Girls who broke your heart thread


Lord Nagafen Raider
Wrathcaster said:
the casual seemingly innocent conversations that worked so well in the past haven"t worked at all through this platform.

I mostly just bullshit about music, school, shared interests or whatever but it never goes anywhere.

I haven"t actively conversed with more than 10-15 women

Not really sure what I"m doing wrong here.
You already know what you"re doing wrong.... now you just have to fix it. If a woman is on a dating sate, she"s not looking for a friend, even if her profile says "looking for friends". Stop trying to be their friend, start trying to be their boyfriend. Remember, many women join dating sites for the same reason guys join dating sites.

I"m not saying what you"re doing is "wrong". I"m sure that both you AND the woman are enjoying the conversations... which is important. But you need to better direct and steer the conversations to achieve what both you and her are "actually" interested in.. ie: meeting and hooking up. Women are terrible initiators.


The Big Mod
this dude is like the antithesis of aanima.

girl breaks aanima"s heart, cry on the internet for months and kiss foreheads.

girl breaks this guy"s heart, goes berserk and stop at nothing to ensure bitch"s life is in pieces.


LeionheartPrexus said:
I"m crazy need therapy. If you wanna fuck the girl she hates right after you break up that"s cool and all, but stalking her and trying to ruin her life makes you a huge loser.

Plus she"s ugly
Ok ill leave her alone. I was just burnt she kinda fucked things up for me. I had paid about 700 on a ring and she left me with 300 dollar cellphone bill. So just steaming but if I should leave her alone I will. Its done then.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
LeionheartPrexus said:
Ok ill leave her alone. I was just burnt she kinda fucked things up for me. I had paid about 700 on a ring and she left me with 300 dollar cellphone bill. So just steaming but if I should leave her alone I will. Its done then.
Never fall in love with a girl with nipple pierces. Get the amazing blowjobs they give then get out. There is a crossroads in life every woman must face and that question is "Should I be a psycho bitch and get my nips pierced or should I be level?" This chick chose the left path.


LeionheartPrexus said:
Ok ill leave her alone. I was just burnt she kinda fucked things up for me. I had paid about 700 on a ring and she left me with 300 dollar cellphone bill. So just steaming but if I should leave her alone I will. Its done then.
Yeh, drop it. One of my ex gf"s owed me $4k when we broke up. I didn"t press the issue because she didn"t have any way of paying it back, and if her broke-assed parents were any harbinger of things to come, would never be able to pay it back. I viewed it as being a small cost of not getting divorced from her in the future. We were friends for 3 years and dating for 1 and I had zero desire to talk to her about anything much less the debt when we walked away from the smoldering crater that used to be our relationship.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Why the fuck are you people giving this much money to chicks? Hell I make my girlfriend pay me rent.


privileged excrementlord
I lent a couple hundred to the ex I posted pictures of a while back. Never bothered asking for it until after I broke up with her. Luckily she had forgotten some expensive ass dresses at my place when she moved out, so it was recovered.


Tenks said:
Why the fuck are you people giving this much money to chicks? Hell I make my girlfriend pay me rent.
We were cruising towards marriage, and $4k for her last year"s worth of college tuition seemed like smart money at the time. Heck, it still seems like smart money now, and it wasn"t like I was her personal ATM anyway.