Girls who broke your heart thread


I cut the no-FOH experiment short a week early. It didn"t really have the effect I expected. I just got bored easier. The real effect was in not playing video games (SC2, specifically). That experiment succeeded incredibly well, making me way more productive, feel less rushed for time, read & study more. That"ll continue until I can actually force some sort of time constraint like 7-10pm only or something. MMOs were out years ago because I can"t not play them obsessively. If you find yourself playing games every resting moment, this little experiment might be worth a try. Or not.

Anyway, this update is for the 33% of 1 person that cares. I"m back, though the spirit of this thread is mostly dead thanks to trolls and smart people that think you should be exclusive the moment you say hi to a girl. I used to really try to give feedback on here or post stories that were interesting or a learning experience. It feels mostly like a waste though. No one can even post anything here without preparing for attack by at least 5 people. "I ate a carrot today." "LOL what a piece of shit you are."

Hell even when I said I"m gone for a bit, some guy says, "I like your posts, though I do think you made them all up." Lol alright mental illness boy, thanks for your hatred disguised in a compliment. That"s the kind of shit that makes people not want to contribute. I"m not talkin about just myself here, I"m talkin about that kind of attitude"s effect on others, too. Why do you think the real stories on here basically don"t exist? We get someone new every now and then, but they quickly learn not to post. Eomer doesn"t share hardly anything probably because the moment someone reads "hi" they start brainstorming how they can insult him. No one shares failure stories. I haven"t shared a single failure in like a year because some psycho will remember it and bring it up 2 years later to somehow discredit me, as if mistakes aren"t possible, only character traits.

I got a little sidetracked. I like when people share stories and ask for feedback. I think the desire to learn and improve through one"s own or another"s experience is the mark of a solid guy, especially enduring the absurd insults that get thrown out for no reason. So I really am a little bummed that this thread has gone the way it has. Yea, it"s an internet thread about girls who broke your heart. Stepping back and just thinking about the idea, it"s absurd. Yet I believe this thread has helped a LOT of fellow nerds improve their skills with women, and even some things in life.

Look at some of the stories here. Kazakhstan guy finally escaped his psycho girlfriend and is workin on a new life. Maybe he woulda done it anyway without this thread, but if this thread was even 1% of the influence in a decision that prevented the inevitable disaster that relationship woulda ended in, I"m fuckin proud of that. There are tons of cases similar to that that I"d like to reference, but I have the memory of a goldfish and don"t remember any names.

Fuck look at Aamina. For all the shit we give him (probably deservedly), just think about what he was like in the married guy thread and you can"t NOT be blown away at how much that guy improved. Yea fat chicks and blowing Keg on the side, but compare it to the starting point, and that is some pretty god damn amazing progress. This thread contributed to that.

Everyone are strangers here mostly, but this is a thread that has actually helped alter people"s lives for the better. Sure many seemingly never learned a thing, but tons did, and there are even more that don"t post but get just as much out of this thread as others. I know that by PMs I"ve gotten over the past few years.

Anyway, my absence was a mix of really wanting to see what would happen with no forum browsing, but also a result of being a little frustrated with the turn of this thread. The former didn"t yield any results, but the latter still lingers. It"s to a point where posting feedback in this sea of absurdity is too annoying and feels futile.

So I"m back to FOH mostly, but my involvement in this thread is gonna be limited. I really enjoy giving feedback, for whatever reason. But it"s become tiresome to do it in the thread. If anyone wants feedback or another perspective, always feel free to PM me, and I"ll do my best to help and keep it private.

Thanks for not reading.



Dabamf said:
I cut the no-FOH experiment short a week early. It didn"t really have the effect I expected. I just got bored easier. The real effect was in not playing video games (SC2, specifically). That experiment succeeded incredibly well, making me way more productive, feel less rushed for time, read & study more. That"ll continue until I can actually force some sort of time constraint like 7-10pm only or something. MMOs were out years ago because I can"t not play them obsessively. If you find yourself playing games every resting moment, this little experiment might be worth a try. Or not.

Anyway, this update is for the 33% of 1 person that cares. I"m back, though the spirit of this thread is mostly dead thanks to trolls and smart people that think you should be exclusive the moment you say hi to a girl. I used to really try to give feedback on here or post stories that were interesting or a learning experience. It feels mostly like a waste though. No one can even post anything here without preparing for attack by at least 5 people. "I ate a carrot today." "LOL what a piece of shit you are."

Hell even when I said I"m gone for a bit, some guy says, "I like your posts, though I do think you made them all up." Lol alright mental illness boy, thanks for your hatred disguised in a compliment. That"s the kind of shit that makes people not want to contribute. I"m not talkin about just myself here, I"m talkin about that kind of attitude"s effect on others, too. Why do you think the real stories on here basically don"t exist? We get someone new every now and then, but they quickly learn not to post. Eomer doesn"t share hardly anything probably because the moment someone reads "hi" they start brainstorming how they can insult him. No one shares failure stories. I haven"t shared a single failure in like a year because some psycho will remember it and bring it up 2 years later to somehow discredit me, as if mistakes aren"t possible, only character traits.

I got a little sidetracked. I like when people share stories and ask for feedback. I think the desire to learn and improve through one"s own or another"s experience is the mark of a solid guy, especially enduring the absurd insults that get thrown out for no reason. So I really am a little bummed that this thread has gone the way it has. Yea, it"s an internet thread about girls who broke your heart. Stepping back and just thinking about the idea, it"s absurd. Yet I believe this thread has helped a LOT of fellow nerds improve their skills with women, and even some things in life.

Look at some of the stories here. Kazakhstan guy finally escaped his psycho girlfriend and is workin on a new life. Maybe he woulda done it anyway without this thread, but if this thread was even 1% of the influence in a decision that prevented the inevitable disaster that relationship woulda ended in, I"m fuckin proud of that. There are tons of cases similar to that that I"d like to reference, but I have the memory of a goldfish and don"t remember any names.

Fuck look at Aamina. For all the shit we give him (probably deservedly), just think about what he was like in the married guy thread and you can"t NOT be blown away at how much that guy improved. Yea fat chicks and blowing Keg on the side, but compare it to the starting point, and that is some pretty god damn amazing progress. This thread contributed to that.

Everyone are strangers here mostly, but this is a thread that has actually helped alter people"s lives for the better. Sure many seemingly never learned a thing, but tons did, and there are even more that don"t post but get just as much out of this thread as others. I know that by PMs I"ve gotten over the past few years.

Anyway, my absence was a mix of really wanting to see what would happen with no forum browsing, but also a result of being a little frustrated with the turn of this thread. The former didn"t yield any results, but the latter still lingers. It"s to a point where posting feedback in this sea of absurdity is too annoying and feels futile.

So I"m back to FOH mostly, but my involvement in this thread is gonna be limited. I really enjoy giving feedback, for whatever reason. But it"s become tiresome to do it in the thread. If anyone wants feedback or another perspective, always feel free to PM me, and I"ll do my best to help and keep it private.

Thanks for not reading.

So...are you going to stop lying to us about how attractive you find Asian people relative to the rest of the world"s races? Because being honest might actually help you gain traction here.


Dabamf said:
I cut the no-FOH experiment short a week early. It didn"t really have the effect I expected. I just got bored easier. The real effect was in not playing video games (SC2, specifically). That experiment succeeded incredibly well, making me way more productive, feel less rushed for time, read & study more. That"ll continue until I can actually force some sort of time constraint like 7-10pm only or something. MMOs were out years ago because I can"t not play them obsessively. If you find yourself playing games every resting moment, this little experiment might be worth a try. Or not.

Anyway, this update is for the 33% of 1 person that cares. I"m back, though the spirit of this thread is mostly dead thanks to trolls and smart people that think you should be exclusive the moment you say hi to a girl. I used to really try to give feedback on here or post stories that were interesting or a learning experience. It feels mostly like a waste though. No one can even post anything here without preparing for attack by at least 5 people. "I ate a carrot today." "LOL what a piece of shit you are."

Hell even when I said I"m gone for a bit, some guy says, "I like your posts, though I do think you made them all up." Lol alright mental illness boy, thanks for your hatred disguised in a compliment. That"s the kind of shit that makes people not want to contribute. I"m not talkin about just myself here, I"m talkin about that kind of attitude"s effect on others, too. Why do you think the real stories on here basically don"t exist? We get someone new every now and then, but they quickly learn not to post. Eomer doesn"t share hardly anything probably because the moment someone reads "hi" they start brainstorming how they can insult him. No one shares failure stories. I haven"t shared a single failure in like a year because some psycho will remember it and bring it up 2 years later to somehow discredit me, as if mistakes aren"t possible, only character traits.

I got a little sidetracked. I like when people share stories and ask for feedback. I think the desire to learn and improve through one"s own or another"s experience is the mark of a solid guy, especially enduring the absurd insults that get thrown out for no reason. So I really am a little bummed that this thread has gone the way it has. Yea, it"s an internet thread about girls who broke your heart. Stepping back and just thinking about the idea, it"s absurd. Yet I believe this thread has helped a LOT of fellow nerds improve their skills with women, and even some things in life.

Look at some of the stories here. Kazakhstan guy finally escaped his psycho girlfriend and is workin on a new life. Maybe he woulda done it anyway without this thread, but if this thread was even 1% of the influence in a decision that prevented the inevitable disaster that relationship woulda ended in, I"m fuckin proud of that. There are tons of cases similar to that that I"d like to reference, but I have the memory of a goldfish and don"t remember any names.

Fuck look at Aamina. For all the shit we give him (probably deservedly), just think about what he was like in the married guy thread and you can"t NOT be blown away at how much that guy improved. Yea fat chicks and blowing Keg on the side, but compare it to the starting point, and that is some pretty god damn amazing progress. This thread contributed to that.

Everyone are strangers here mostly, but this is a thread that has actually helped alter people"s lives for the better. Sure many seemingly never learned a thing, but tons did, and there are even more that don"t post but get just as much out of this thread as others. I know that by PMs I"ve gotten over the past few years.

Anyway, my absence was a mix of really wanting to see what would happen with no forum browsing, but also a result of being a little frustrated with the turn of this thread. The former didn"t yield any results, but the latter still lingers. It"s to a point where posting feedback in this sea of absurdity is too annoying and feels futile.

So I"m back to FOH mostly, but my involvement in this thread is gonna be limited. I really enjoy giving feedback, for whatever reason. But it"s become tiresome to do it in the thread. If anyone wants feedback or another perspective, always feel free to PM me, and I"ll do my best to help and keep it private.

Thanks for not reading.

A little less text and a little more "Wakandan dick" would have made your comeback something to remember.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Churchill said:
So...are you going to stop lying to us about how attractive you find Asian people relative to the rest of the world"s races? Because being honest might actually help you gain traction here.
Only beautiful women exist in South Korea.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Look at some of the stories here. Kazakhstan guy finally escaped his psycho girlfriend and is workin on a new life. Maybe he woulda done it anyway without this thread, but if this thread was even 1% of the influence in a decision that prevented the inevitable disaster that relationship woulda ended in, I"m fuckin proud of that. There are tons of cases similar to that that I"d like to reference, but I have the memory of a goldfish and don"t remember any names.
I will say this thread was extremely helpful to me (Kazakhstan guy). Advice from friends was good, but having input based on facts without any emotional attachment was invaluable for helping me with my situation. Honestly, I probably wouldn"t have done it without this thread.


Molten Core Raider
Dabamf said:
It"s like this... when you post just ignore the 20+ people who are gonna post stupid shit and just read the ones that actually help or are constructive... it"s really that simple... who gives a fuck what people like Zehn or James says about a post? By giving them the ability to effect you, you are perpetuating it and making it possible for them to continue to bother you... it"s something aanima should have learned about Keg but seems to be too slow on the up take to grasp.

The short of it all is that most people on here don"t matter... it"s the ones that do you should care about talking to.... ignore the rest. It"s like cursing the tv because it has 30 channels of shit you don"t watch yet you keep turning to them... stop and only watch the channels you want and flip through the others and ignore them.


Molten Core Raider
Dabamf said:
Anyway, this update is for the 33% of 1 person that cares.
I care ...

Dabamf said:
Look at some of the stories here.
Yeah, mine for example. Happily married thanks to the advice I got in this thread.
Hell, happily exited a mentally abusive relationship thanks to you guys.
Happily banged that hot climber girl thanks to you guys. Short but fun distraction.

My life changed for the better, and I couldn"t have done it alone.

Carry on.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Camerous Valde Unus said:
It"s like this... when you post just ignore the 20+ people who are gonna post stupid shit and just read the ones that actually help or are constructive... it"s really that simple... who gives a fuck what people like Zehn or James says about a post? By giving them the ability to effect you, you are perpetuating it and making it possible for them to continue to bother you... it"s something aanima should have learned about Keg but seems to be too slow on the up take to grasp.

The short of it all is that most people on here don"t matter... it"s the ones that do you should care about talking to.... ignore the rest. It"s like cursing the tv because it has 30 channels of shit you don"t watch yet you keep turning to them... stop and only watch the channels you want and flip through the others and ignore them.
This post is golden, you should learn to take your own advice.


privileged excrementlord
Camerous Valde Unus said:
It"s like this... when you post just ignore the 20+ people who are gonna post stupid shit and just read the ones that actually help or are constructive... it"s really that simple... who gives a fuck what people like Zehn or James says about a post? By giving them the ability to effect you, you are perpetuating it and making it possible for them to continue to bother you... it"s something aanima should have learned about Keg but seems to be too slow on the up take to grasp.

The short of it all is that most people on here don"t matter... it"s the ones that do you should care about talking to.... ignore the rest. It"s like cursing the tv because it has 30 channels of shit you don"t watch yet you keep turning to them... stop and only watch the channels you want and flip through the others and ignore them.
This sounds like some dystopian forum that is boring as shit.

Darus Grey_foh

I dunno, I"ve posted my stories or comments in this thread from time to time and never really gotten any backlash over it. Maybe this one will fix that!

I mostly don"t share too often cause I think my experiences tend to be kind of boring, and frankly the issues I have are different than most of you so they"re not very relatable.
But since I"m talking about it might as well update my saga for anyone who cares.

Last time I posted I basically decided I wanted a girlfriend, and went and got a fairly attractive one in like a week. Bitches like confidence, etc(and I certainly am not lacking that).

Anyways, I dated her for 2~ months and eventually broke up with her because it wasn"t a viable long term relationship(keep in mind, since we both met through a long term dating website, that was the context going in, so discussing family and stuff 2~ months in wasn"t really awkward).

She went to school for 8 years, had a very high paying career she worked really hard for, but insisted that if we were to have a family in the future that she wanted to be a stay at home mom.

I told her in much nicer words, that"s a waste of both her money and time, and the money and time we as a society spent educating her, provides very little statistical benefit to the children, and would put the entire burden of the home on my shoulders; which in my view is very selfish. Especially considering I have a career that has very low hours(academia) and a job that I can easily telecommute to(software engineer), so in the context of us as a couple, it made infinitely more sense for me to raise children at home if we were to have any, as I would have to give up very little and she was wanting to give up it all.

She however, felt that as a woman she was entitled to this. I called her very sexist and in much less nice terms, ended our relationship there. I want a partner, not a weight around my neck sucking my blood because she felt "Entitled" to it.

She still calls me like once every few weeks drunk or depressed or something, wanting to get back together; Judging by her dating history I think it set in that she probably won"t ever do better than me. Ah well. that happened, I was bumed for a few days and got over it.

So I"ve known this girl for a few years, and known of her for like a decade. Just objectively she"s probably the classiest woman I"ve ever met in my life, pretty, self reliant, very level headed and rational, always thinks things through and weighs options and yet purposefully keeps some of her femininity so that she"s not just the "man in a woman"s body" type(for lack of a better term).

I was always attracted to her but never even gave pursuing it a second thought, she"s way out of my league from my perspective. Plus we met playing MMOs so I just assumed she was secretly crazy anyways(she"s not!).

Well, apparently she felt the same way about me this whole time(that I"m out of her league >.>). I don"t know if it was me being brashly stupid and destructive or what, but one night I just flatly told her, that out of all the women I"ve met in my life, she"s the only one I could ever imagine myself staying with well into old age, and that if I have a metaphorical soulmate, it"s probably her(which is honestly how I felt about it).

This is the first time I made anything even remotely considered an "advance" on her, and frankly I don"t know what possessed me, cause that"s complete creeper territory and I"m well aware of that. She always had a BF and since I respect the sanctity of other people"s relationships I had never even tried. Well apparently she had broken up with her 4~ yr BF 2 months prior, was available, and "was stunned by the calm sincerity in your voice"...

So that"s been going on since and I"ve never been happier in my life.

Do not take this as an endorsement. This is possibly the only time in human history confessing your undying love for a girl has ever actually worked. lulz.


Long time lurker, I"ll add to the awesomeness of crazy meet on plenty of fish.

So I chat this girl up on PoF a little, talk on to each other on the phone for 20 minutes. Seems normal, a nurse, so she has a decent profession doesn"t smoke, her own house. No abnormal amount of pets. No kids.

We tentatively plan to do something friday because her friend was having a meltdown so said she might have to go help her friend.

1115pm rolls around and shes finished helping her friend out and wants to meet at some dive bar.

Do first in person hellos, order drinks. I swear I heard her order a DOUBLE Vodka and Root beer. WTF kind of drink is that?

First thing she says to me once we sit down is, that shes been drinking a little with her friends. And if she says anything dumb to give her a 2nd chance.

Conversation is going along fine until, out of no where she asks what is my length and girth. Im like lmao wtf are you serious? She was serious. So I said something like play your cards right tonight and you might find out.

We get back to normal first date talk until, she starts talking about how her mom a nurse works with disabled veterans(i"m a veteran) and a lot of them suffer from erectile dysfunction. And she pauses and stares right at me after saying that. And I go So? And than she looks at where my crotch would be under that table. Being slightly offended by such a question. I make the smartass reply "why don"t you put your hand under the table and find out if it works"

At that point she got all offended and said that was a really rude thing to say. I said that question was even more offensive to ask someone just because some vets dicks don"t work, all vets must suffer from it. (Note- I was a communications technician, not a real veteran)

That was pretty much the end of the date. I did give her a 2nd chance at a date, just because I wanted to see how crazy the crazy was, but she never got back to me.


I felt like sharing this.. Maybe it"s just me, but I thinkthis guyseems a little ungrateful taking the whole Blowjob Patrol bit into account.

AskReddit fizzled out, so heres a repost.

Obvious throwaway is obvious.

This is just me ranting online so feel free to disregard it.

A few months back I met this wonderful girl at college and I had just started working so it was a great time to be in a relationship. She was awesome in so many different ways and into all the sports and gaming I was so it was great. Fast-forward a few months and I ended up moving together with her to save up on our costs (besides she didn"t want to add to her student debt).

But when we moved in together things started changing in a weird way. She was a little OCD about stuff and would require that I precisely place things in the right places. Otherwise she would get mad. This in itself is not so bad because my dad was like that but it threw me off a little because outside the house she was pretty much carefree.

The next big change was in our bedroom. She started getting more adventurous. We started playing with various BDSM stuff and each time I was a little uncomfortable but went along because a) she had a smokin hot bod and was great in bed and b) her dom side was a lot of fun although a little scary at times. This included things like rope-play, she even bought some collars and gags and things like that.

However this took a turn for the worse when she started demanding sex and submission from me at random times. One weekend I was curled up in bed catching up on some reading when she whispered in my ear that she wanted to have some fun. And when I went to join her, she tied me up for something like 4 hrs and was doing random things. I felt super-weird but was enjoying it the whole time so that time I didn"t compain. Then it happened again. When I tried speaking about it to her, she thought I was getting less turned on by her and decided to up the seduction, much to my chagrin. She would drop by in my office unannounced and whisper dirty things into my ear. Send me nudie pics and other things.

I"m not going to go into too many stories because frankly I dont have the patience (unless someone else asks) but long story short, yesterday she decided that we should share each and every orgasm we have and that effectively means I"m disallowed from masturbating. She"s also weird in that she judges my porn and sometimes tries to act out things in it. I"ve caught her trying to fake moaning and other things.

The funniest thing though is that she"s perfectly normal in non-sexual settings. Like a day out on the beach or something its awesome. But once she gets a little horny then she becomes more unpredictable.

When I protest about this saying that obviously sometimes a guy has to do his thing she told me she"s available 24/7 on "blowjob patroll". Now things like this slightly weirded me out.

What do I do? She"s amazing otherwise, can hold a great conversation, we have lots of fun time and the sex is also awesome, but its getting weirder and weirder. I"m hapless right now on how to handle this.
He posted anupdateyesterday:

Following up on this

So I thought long and hard about all the advice given on this thread and reevaluated some of the interactions with her. I read up on BDSM and other dom/sub stuff over the weekend and finally (after a few shots of my favorite whiskey) decided to speak to her openly and honestly.

I think she was partly misguided by things like magazines and she agreed that she"ll run new ideas through me. I think she was also a little shaken up that I might leave her if things didn"t work out.

And I"m actually going to take a leap here out of my comfort zone and embrace her dom side. It was obvious she wanted to try out this power play and went about it really non-sexily. So I"ve been turned off by it. But I"m open enough to try it out. But she agreed to scale things back a little bit I guess.

And now that this weight is lifted off my shoulders I might actually enjoy the 24/7 BJ patrol that first pushed me over the edge. Without the crazy restrictions it sounds like the best idea ever. And surprisingly enough she also wants to be dominated and stuff, so it was a lot more mutual than I thought. I just never asked.

Thanks again sexxit. It went okay. If people are interested I can keep you updated. Hopefully things don"t degrade.
It seems he came to his senses for the most part, but he still seems like a giant pussy. It"s a shame to see a man brush off frequent blowjobs, it makes me sad for the men stuck with women who hate giving head.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Ravvenn said:
I felt like sharing this.. Maybe it"s just me, but I think
It seems he came to his senses for the most part, but he still seems like a giant pussy. It"s a shame to see a man brush off frequent blowjobs, it makes me sad for the men stuck with women who hate giving head.
Bro, I don"t know about everyone else, but if my sex life started turning that way, I would be afraid that her penetrating me would eventually be "the next step." I"m down with a little D/S, but going crazy with it without really checking to see if it"s cool with your partner is a little, well, crazy. "Blowjob patrol" aspect is obviously nice, but shit.. If I got tied up for four hours in the middle of the day without any real notice, I"d be a little frustrated. Wakandan got shit to do.