way that they aren"t "dried" - they then press them and recreate the bouquet in art you can hang on the wall so I can look at my bouquet everyday .

I"m just happy that everyone had a great time. That was what I wanted out of my wedding day, and I got it.


Mmmkeshek said:
Monogamy benefits males more than females in overwhelming numbers. When dealing with polygamy, only the top Nth(use whatever number here you want, basically the studs) percentile of males "have it good", so to speak.
Wrong, pure and unnatural monogamy benefits females infinitely more so than males. See males can impregnate an endless stream of females ensuring their genetic continuation. Females on the other hand have significant risk and time investment for each act of child birth. No such limitation exists with males.

Marriage is a formal exchange of property rights (the woman) and has fuck all to do with evolution. True monogamy is almost unheard of in social mammals. All evidence points at monogamous relationships of about 12-36 months in duration would be the norm for humans.

Which coincidentally corresponds to the psychological and physiological correlatives to the experience of "love." Most marriages fail because its an unnatural event and barring extreme social pressure falls apart for all the reasons I have just listed.

That"s pretty much supposed to be the idea for most Western style weddings. Problem is that a decent wedding is going to cost $100-200 per head, and the chances that everyone is going to pony up that much in gifts or straight cash aren"t very good.
Barring religious overtones it seems like a pretty stupid investment as opposed to a pimp ass vacation for a week or two somewhere.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Gryeyes said:
All evidence points at monogamous relationships of about 12-36 months in duration would be the norm for humans.
So how long have humans been staying in a monogamous relationship 13+ (# of years to mature a human) years?

As for weddings, I made a profit on mine and paid for all of it.

1. Invite everyone you know.
1.5 Register at places like target instead of shit-holes like Bed Bath and Beyond or JC Pennies.
2. Find the cheapest reception hall and chapel that can fit them.
3. Make the women you know cook and serve the food.
4. Choose to be creative with your wedding instead of doing what most dumbass brides do (aka: "Go to a wedding planner and spend all of daddy"s money by pointing to things in a magazine").
5. ???
6. Profit.

A small group of people liked my wedding/reception more than any other they"ve been to. All the shallow fat bitches were probably upset because I didn"t shove expensive laced chair covers up their ass and pay a catering company $50 a head to serve a $4 steak, but who cares about them anyway, I spent my money on a 2 week honeymoon to Italy, the food was better than any wedding I"ve been to and everyone had a good time.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Eomer said:
That"s pretty much supposed to be the idea for most Western style weddings. Problem is that a decent wedding is going to cost $100-200 per head, and the chances that everyone is going to pony up that much in gifts or straight cash aren"t very good.
I suppose, I guess the main difference is that at a Korean wedding the chances of people not meeting the "per head" number is much, much more unlikely. And it"s pretty much always cash, not gifts of said value. That"s the tradition anyway, I"m sure it"s changing/adopting other stuff for korean american families.

That said, the gf and I want to have a small ceremony. Then for the reception, a kick ass taco truck, have a small but nice cake for the "cut ceremony", and then have a bunch of quality cupcakes for everyone. Basically something simple and fun, but not ghetto.

All this wedding/engagement talk seems like it belongs in the married guy thread.


Molten Core Raider
In my country, and also in Western Europe, i believe, we don"t get gifts at weddings, we put money in an envelope.

I spent 4.000 euros on my wedding, and that includes everything, wedding bands, the costs of the civil and of religious ceremony (where we even hired a freaking choir to sing for the duration), the wedding dress and my tuxedo, and the wedding party itself.

We had 80 guests, and we gathered 12.200 euros as "bride gifts", in cash. We spent 1.200 euros for a 9 days honey moon at a 4 start hotel in Palma de Majorca, and we deposited the rest in a bank account, 7.000 euros, pure profit.
For us, it was a major financial succes, eh, we could never save that much money ever.


Lord Nagafen Raider
wamphyr said:
In my country, and also in Western Europe, i believe, we don"t get gifts at weddings, we put money in an envelope.

I spent 4.000 euros on my wedding, and that includes everything, wedding bands, the costs of the civil and of religious ceremony (where we even hired a freaking choir to sing for the duration), the wedding dress and my tuxedo, and the wedding party itself.

We had 80 guests, and we gathered 12.200 euros as "bride gifts", in cash. We spent 1.200 euros for a 9 days honey moon at a 4 start hotel in Palma de Majorca, and we deposited the rest in a bank account, 7.000 euros, pure profit.
For us, it was a major financial succes, eh, we could never save that much money ever.
In the US, everything gets marked up massively once the vendor finds out it"s for a wedding. You have to be very sneaky if you want to avoid this.

Related video:

<iframe width="425" height="349" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Trakanon Raider
Gryeyes said:
Barring religious overtones it seems like a pretty stupid investment as opposed to a pimp ass vacation for a week or two somewhere.
I agree for the most part. There"s something to be said for celebrating with your good friends and family. But I"d imagine with most weddings that get past a few dozen guests the majority of the people invited aren"t close friends and family, but people the couple feels obligated to invite.

The first of my boys got married awhile back, and instead of a traditional wedding they had a destination wedding at a 5-star all inclusive in Costa Rica. Overall it was fantastic. Basically it was about 8 parents, aunts/uncles and "older" family friends. And then 20 of the couples" good friends. It was a week long party with a 30 minute ceremony in the middle of it. Great way to do a wedding. There was some specific issues with the resort: it was too expensive limiting some people from coming, we could have gone somewhere similar in Mexico for half the price, the flights sucked, and because of the expense of the resort it was entirely old couples and families. Not a single guy or girl anywhere in sight. But otherwise fantastic.

But all that said, they"re throwing a reception/party at home for all the people who couldn"t make it. But it"s basically just going to be a 100 person keg party. Should be good times as well. I think they did things right. But even then, their ceremony in CR and the reception back home are still going to set them back 15k or so.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Tuco said:
3. Make the women you know cook and serve the food.
You made your mom and grandma cook and serve instead of enjoying the evening?

For shame!


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Those pigs in a blanket aren"t going to fucking serve themselves!


The Big Mod
wamphyr said:
We had 80 guests, and we gathered 12.200 euros as "bride gifts", in cash. We spent 1.200 euros for a 9 days honey moon at a 4 start hotel in Palma de Majorca, and we deposited the rest in a bank account, 7.000 euros, pure profit.
For us, it was a major financial succes, eh, we could never save that much money ever.


Lord Nagafen Raider
kegkilla said:
Seriously, every time I read his posts, the voice of Borat narrates them in my head. I keep expecting him to start talking about gypsy tears protecting him from AIDS.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
In other news --

Divorce hard on grade-schoolers" test scores |

Reviewing the test scores and social well-being of 142 grade-school children with divorced parents, researcher Hyun Sik Kim was surprised to find no significant decline in the months leading up to their parents" divorces.

It was only during the divorces themselves that struggles emerged.

And two years later, the children remained behind their classmates from two-parent homes.

"They do not recover fully," Kim said, "and they do not catch up with other children from intact families."

Kim"s findings were not a surprise to Twin Cities" counselors and attorneys. For children, there"s a difference "between parents just fighting, and fighting and divorcing," said Phyl Bean, a Bloomington lawyer.
So, staying together for the kids is bad thing huh? We got any armchair counselors who want to expand on that?


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Malkav said:
You might want to reread what you posted.

It says that the DIVORCE is harder on the children.
You might wanna reread this thread where pretty much everyone berates anyone who says that they want to stay together for the sake of their children.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
This is what happens when youdon"tstay together for the kids.

<iframe width="480" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


<Prior Amod>
Never understood staying together for the kids....they can potentially end up coming out of that mess way more fucked up then had you just split.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Tarrant220 said:
Never understood staying together for the kids....they can potentially end up coming out of that mess way more fucked up then had you just split.
Except that the study shows that fighting parents don"t fuck up your kid"s education, divorce does? It"s saying that the "Potential" that everyone talks about is largely overstated.

Yeah, are you going to come out of childhood with some bizarre ideas about relationships if your parents are always fighting? Sure. But if your parents get divorced, not only do you come out of childhood with some bizarre ideas about relationships, but you"ve got lower test scores to boot, and probably some serious brainwashing/manipulation by one or both parents.

Face it. We"re all fucked up. We"ve all had some trauma in our childhood that shaped the way we view our adult lives. But apparently stable homes = educationally stable kids. What a fucking shock.


French Madman
Conclusion : don"t make a baby with a chick when you"re twenty so you don"t have to inflict the more than probable divorce to him a few years later.