Girls who broke your heart thread


Trakanon Raider
Back to me! Refresher:

I"m laughing at myself how I can see that I"m either getting gamed, or simply starting to desire what I can"t have. After dropping Barb off at her place on my way to work Friday morning, I had kind of written her off. Physically attractive no question, and seemed like a nice girl, but also really "small town", possibly stupid, and just not a lot of mutual interests. I figured I"d give it another date or two to see how she was sober, and not lit up.

She had suggested we hang out this passed Sunday at her place and watch some TV, but begged off supposedly because a shift came up at her side waitressing job. No worries I said, let me know your sched and we"ll figure something else out this week. She didn"t reply with any specific days that worked. Then last minute Monday afternoon I realized I had tickets to the Sharks game and asked her if she"d be up, but she"d apparently made plans to watch the Bachelor finale with a friend of hers who is going through a breakup. She said she was tempted to cancel anyway, and next time she"d be up "fo shooooooo", thanks for thinking of her etc.

After going back through the texts, I don"t actually think she"s playing any games, nor is she begging off cause she"s not interested. Dropped lots of things like "another time", "chat soon" etc but on the other hand when I asked her on Sunday what her schedule was like during the week she didn"t give me any specific days that would work this week. She"d also asked me three times when she was drunk to come out for her birthday this weekend coming up, but I"ll be out of town.

I think if anything she"s a bit embarrassed about how drunk and forward she got last week and likely trying to play things a bit cool so as not to scare this awesome new guy off (amirite?). Like I said though, I"m chuckling at myself right now because last Friday I didn"t really care if I saw her again, and yet here I am after getting turned down a couple times wanting to see her again. At this point just going to play things cool and let her make the next move, the ball is in her court.

Oh also I"m quite aware of the fact that I"ve not provided boobs in the past. At the hockey game last week at one point I jokingly asked if she had any good nude pics on her phone when she handed me her phone to hold on to for her, and sure enough she right away busted out a great pic of her in lingerie (after showing me like 20 pictures of her cats). Most of the girls I"ve dated are not the naked pics kind of girl, but this one is, so we"ll see what can be done. Already know the PIN to her phone, if it comes to that!


Bad sign Eomer. Standard rule is a womenWILLmake time to be with a guy she is interested in. She could have surgery scheduled for her dying mother who has 2 days left to live and she would still find an hour or two to just drop by and chat. Or hell invite you to "hold her hand" and all that.


Queen Bee
Eomer said:
Back to me! Refresher:

I"m laughing at myself how I can see that I"m either getting gamed, or simply starting to desire what I can"t have. After dropping Barb off at her place on my way to work Friday morning, I had kind of written her off. Physically attractive no question, and seemed like a nice girl, but also really "small town", possibly stupid, and just not a lot of mutual interests. I figured I"d give it another date or two to see how she was sober, and not lit up.

She had suggested we hang out this passed Sunday at her place and watch some TV, but begged off supposedly because a shift came up at her side waitressing job. No worries I said, let me know your sched and we"ll figure something else out this week. She didn"t reply with any specific days that worked. Then last minute Monday afternoon I realized I had tickets to the Sharks game and asked her if she"d be up, but she"d apparently made plans to watch the Bachelor finale with a friend of hers who is going through a breakup. She said she was tempted to cancel anyway, and next time she"d be up "fo shooooooo", thanks for thinking of her etc.

After going back through the texts, I don"t actually think she"s playing any games, nor is she begging off cause she"s not interested. Dropped lots of things like "another time", "chat soon" etc but on the other hand when I asked her on Sunday what her schedule was like during the week she didn"t give me any specific days that would work this week. She"d also asked me three times when she was drunk to come out for her birthday this weekend coming up, but I"ll be out of town.

I think if anything she"s a bit embarrassed about how drunk and forward she got last week and likely trying to play things a bit cool so as not to scare this awesome new guy off (amirite?). Like I said though, I"m chuckling at myself right now because last Friday I didn"t really care if I saw her again, and yet here I am after getting turned down a couple times wanting to see her again. At this point just going to play things cool and let her make the next move, the ball is in her court.

Oh also I"m quite aware of the fact that I"ve not provided boobs in the past. At the hockey game last week at one point I jokingly asked if she had any good nude pics on her phone when she handed me her phone to hold on to for her, and sure enough she right away busted out a great pic of her in lingerie (after showing me like 20 pictures of her cats). Most of the girls I"ve dated are not the naked pics kind of girl, but this one is, so we"ll see what can be done. Already know the PIN to her phone, if it comes to that!
Awwww. Eomer, uarerite.

You"re too good for her and she knows it.


A blessing and a curse

Ps: any girl that takes pics of her naked self in lingerie with her phone has either showed them to ten other guys and/or is not worth your time and a total skank.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Sharmai said:
Bad sign Eomer. Standard rule is a womenWILLmake time to be with a guy she is interested in. She could have surgery scheduled for her dying mother who has 2 days left to live and she would still find an hour or two to just drop by and chat. Or hell invite you to "hold her hand" and all that.
While I wouldn"t go so far as to say that they would drop in on the way to visit her dying mother if she was interested in you, chicks that are interested definitely make an effort to spend time with you. This chick keeps kicking the can down the road... Obviously I don"t know this chick, but if she really is avoiding you out of embarrassment then I would think that she would attempt to resolve that discomfort in another way than to keep putting you off if she was interested.

At the end of the day it doesn"t matter what we say because you"re going to keep jonesing for her attention until you feel some closure. It happens to all of us. Good luck finding yours.


Wrathcaster said:
Hate to back up Aamina... But damn dude, srsly, that"s a little harsh even for him.
My invective isn"t one iota too harsh for him. Aamina is the soggiest, weepiest, creepiest, and easily the most spineless poster to fuck up FOH"s cadence with his shitbag and pointless whine-o-ramas. He has no spine of his own, nor does he have the ability to adopt one via proxy; instead he slithers slack-shouldered from relationship to another, imaginary or not and billboards his shit life on FOH and shrugs off every constructive criticism FOH gives him.

This guy needs to be taken out back and shot, or at least beaten to within an inch of his life with the self same dildo that his wife was fucking instead of him.

Weepy White Trailer Trash = No Thanx.


Eomer said:
The hell is begging off? Is that Canadian for backing off?

IMO, just leave this one be. If she really wants to hang out, she will, and it sounds like you"ve tried enough to make your schedule fit. Don"t put too much stock into what she texts you while she"s drunk. I think it goes without saying that people can be very, very different while drunk and 8 slices of pizza girl doesn"t sound like she"s any exception to that rule; don"t take her drunk texts for evidence that she"s dead set on hanging out, just that she"s dead set on hanging out with you when she"s drunk. Just let her make the next move. If she"s really interested, she"ll call/text and you can make definite plans. But don"t continually dick around trying to get her to commit to something if she keeps being dodgy, you don"t have time for that shit either.

And don"t get caught in the text-friend bullshit trap. You know the one where some skank texts you all the time about nothing and everything in general, and just generally uses you as a mobile diary that writes back. You"re probably smarter than that but I"ve been there before and seen it happen to friends... You think, hey this girl"s texting me all the time! She must be interested if she"s sending me texts at 2 a.m. talking about her day!

Then boom, it"s 2 months later and you"re at a starbucks wondering why you"re talking to some cunt about her ex-boyfriend


Trexmussen said:
Awwww. Eomer, uarerite.

You"re too good for her and she knows it.


A blessing and a curse

Ps: any girl that takes pics of her naked self in lingerie with her phone has either showed them to ten other guys and/or is not worth your time and a total skank.
no one needs or wants any advice from you. and anyone who gets any sympathy from you for anything they"re going through probably goes right to suicide.


Trakanon Raider
Trex said:
and a total skank
Out of boredom last night I perused through some old Facebook pics of her. Jesus, a couple years ago she had platinum blonde hair with a perm and shit. "Small town" was too kind, she was or is straight up white trash!

Wrathcaster said:
Don"t put too much stock into what she texts you while she"s drunk.
I don"t think I"ve texted her while she was drunk, although I"m starting to think she"s drunk 24/7:

This morning said:
Me: Happy birthday, welcome to the late 20"s!

Her: boooo.... fack I got loser pissed at work last night and I"m not in good form this morning....

Me: Shocked, once again

Her: Yaaa... not good... that wasn"t supposed to happen.

Her: But how do you turn down 10 shots of honey jack?

Me: You ask for real jack instead? I hate that junk!

Her: Hahah ughhhhhh ya I had to do the walk of shame and ask my boss to leave work and come pick me up... and now I"m here I can"t functions
Soooooo classy! Makes me wonder if the boss didn"t take a round out of her.

Wrathcaster said:
Just let her make the next move. If she"s really interested, she"ll call/text and you can make definite plans. But don"t continually dick around trying to get her to commit to something if she keeps being dodgy, you don"t have time for that shit either.
That"s the plan, next move is hers.

Wrathcaster said:
And don"t get caught in the text-friend bullshit trap. You know the one where some skank texts you all the time about nothing and everything in general, and just generally uses you as a mobile diary that writes back. You"re probably smarter than that but I"ve been there before and seen it happen to friends... You think, hey this girl"s texting me all the time! She must be interested if she"s sending me texts at 2 a.m. talking about her day!

Then boom, it"s 2 months later and you"re at a starbucks wondering why you"re talking to some cunt about her ex-boyfriend
Yeah, not gonna let that happen.


Molten Core Raider
Cancerous said:
We met at a bar over the weekend I don"t really know her that well we hit it off talking about music andgamesmostly. I"ll try taking her to the bar after food
Confirmed fatty.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
PigBenis said:
Confirmed fatty.
He probably spent the night telling her about his history of phat loots, and mentioned "beads". She probably thought he was being kinky and got aroused. Boy, is she in for a shock when he clarifies what they really are.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Erronius said:
He probably spent the night telling her about his history of phat loots, and mentioned "beads". She probably thought he was being kinky and got aroused. Boy, is she in for a shock when he clarifies what they really are.
He"s going to need that Eye of Zomm to find his dick.


Erronius said:
He probably spent the night telling her about his history of phat loots, and mentioned "beads". She probably thought he was being kinky and got aroused. Boy, is she in for a shock when he clarifies what they really are.
You"re giving him to much credit. No way he had Hogresh Elder Beads.