Girls who broke your heart thread


Trakanon Raider
Sharmai said:
Eomer how old is this women again? Women in their early to mid twenties dont leave men they love because of commitment issues.
I"m not sure I understand the question. Xerxes is 32 or maybe 33 now, I forget. She hasn"t left anyone she loves that I know of. Her last relationship ended after she spent a week in New York with the guy and they apparently got fed up with each other after spending that much time together uninterrupted.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Aamina said:
C"mere big guy. Join the club. It"s going to hurt like a bitch, and FoH will be here to mock you if you choose to share the details. Also, to give you awful lines when you want to start online dating up.

Daelos is already taking his situation much better than you and he just started. He actually understands and is already doing the things suggested here on his own before he even read them. He isn"t here posting about trying to get pitty blow jobs to make things better or his wife beating him up during pitty sex. If he were to share the details I"m pretty sure they would be nothing like yours and no one here would have to tell him "wtf are you doing man, move on" etc.


Still a Music Elitist
TheCutlery said:
Your stalking is getting cute.

Unlike those girl pants.
You don"t make it that hard to figure that you"re married and have kids. You kind of mention it often.


Kenadul said:

Daelos is already taking his situation much better than you and he just started. He actually understands and is already doing the things suggested here on his own before he even read them. He isn"t here posting about trying to get pitty blow jobs to make things better or his wife beating him up during pitty sex. If he were to share the details I"m pretty sure they would be nothing like yours and no one here would have to tell him "wtf are you doing man, move on" etc.
Wait...are you implying that people handle divorce, adultery, heartbreak, and betrayaldifferently? And are you also implying that no matter what he posts, no one will mock him? This is FoH. Someone will take issue with something.

Anyway, as I said, he"s in the club now. And it will hurt, the guy sounds heartbroken. I feel for him. Stop acting all tuff n" stuff.

I also still don"t understand how the age is relevant to Eomer"s chick. Commitment issues rear their ugly head at any stage of life. Saying that young girls don"t leave due to commitment issues is like saying daddy issues only show up at age 30+.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
<Bronze Donator>
Aamina said:
Saying that young girls don"t leave due to commitment issues is like saying daddy issues only show up at age 30+.
What he meant by that it"s women in their 30s generally won"t stick around if you aren"t interested in a serious relationship. At that age they usually want to settle and any time spent with a guy who isn"t serious about commitment is a waste of time. Their stock is dropping fast and they know it. Women in their early 20s are much more willing to be in a more casual relationship and as long as they have a good time and their emotional needs are fulfilled, they will stick around. Younger women don"t dump your ass because you aren"t interested to have kids and buy a house in the suburb.

So that"s how this relates to Eomer"s chick. She"s in her 30s and regularly make comments about kids and wedding rings. You do the math.


Eomer said:
I"m not sure I understand the question. Xerxes is 32 or maybe 33 now, I forget. She hasn"t left anyone she loves that I know of. Her last relationship ended after she spent a week in New York with the guy and they apparently got fed up with each other after spending that much time together uninterrupted.
So does she have a history of being able to stay in long term relationships? Since she is 30+ years old you should be able to look at her past and get a pretty solid idea of what you are getting yourself into.

Especially important is if she has had a string of short term relationships that have rarely (1-2 times) gone over 1 year in length and less then 2 years in length.

Also important is how many times and how long she has been totally and completely single. You may not have this info but as you say you are her friend it"s possible you do. Of course if you do that is a pretty bad sign for any future relationship between you to.


Aamina said:
Wait...are you implying that people handle divorce, adultery, heartbreak, and betrayaldifferently? And are you also implying that no matter what he posts, no one will mock him? This is FoH. Someone will take issue with something.

Anyway, as I said, he"s in the club now. And it will hurt, the guy sounds heartbroken. I feel for him. Stop acting all tuff n" stuff.

I also still don"t understand how the age is relevant to Eomer"s chick. Commitment issues rear their ugly head at any stage of life. Saying that young girls don"t leave due to commitment issues is like saying daddy issues only show up at age 30+.
Motherfucker what? Don"t lump people with balls to your fanfic writing busch league chauncy ass self.


Aamina said:
Wow...source? Women can have commitment issues at any age.
Veryrarely will a women have commitment issues below the age of 30 and even at 30 they are only just beginning to develop. A women in her young to mid-twenties is in her prime and knows there are a thousand men she can get who will profess their love for her and might possibly have already proposed to her quite a few times.

It"s when the attention starts to wane that causes them to take notice of their biological clock ticking.


Trakanon Raider
Sharmai said:
So does she have a history of being able to stay in long term relationships? Since she is 30+ years old you should be able to look at her past and get a pretty solid idea of what you are getting yourself into.

Especially important is if she has had a string of short term relationships that have rarely (1-2 times) gone over 1 year in length and less then 2 years in length.

Also important is how many times and how long she has been totally and completely single. You may not have this info but as you say you are her friend it"s possible you do. Of course if you do that is a pretty bad sign for any future relationship between you to.
Again, I"m not looking to get myself in to anything with Xerxes. I don"t know a whole lot about her dating past to be honest, but in the 2.5 years I"ve known her she"s had a number of relationships that lasted a few months, and I think one that was 8-10 months long before the boyfriend (apparently) turned psycho and she dumped him. I think she said he"d moved in a few months in to that one.

But like I said, past being friends and perhaps diddling her a bit, Xerxes just isn"t what I"m looking for relationship wise.


Eomer said:
But like I said,past being friends and perhaps diddling her a bit, Xerxes just isn"t what I"m looking for relationship wise.
You lie.

Oh not about the wanting to stick one in her but defiantly about the relationship part. Maybe you lie to the forums or maybe you lie to yourself but you do lie. It seems from your posts that you have put far to much time, effort, and energy into thisfriendshipfor it be only that.

I have worse news for you though. You are in the friend zone. It would have been better that she hate you with a vengeance. It would have been better that she curse your name, wish your death and spit on you every time she saw you. It would have been better that she spend every waking moment thinking just how much she hates you then to be in the friend zone.

I am so very sorry.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Aamina said:
Wait...are you implying that people handle divorce, adultery, heartbreak, and betrayaldifferently? And are you also implying that no matter what he posts, no one will mock him? This is FoH. Someone will take issue with something.

Anyway, as I said, he"s in the club now. And it will hurt, the guy sounds heartbroken. I feel for him. Stop acting all tuff n" stuff.

I also still don"t understand how the age is relevant to Eomer"s chick. Commitment issues rear their ugly head at any stage of life. Saying that young girls don"t leave due to commitment issues is like saying daddy issues only show up at age 30+.
Your situation as well as his is terrible and I wouldn"t kick either of you while you are down. I was hesitant to even post for that reason, but well into your situation you kept making it worse for yourself repeatedly while you had information coming in from all sides on what you should and should not be doing. I"m sure he feels just as bad as you did while going through the drama but from his first post on you can see he still has his balls not is wife. Go back and look at what you posted with a more clear mind now that it is months behind, you may be surprised as what you read.

Edit: I just saw the other guys post about having balls, haha I skipped over it to post this before I saw it. Cracked me the hell up, it"s so true.


No I"m unsurprised. I know what I did, and I did it because I wanted to make it work despite everything. I see the difference, my point is that everyone deals with loss differently, even if theexactsame thing happened to him. I know the FoH choir was singing for me to do something else, but I was generally not looking for advice, I was looking to vent. I know it didn"t work, but I feel good now, knowing I can always look back and say I literally did everything in my power to make it work.


Stories since I"m going on vacation tomorrow:

BF girl that kinda stopped showing interest contacted me this week and, while doing her weekly trolling of korean cupid "because [she] is bored" she found her bf online. So she confronted him, at which point she discovered he had been talking to other girls the entire time they were dating. She feels like a victim now despite fucking me multiple times. Lolololol

The chick that threw 10000 shit tests at me never actually stopped acting that way. I thought after the first night and after sleeping together that would end, but nope. She thinks she"s teasing, but she actually says quite insulting things like 20 times a night. She asked me a question once about my job because it confused her, so I started explaining it to her, and 10 seconds later she says, "the last thing I want to hear right now is the boring details of your job."Hey bitch, you fucking asked.Except despite being a mega bitch, she"s REALLY sensitive and defensive underneath. I gave her some slack bc I could tell she really digs me but has some massive guard up, but last night I got fed up and called her on it. Her attitude immediately dropped and she started explaining herself for 20 minutes, none of which made any sense, then like 2 hours later we"re fucking. At this point I gave her so much slack and she"s got a shit attitude, so that"ll be the end of her probably. She"s rail thin but has huge (for a Korean) tits and fantastic ass. Sigh

I haven"t been active on there lately so I"ve got no new solid prospects as of yet, except for the 3-4 I"ve been talking to for a few weeks that are like 50/50 gonna lead somewhere.

In other news, I approached approximately 95 white girls the past week. All 95 of them said, "even though I"m fat and have nothing interesting to say, and I write a blog about my experiences in Korea, you"ll never get a white girl, so stop trying."


Dabamf said:
In other news, I approached approximately 95 white girls the past week. All 95 of them said, "even though I"m fat and have nothing interesting to say, and I write a blog about my experiences in Korea, you"ll never get a white girl, so stop trying."
Well OBVIOUSLY skinny Korean girls with big breasts and round asses are better than boring, fat, white girls. But if the latter is what you think we"re all talking about then you really need to take those blinders off.

Huuur hurrr...


Guarding the guardians
I was going to hit some bars tonight with a friend and talk shit about my (now ex-)wife. But it .


Confirmed Male
Daelos said:
I was going to hit some bars tonight with a friend and talk shit about my (now ex-)wife. But it .
Sucks dood. Maybe it will help put things into perspective about what is important in life, or maybe put things into perspective for her. Best wishes and prayers for you guys and gals up there.


Avatar of War Slayer
Dabamf said:
In other news, I approached approximately 95 white girls the past week. All 95 of them said, "even though I"m fat and have nothing interesting to say, and I write a blog about my experiences in Korea, you"ll never get a white girl, so stop trying."
Scotch tape on your eyes and responding with "..but I rearry rike you a rot!" will have you dining on white meat in no time!


So yeah, just broke it off with my girlfriend of 1 and a half years. Its honestly the first time I"ve ever broke it off instead of being the one getting the shitty news. I"m gonna spew out this shit and then get mocked but someone needs to read it.

We basically broke up because she"s younger than me by a few years and quite immature. She was needy and clingy to the max. I"ve never in my life had so much pressure to be around a person 24/7. I know, I shoulda bailed when it first became apparent. But I"m stupid. Oh so stupid.

I dunno, I coulda lived with the needy bullshit but then her parents start in on me. I have to listen to two uneducated fucks (Both of her parents barely finished High School) tell me I should handle the stress of college better. Mind you I"m in the process of becoming a Nurse (yeah, male nurse. I get a lot of shit for that.) and I have clinical hours and driving out the ass. I mean for fucks sake, I had to argue with these people about whether the word "Y"all" is okay to use in a college writing assignment. These mongoloid fucking retard hicks think that a little stress at college somehow correlates to me being unable to hold down a job ever.

I also feel like a dick for bailing out. I dunno, like I"m some sort of fucking sea captain who has to go down on the ship or something. Wtf?

Anyway, I"m drunk off my ass and mad. So yeah.

TL;DR- GF was clingy, parents were retarded. Sam Adams is my new best friend.