Girls who broke your heart thread


Molten Core Raider
I just spent $250+ at the strip club tonight and all I have to show for it is a major case of blue balls and some serious regret.

Fuck you guys.


PigBenis said:
I just spent $250+ at the strip club tonight and all I have to show for it is a major case of blue balls and some serious regret.

Fuck you guys.
I guess the The Girls Who Broke Your Balls Thread more or less = The Girls Who Broke Your Heart Thread, so ya.


Silence said:
I guess the The Girls Who Broke Your Balls Thread more or less = The Girls Who Broke Your Heart Thread, so ya.
Alternatively, The Girls Who Stole Your Balls Thread.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Wrathcaster said:
Alternatively, The Girls Who Stole Your Balls Thread.
I think that would be better suited for the Married Guy thread, based upon the content. Not to say there"s not people in here that fit that criteria, but Aamina took that shit to a new level.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Wrathcaster said:
Sounds like you need a boyfriend free girl to make your sweetheart from the ground up!
WHOA his feet must be tough as nails with all those legos.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Wrathcaster said:
You know how I said a couple pages back that there"s no reason to wallow in self-pity because of chick since there"s always someone worse off? Well, this guy is the absolute epitome of that notion.

Chris Chan
Takes government money and spends a crapton of it on weird shit and video games? I always figured Sean"s real life name was Sean not Chris.


Corndog said:
People should factor this in vs women. The money savings can be insane. Surely a single guy can waste his money just as fast as someone dating/in a relationship.

Women will always be here. The sooner you invest in a women, the worse she"ll look when you retire. The sooner you invest your money, the more women you will have when you retire.
I have 35k in cash after a years worth of work in this country. It"s not much, but damn it feels good to me.


I swear, I don"t understand women. I meet this girl and we get along great. We both share the exact same sense of humor, she"s really intelligent and pretty cute to boot. I ask her out and we meet up for a lunch date. It starts off great, really good conversation, we"re both going back and forth... and then she starts talking about her ex-boyfriend.

Ok. I don"t think there"s anything wrong with bringing up a past relationship if it"s to prove a specific point, but once you do so, for god sakes move the fuck on. I DON"T CARE ABOUT YOUR EX-BOYFRIEND.

Still, this girl was so cool that I was willing to forgive the 10 min conversation about her ex, so we moved on. Back to great conversation, things are going well again... and then she starts talking about this other dude who is chasing after her.

What. The. Fuck. Why would I care about something like that? And why would you spend another 10 minutes talking about it to someone who may a potential romantic interest?

This is literally like the fourth time this has happened to me. Maybe it"s something I"m doing? I really don"t understand.

Are there any normal women out there?


Lord Nagafen Raider
Whyme said:
I swear, I don"t understand women. I meet this girl and we get along great. We both share the exact same sense of humor, she"s really intelligent and pretty cute to boot. I ask her out and we meet up for a lunch date. It starts off great, really good conversation, we"re both going back and forth... and then she starts talking about her ex-boyfriend.

Ok. I don"t think there"s anything wrong with bringing up a past relationship if it"s to prove a specific point, but once you do so, for god sakes move the fuck on. I DON"T CARE ABOUT YOUR EX-BOYFRIEND.

Still, this girl was so cool that I was willing to forgive the 10 min conversation about her ex, so we moved on. Back to great conversation, things are going well again... and then she starts talking about this other dude who is chasing after her.

What. The. Fuck. Why would I care about something like that? And why would you spend another 10 minutes talking about it to someone who may a potential romantic interest?

This is literally like the fourth time this has happened to me. Maybe it"s something I"m doing? I really don"t understand.

Are there any normal women out there?
Bringing up an ex during a first date is a red flag. Could mean she isn"t over the ex.

Bringing up someone else sounds like trying to induce jealousy/play hard to get.

It could have been a fluke, maybe she was just having an off day. However, if you go out with her another couple of times and she keeps yapping about her ex, I"d be very wary.


She could just be nervous and just talking about the first thing that pops in her mind. I"ve said plenty of stupid shit about exes or other bad date topics over the years just because I"m a little nervous and just ramble.

If it bothers you, just steer the conversation away. It takes 2 people to have a 10 minute conversation about something. Stop talking about it. You can either start giving 1 word answers, "yea..." which will get the point across pretty soon, or just say, with a smile, "let"s not talk about exes anymore. blah blah blah new topic."

Chicks love to bring up guys who are chasing them or their celebrity fantasies or other stupid shit like that. Just take it as another shit test: ignore it and change the subject. It"s really irritating when girls do that. I feel the same way. But it"s not a reflection on you. Just steer the conversation to something else.


Whyme said:
This is literally like the fourth time this has happened to me. Maybe it"s something I"m doing? I really don"t understand.

Are there any normal women out there?
I sat down with a guy friend who has dated a whole slew of women, one right after another (to the point where every girl he described sounded exactly the same.) In every circumstance, he starts talking about ""she isn"t over her ex, I wasn"t over my ex, the ex started calling, there was drama with the ex...""

I"m starting to wonder if it isn"t an excuse for bad behavior. Gives her/him a preemptive excuse if/when they sleep with their ex, for starters.


Molten Core Raider
"Wait, are we talking about a guy that isn"t me? Hold on one sec. Choo choo...oh shit, gotta catch my train. I"ll be back when this conversation is interesting again."



Jabberwhacky said:
I"ve heard guys say the name Dildo Faggins before. Teenagers aren"t creative, and hearing "Bilbo" automatically triggers "Dildo" and Baggins of course goes to "Faggins."

In conclusion, your wife is cheating on you with some 17 year old at the local high school. That sucks.

Check out who that post was referring to. I won"t spoil the surprise. I"ll sum it up in a word: prophetic.


The Big Mod
Wrathcaster said:
Check out who that post was referring to. I won"t spoil the surprise. I"ll sum it up in a word: prophetic.
lol i had never seen that thread... i had figured his wife leaving him is what caused him to go nuts, now i know he was batshit insane from the start.
