GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Winter was coming. Now winter has come. On Stannis' face. As LSH's snowball.
I don't think winter is here in the TV show yet. Unless they're completely getting rid of the white raven in the show. I can't recall if they've ever even talked about the white raven in the show.


Musty Nester
I think there's an awful lot about that episode that was dumb.

Although I can forgive the Stannis parts. Brother man was having the unholy mother of bad days. It just so happened that it was exactly the wrong day to have a bad day.

I guess they broke the mold. Ep 8 was the big awesome, this time.


The Scientific Shitlord
I don't think winter is here in the TV show yet. Unless they're completely getting rid of the white raven in the show. I can't recall if they've ever even talked about the white raven in the show.
Hardhome was the turning point. Now it's just ride the wightening as they roll over the Night's Watch and take the wall down.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Well this is a bummer if true.

I was talking to Dan Weiss and he said Jon is really dead. But George R.R. Martin left open the possibility the character might not be dead in the books. And then that cast salary contract story came out last year and it had your name among those receiving raises for season six and an option on a seventh. So let me ask you: Is Jon really dead?
This is my understanding of it. I had a sit-down with Dan and David, we did the Tony Soprano walk [letting an actor know they?re being whacked]. And they said, ?Look, you?re gone, it?s done.? And as far as the salary thing goes, that angered me when that story came out. I don?t know where it came from, but it was inaccurate in many ways. It?s going to put questions into your head and into fans? heads that things are not what they are. Quite honestly, I have never been told the future of things in this show, but this is the one time I have. They sat me down and said, ?This is how it is.? If anything in the future is not like that, then I don?t know about it ? it?s only in David and Dan and George?s heads. But I?ve been told I?m dead. I?m dead. I?m not coming back next season. So that?s all I can tell you, really.

Source:star on that shocking death |


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Nothing I've read makes me think Jon isn't coming back. Obviously they are not going to say he isn't dead.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
I don't think winter is here in the TV show yet. Unless they're completely getting rid of the white raven in the show. I can't recall if they've ever even talked about the white raven in the show.
The white raven was sent to KL from the Citadel in S2.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
He wore a skullcap covering his hair for the last movie he did, AFTER filming his death on GoT.

He's not dead, they're just bullshitting you.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Nothing I've read makes me think Jon isn't coming back. Obviously they are not going to say he isn't dead.
hope you're right. I think it's smoke as well. The contract thing is really a spoiler and it looks like they're trying to cover it up.


Bronze Squire
So still not a good idea to hit up the spoilers thread? I don't mind theories, but if things get straight up spoilered I'll rage. Especially things with Bran as he wasn't in this season.
Most of the major players are in place, every major character in the TV show is pretty much either caught up to where they are in the books, or they aren't following their book storylines in the show anymore. However, there is still a potentially major story line from the books that could be a part of next season. Or it could just be a GRRM sidetrack in the books and be axed by the TV show like many other storylines have been, book readers just don't know the entire scope yet.

As far as fan theories, even though they are just theories there is a lot of stuff pulled from the books to generate those theories. I can think of at least one that, if it pans out, could have a huge impact on the ending and I would say at this point discovering the theory via information from the books does havepotentialto be a big spoiler for the show. Then again, could be a red herring or just pure conjecture too, we just don't know.

For me personally, if any of the things I'm talking about were unknown to me and I learned of them via reading about it from book readers I don't think it would a big deal to me at this point. But spoilers don't bother me a whole lot, when I was reading the books and my friends kept asking me "Did you get to the Red Wedding yet?!" it gave me a pretty good idea of what was going to happen, didn't ruin that chapter at all for me. If spoilers could potentially make you rage you might want to think twice though.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
"Jon Snow is dead" is the new "we're using it to hunt terrorism", no one really believes it but they have to keep on saying it.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
It was a bit confusing I think the implication was that Stannis' deserters joined Roose since there really wasn't any other way to go. If you look at a map of the north they are in a super shitty place on the Kingsroad.

Assuming they are halfway between Castle Black and Winterfell, their options would be extremely limited. The Dreadfort on the right is a non starter obviously, going back up to Castle Black is worthless they would be stuck there for winter and may be conscripted into the watch. Going east or west would not take them to anywhere with ships that could go to Essos in enough capacity.

That pretty much only leaves Winterfell, betraying Stannis, and assuming Bolton hires them all. As sellswords thats a pretty good bet. It does kinda suck they didn't really talk about it at all, like having a scene with a few sellswords after Shireen's burning where they start talking about how hopeless this is and what their options are.
This is 100% true. Maybe the deserters who got a horse and some decent supplies could ride south to white harbor. But most of them? They've got nothing to do but go take the black or go to winterfell.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Anyone else thing its dumb that they only sent 2 dudes to go find their dragon flying queen?
Yeah thats what I was alluding to with the duos thing. It seems like the show is obsessed with just pairing two people up almost sitcom style of "He's a liberal! I'm a conservative! But we make it work ... somehow! Tune in Thursdays at 9/8 central to see their hilarious hijinks!"


Mr. Poopybutthole
Uh, maybe I missed it but did they actually show Jorah and Daario leave Meereen by themselves? I assumed they'd be leading a tracking party, not just going off by themselves.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Uh, maybe I missed it but did they actually show Jorah and Daario leave Meereen by themselves? I assumed they'd be leading a tracking party, not just going off by themselves.
Those were the two people on horseback walking out when Tyrion and Varys were talking, no?


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I just think the finale would have been better for the show view viewers if his eyes did warg, I think people would have freaked out more then having him just lay there. Jons death felt very lackluster compared to all the others


Trakanon Raider
Did you actually watch the episode? Tyrion is looking over the battlements and you see the two riding off, its when Varys appears.