Go ..l.. yourself. I'm out.

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Vyemm Raider
I thought the Jugs started in screenshots when a whole mess of people started using different variations on the Kool-Aid jug mascot as their avatars. People who identified themselves in this manner adhered to a loose code that exemplified "Jug Life". Which broken down basically means, acting tough, foolish, aggressive, and stupid for laughs and not taking anything too seriously. As such they shed all criticism with the ability to constantly state that they weren't being serious and everyone else should just calm down. Much of this behavior could be considered trolling, but the Jugs also seem to somewhat engage in the community and are not exclusively out to fuck with people. It's like Troll-lite essentially.

Maybe they are just the local #885 representing the Juggalo anti-labor union, but I had never made that association before. Would explain a lot though.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Will someone please, please, please fix Eomer's avatar?
This please. Something good may come of this thread yet.

Nothing will make this feel like home more than Eomer's distiurbingly mesmerising avatar.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Jugs started as shitty posters banding together. It's the same theory that makes a mediocre looking chick bring her fat friend clubbing. You might be a 6 but next to that 2 you look like an 8. Except every one of them thought they were the 6 and the other Jugs were the 2s while it was really just a bunch of 4s.

But then something magical and beautiful happened, all those 4s looked around and realized that they had each other. They no longer felt the crippling need for outside attention. They became metaphorical lesbians and just sat around scissoring each other and being happy. And it was wonderful for everyone just like when real lesbians scissor.

Or maybe I'm talking out of my ass. I just started typing and then blacked out and woke up here at the end.


Buzzfeed Editor
I doubt we'll see Camerous any more. If he is reading this thread I don't see how he would want to come back. Perhaps it's for the best any way. Seems he wasn't liked here any way. As for me I didn't know you very well Camerous but I wish you the best.
So this is cam?

What a little fucking psychopath. Even a_skeleton_03 didn't say goodbye and wish himself well.


Riddle me this...
Jugs are Jugs bros, we have no love for Juggalos nor do any of us care 2 shits about the magic behind magnets. Cam has always been the Butters of Jugs. He's a retard but he's our retard at least thats how I always viewed him. Jugs siding with the donkey? I say nay good sirs, she sided with Jim to start with and the Jugs have carried the banner of donkey hatred since.
The Jugs bring shenanigans to the forums, we try to be trolls to the trolls. We hold the line against the Mippos and Shellys and Donkeys.


Molten Core Raider
I don't get it. If eating Asparagus can make people behave so unpredictably then :

i) why do people still eat it, and

ii) why isn't it illegal ?
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