GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Golden Baron of the Realm
I really wish they hadn’t made Jaime and Brienne fuck. That book writing scene would have been a lot more meaningful if they just still had a super strong bond of friendship and respect. Boning just kind of ruined it (Other than Jaime’s arc getting dumped into a tire fire...).

She could have played the pissed off woman role and wrote some shit. King slayer yes Pussy slayer no!
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Greywurm was completely unbelievable in his role this week. Goes from slaughtering prisoner to just letting two people that betrayed Dany just walk free. Then jumps on a boat and leaves Westeros.

Then you have them declare a Stark King while at same time the North secedes. Utterly stupid the lords wouldn't have agreed to that.

Was all just writing to place as many people as possible in a character full feeling conclusion realism be damned.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
the North secedes

It's funny, they talk about the North being an independent kingdom for thousands of years, but iirc weren't they ALL independent kingdoms for thousands of years before the Targaryens came and unified them under one crown?
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Life's a Dream
So here's my final tally picture.


Good game, Bran.
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Tranny Chaser
They are worried about the budget to rebuild a navy but not the budget to rebuild the entirety of Kings Landing?

Who cleaned up the Red Keep? Is the thing even structurally sound? Sam got a couple of pity rings from Old Town via correspondence school for transferred real life credit? I guess no one in Old Town really cares who the 'Grand Maester' is anymore. They just do whatever they want and no one bothers them. I took the fact that Tyrion isn't even in the book as proof that the official records of the Maesters don't give a real fuck about what happens in the 'Six Kingdoms'. They based the whole thing off what they got via Raven reports and none of those mentioned Tyrion.

Brienne protecting Bran seems sensible. What didn't was Bran leaving the council right after kicking off the meeting. Wasn't the whole point that he was an all-knowing entity capable of doing good where no one else could? I guess if he knows all he doesn't need to be in the room and his presence would have distracted them from their banter... Eh it just seems silly inasmuch as him even needing a Hand given that he's not the sort of warrior king that needs to delegate such stuff.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
ok I know there’s a million issues but this one is driving me batshit.
1 - you have the winterfell episode where the Dothraki all appear to die or mostly die
2 - inexplicably they are back and double by episode 5
3 - there’s even fucking more of them after the war at start of episode 6. Makes no fucking sense
4 - at end of show they don’t even explain what happens with them?? They followed fuckin danaerys and no one else, are they going to just run around between lannisport and Kings Lansing raping ? There’s just zero resolution to them whatsoever.

The thing that’s so maddening about this is, if they got number 1 right in the first place, then they wouldn’t have had to worry about number 4. They weren’t even needed in the siege of kings landing anyway. I’m just so confused, it’s one thing to give someone plot armor because you need them later in the narrative, that’s lazy and uncreative writing and I GET that, we’ve seen plenty of this from dnd. But.. to kill them off .. then bring them back.... then not explain them... my head hurts. Maybe it’s like some kind of lost type mindfuck thing and the Dothraki post winterfell were never real and just a figment of danys madness???
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Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
George Lucas would've done a better job. SW prequel trilogy was a masterpiece compared to this. And now dnd is going to direct SW franchise.

Lmao. What a time to be alive.
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ok I know there’s a million issues but this one is driving me batshit.
1 - you have the winterfell episode where the Dothraki all appear to die or mostly die
2 - inexplicably they are back and double by episode 5
3 - there’s even fucking more of them after the war at start of episode 6. Makes no fucking sense
4 - at end of show they don’t even explain what happens with them?? They followed fuckin danaerys and no one else, are they going to just run around between lannisport and Kings Lansing raping ? There’s just zero resolution to them whatsoever.

The thing that’s so maddening about this is, if they got number 1 right in the first place, then they wouldn’t have had to worry about number 4. They weren’t even needed in the siege of kings landing anyway. I’m just so confused, it’s one thing to give someone plot armor because you need them later in the narrative, that’s lazy and uncreative writing and I GET that, we’ve seen plenty of this from dnd. But.. to kill them off .. then bring them back.... then not explain them... my head hurts. Maybe it’s like some kind of lost type mindfuck thing and the Dothraki post winterfell were never real and just a figment of danys madness???

It's hard to see, but there are a bunch of horses being led to the same ships the Unsullied were on when Jon is heading to the docks. I assume the Dothraki are going with them, or are just taking some of those ships to Essos.


Ssraeszha Raider
All I kept thinking while watching the ending was "man...If we had great writing bringing us here, this would have been great". Absent Bran the Broken, everything in that ending would have been amazing if the road there made sense. The visuals, the nostalgia, the epilogue for the characters--all appealing. The only problem is a lot of it didn't make sense because the characters stopped feeling like they were real and became plot pieces 2 seasons ago.

Bran could have made a lot of sense if they showed him using his 3ER abilities in meaningful ways.

Instead they had him spend the last couple of seasons staring off into the distance and dropping occasional creepy one liners
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Trakanon Raider
It's funny, they talk about the North being an independent kingdom for thousands of years, but iirc weren't they ALL independent kingdoms for thousands of years before the Targaryens came and unified them under one crown?

There's too much history and a lot of it is confusing and unclear, but it appears the North began to organize into an actual kingdom with a single king (with the exception of the Boltons who resisted) around the time they fought off The Others during the Long Night around 8,000 - 6,000 BC. Other kingdoms such as the Iron Islands formed shortly afterwards, but the Andal Invasion around 6,000 - 2,000 BC killed and conquered everyone but the North who successfully resisted. Around 3,000 BC the Andals raise 6 kingdoms of their own in their place and around 700 BC House Stark subdues House Bolton for dominance in the North.

Aegon lands in Westeros in 2 BC and within 2 years unites 6 of 7 kingdoms with Dorne remaining independent for a short time.



<Gold Donor>
Skimming through the posts and I didn’t see anyone else bring this up but if anyone has, sorry aboot dat eh...

Jon leaves the Watch to become the next King Beyond the Wall, or did no one else get that impression when he was heading North with the wildlings?
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Tranny Chaser
Yeah he does, and it seems likely that Tyrion was at least nominally aware of this fact when he sent him up there.


Skimming through the posts and I didn’t see anyone else bring this up but if anyone has, sorry aboot dat eh...

Jon leaves the Watch to become the next King Beyond the Wall, or did no one else get that impression when he was heading North with the wildlings?

It's very heavily implied, and I'm OK with it. The wall serves no real purpose anymore, and Jon would feel like helping the wildlings reclaim their homes and survive as a people would be the right thing to do rather than standing on top of a now pointless wall.
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I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
The finale was totally absurd. It was like one of those 3D foam puzzles of a castle, but they used cheese whiz for half of it.

It'd be my entire morning to list how much of it is ludicrous to the point of being a bad fan fic, but I think my biggest complaints mirror Lithose Lithose . Most of my criticism probably stems from playing M&B Warband mods set in asoiaf, but whatever.

. Bronn getting Highgarden is stupid because it wasn't like the city/land was wiped out, just a few members of House Tyrell. Like the most intact force in Westeros is just going to accept a sell-sword with no leadership talent to rule them?

. KL was as fucked as the dothraki/unsullied were after the Great (not really) War. It's no longer the seat of Westeros power, has no clout and wouldn't have the power to even maintain ownership of the surrounding areas, much less bend the knees of Dorne, the Iron Islands, whomever took control of Casterly Rock. Why would the Tully's, the Eyrie, White Harbor or anyone north of Harenhall bend the knee to KL when Sansa already didn't? If they reverted back to "the seven kingdoms" like Drogon nuking a chair it would've fit perfectly, instead it's cheese whiz.

. The unsullied capturing Jon deserved a scene, but it totally fits that without a leader Greyworm would be paralyzed by indecision. He was only killing the Lannisters because he was ordered to. What doesn't make sense is Greyworm giving two shits about Jon taking the black, but who knows, Greyworm has literally never made a real decision in his life.

. The dothraki coming to a new land that is so weak Bronn can take the highest power in it and not just riding west to rape everything is silly. It's like expecting the Somalis to leave Minnosota's welfare and go back to Somolia after Obama left office.
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